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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57716809 No.57716809 [Reply] [Original]

I'm inheriting $150,000 dollars from my grandparents. I have no idea how to invest this money wisely and make even more money from it. I have zero business sense and I've heard that lots of entrepanuers say that your networth explodes after your first $100,000 dollars. What do they mean by this?

>> No.57716815
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I'm not sure if it's appropriate to scream SEXOOOOOOOOOO for this one

>> No.57716818

Ewwwwwww, she looks like a literal child.

Hella creepy for you to be low key posting this pedo bs

>> No.57716819


>> No.57716821


>> No.57716827


>> No.57716833


>> No.57716870

>I'm inheriting $150,000 dollars from my grandparents. I have no idea how to invest this money wisely and make even more money from it. I have zero business sense and I've heard that lots of entrepanuers say that your networth explodes after your first $100,000 dollars. What do they mean by this?
Ayo why did this guy's grandparents leave him money but not mine?
>I've heard that lots of entrepanuers say that your networth explodes after your first $100,000 dollars. What do they mean by this?
I don't know what an entrepanuer is but they probably meant people who actually own businesses not people who got a windfall.

90% in something safe, like one of those locked savings accounts that gives you 5% APY or your 401k
9% in something less safe like the broad stock market or nshittia
1% of 150,000 (so 1,500) in something volatile and retarded.

>> No.57716875

if you didn't post that goofy picture I'd help you but try again tomorrow and come armed with basic information about your life like income age education etc

>> No.57716879

>I've heard that lots of entrepanuers say that your networth explodes after your first $100,000 dollars. What do they mean by this?
They're referring to starting and running a business that's earned you your first 100k in profit, usually in those cases they can scale up those businesses, which in turn will generate more profit and make your networth explode. Getting that first 100k as an entrepreneur isn't trivial though.

Simply investing 100k without any previous investment or business experience won't see your net worth explode. If you work a job and save money, the 100k invested in stocks will put you in a good position since even in S&P500 it will average 8k/year. If you don't touch it and add nothing to it, that will compound,
after 10 years earning 8%, that 100k will turn into 215k
20 years 466k
30 years 1 million
40 years 2.1m
Of course inflation will also reduce what 2.1m will be worth in 40 years, but it will be better than holding cash.

If you have nothing going for you, find a blue collar wagie job that you can learn and turn into a business, then just dump 135k into investments, toss 15k into a mix of bitcoin/ethereum/link and a few random altcoins. Keep working and taking your savings and putting that money into investments. Don't sell your investments until you have enough to retire. Simple as.
Alternative, if you're capable, use 2-3k to start a small business in something that takes minimal capital investment and try to grow it. If you can become profitable enough to pay your expenses, then figure out how to scale it, don't go all in with your 150k on anything, that's the quickest way to lose it all.

>> No.57716889

Ummmm r*ddit is that way

>> No.57716922

I'm 33. I work as a janitor right now and trying to become a boiler operator at the hospital I work at. I'm make $25 dollars an hour right now.

>> No.57717004


Just keep doing what you're doing, whatever you do, do NOT drastically increase your spending or cost of living. What you want to get into is called cash flow investing. Take that money and put it into something with a little risk as possible thaf generates cash flow. I can't recommend buying property to rent out because that market is in a megabubble, but the general principles apply.

Here's what I do with my funds
>buy ETH
>put it into a lending service
>enjoy my interest and eth upside potential

There's various platforms for this like aave, maker and compound. Currently I have mine on the L2 execution layer Zk sync in a protocol called fringe fi because they're starting a rewards program for their FRIN token, there's a zk sync token airdrop coming and they received pyth and arb airdrops to distribute to their users which can potentially be extremely valuable.

Opportunity is there when you start looking for it, hope this helps and good luck!

>> No.57717019

>wage for life and muh compound interest. bueno. listen - if anon wanted the answer of a 60yo boomer then he wouldn't be on biz, would he? you make me sick. listen OP, go all in on ETH and ignore these other pieces of shit that would have you wage until death. And for the love of God do not stake your ETH on any stupid app or protocol that will rug in 12 months time like this retard >>57717004 is suggesting.

>> No.57717034

first time posting big guy? kek

>> No.57717079

>1% of 150,000 (so 1,500) in something volatile and retarded.

He could go higher like 5 or even 10 percent.

The problem is that it will almost certainly go bad and he'll be tempted to draw more money from his safe funds and double down.

OP, do not double down!!! Eat the loss and do not speculate on garbage with savings savings. Earn some more money and then gamble with that.

>Here's what I do with my funds
>>buy ETH
>>put it into a lending service
>>enjoy my interest and eth upside potential

ETH counts as gambling (it is absolutely a speculative asset no matter what the ETH bros tell you). Putting it on an exchange instead of a hard wallet counts as double gambling. Lending it out and risking the loan going bad counts as triple gambling.

OP, I'm not telling you not to do it, I'm saying limit it to a fraction of your funds that you've marked off for craziness.

Be sure to do all the boring responsible shit with >50%. Buy some index funds.

Open a ROTH IRA. Buy a DRIP (dividend reinvestment plan) inside the ROTH IRA.

The DRIP will take dividends from whatever stock (GE, Coke, or whatever) and use them to buy even more stock. Since they're inside a ROTH IRA you won't have to pay tax on the dividends and it'll be pure gravy. You won't be able to spend any of it until retirement age but the max contribution is only a few grand a year anyway so you should start now. I believe you can also borrow from it if you need a house down payment or something.

>> No.57717080


Fringe has been around for 5 years now and recently launched their v2 so what are you talking about

>> No.57717092


After the bullrun eth might crash back down to 3k but not much lower than that. Meanwhile the volatility generates interest because fringe has margin trading as a revenue stream built right jnto their defi protocol. So virtually no risk of losses, plus any downside will be offset by the extra token rewards.

>> No.57717104

Telling people to get into the stock market megabubble is extremely irresponsible. It's going to go up because it's an election year and crash hard after that. Probably the big meltdown that might result in a currency crisis. Telling people to not take advantage of the money printing induced crypto bullrun is in my view evil. You know it's going to fly.

>> No.57717118

>Telling people to get into the stock market megabubble is extremely irresponsible.

You know, keeping some cash on the side in case the market shits the bed is not a bad idea.

>> No.57717140


I wouldn't in 2024, but I also wouldn't want to be in either dollars or speculative assets after 2024 ends. The market might dip 90%, but can you even move money at that point. We've seen how these bankers operate during the robinhood citadel/Melvin capital scam where they just forcefully sold positions for normal users to cover a 7 billion dollar gamble they made and lost fair and square. That's going to happen on a much larger scale, but with houses.

Ideally make a lot of money in 2024, then keep part of the money in crypto stablecoins, metals and dollars to prepare for any scenario. That way you can farm interest, have dollars for the big crash so you can pick up dividend stocks for almost free and if the currency crisis happens you have metals to buy properties dirt cheap.

The reason I recommend fringe is because unlike all the others, it has margin trading as a revenue stream so it won't completely die down during a bear like the others.

>> No.57717453
File: 43 KB, 873x600, 1708555743490522 1696464435864757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no matter how old that girl is... if she doesn't activate neurons, you're gay.

>> No.57717521

a million KASPA and start selling when you hit one million dollars, which is 100% going to happen

>> No.57717531

>tap on butt
>hey excuse me love but the bottom half of your pants seem to have fallen off I can see your asscheeks
>oh... you meant to look like this? Well that means you're asking for it and that gives me permission to rape you so here goes
this is how incels think

>> No.57717534

This, literally all in on LINU
+ The digits as always

>> No.57717535

wtf are you talking about nigger?

>> No.57717601

If you think "hmmm she's underage wouldn't", i'm sorry but you're ULTRA GAY A RAGING HOMESEXUAL WHO CRAVES COCK or an american.

>> No.57717622


If you want it to be safe, just put it in the government money market fund for now. You'll earn 5.25% on it. That's $8k a year.

>> No.57717628

what's the difference?

>> No.57717633

>They're referring to starting and running a business that's earned you your first 100k in profi

also we're talking about business equity, not cash usually. It takes a lot of work to build a business from $0 up to $100k. After that growth should be trivial in a scalable business model. Taking a $100k business to $10mm is relatively easy. But then we hit another barrier as margins drop and competition increases.

anyways, doesn't apply to cash savings you didn't earn yourself. The anon has good advice for those that didn't earn their money personally.

>I work as a janitor right now
Industrial and commercial janitorial contracting is one way to fairly quickly turn a few thousand dollars into a few million.

>> No.57717725

that is absolutely ridiculous i must echo the sentiment of my brothers in this thread

>> No.57717948
File: 9 KB, 459x51, safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opinion is factually wrong.
Picrel is from her insta.

>> No.57717980

Based bait but also faggot

>> No.57718093

Is it just me or do others find those nails horrible? They do nothing for me and in fact look kinda creepy. Some of the weird shit women are into to improve their appearance is so counterproductive. Botox and plastic etc.

>> No.57718245

agreed, fake nails are horrible

>> No.57718251

lol i never would have noticed them after looking her up and down. its for themselves (= other women). irrelevant details,a non faggot men values her showcased fertility with hard facts thanks to her slut outfit. ass, legs,hips, for age skin and hair. artificail modifactions like nails are irrelevant

>> No.57718656

Nails? I never even saw the fucking nails
I swear some of you guys are actually gay

>> No.57718669


>> No.57718668

Put it in short term Treasury bills and leave it there until you decide what you want to do, OP. The first rule of investing is GUARD THE PRINCIPAL. No gambling. Keep that precious $150K together.

>> No.57718681

Is this Ukrainian propaganda?
Source/link please

>> No.57718686


>> No.57718688


>> No.57718692

I would be buying a full bitcoin if I were you
this is also probably the best advice in the thread

>> No.57718946
File: 27 KB, 498x466, 1704546526705026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better give us the fucking name right now you nigger

>> No.57718985

it's refreshing to see these discussions returning to the board. it seems like the recent tiktok debacle reduced the amount of linkposters by a good amount, the uptick in quality is noticeable

>> No.57719093

Invest in index funds, or land if you're confident you can cover the property taxes. Don't take investment advice from /biz/

>I have zero business sense and I've heard that lots of entrepanuers say that your networth explodes after your first $100,000 dollars.
This applies to entrepreneurs, not beneficiaries of windfalls. The point is that when entrepreneurs begin to turn serious revenue, it means they've cracked the code of PMF and can begin to scale it up.

>> No.57719104

out of 10!

>> No.57719155

Here's how I would invest it:

-$20k in HEX (either on Pulsechain or Ethereum, or both), then stake it for at least 3 years

-$80k in RETH or STETH, then deposit it as collateral into a MakerDAO vault and borrow DAI from the vault to pay for your living expenses.

As RETH/STETH appreciate in value (which they will do considerably over the next 20 years at least), you will be able to keep borrowing more DAI from the vault to pay for your expenses, instead of selling your HEX/RETH/STETH. You'll be able to live off of borrowed DAI for as long as your collateral appreciates faster than the interest rate, which will be decades.

For the HEX, when your stakes end, just sell off the interest and restake.

>> No.57719750

>Nails? I never even saw the fucking nails
>I swear some of you guys are actually gay
Those are called shoes. I know what they are. I just don't wear them.

>> No.57719866

Some people know what they’re saying here but let me tell you what to do as someone who inherited 250k and has grown it to 750k in 2 years. Buy 1 bitcoin. With the rest buy either 200 shares of SPY or 1300 shares of SCHD. You’ll make $360 in dividends per quarter with spy or $1000 per quarter with schd, you can either DRIP this or use the dividends to invest in more bitcoin or other crypto projects. Or change it up quarter to quarter.

>> No.57720239

Or just buy 40 ETH and put the rest into STIP.