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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 3706x496, 2024-02-24 11:00:17_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57712683 No.57712683 [Reply] [Original]

>buy LINK because /biz/ was shilling it hard, most likely less than $50 total
>completely forget about it
>open binance today

Haven't touched crypto in ages. Which exchange/broker do you guys use in the US? Binance and Kucoin seem to be giving me shit about being in the US.

Also VERY tempted to go high-levvy on some stupid trade to try to 2x-3x it, any thoughts?

>> No.57712691

>buy LINK because /biz/ was shilling it hard
when the hell was the shilling? I bought in 2017 because it was fudded not shilled

>> No.57712698

I don't even fucking remember bro. Literally forgot I had a Binance account until I found a TXT file that I wrote to remind me where my coins where. I had some in coingate and cryptopia too, which went bust.

>> No.57712710
File: 70 KB, 1568x546, 2024-02-24 11:11:04_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest of wallet in Binance.

I also had some REQ in Kucoin which I sold for 6.33 USDT.

>> No.57712714

if you're trying to offramp in the US i think your only KYC options are coinbase and... kraken? i think?

>> No.57712720

as you have no idea waht you're doing
get coinbase and send it there
don't do stupid trades
just wait and sell late 2024- early 2025 when people start saying how lucky people are to have invested in crypto and how they thought this would happen but didn't get aroudn to buying

>> No.57712729

not sure, maybe I can stay in crypto

would I have to pay any taxes in Coinbase?

>> No.57712750
File: 50 KB, 580x648, linkproduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now might not be the smartest time to sell your link, even if you're up massively. this is not financial advice.

>> No.57712760

have you seen this yet? the team is starting to do damage control, this could be big. if you are looking for a leveraged trade, maybe ride the wave downward? but the safer bet is to just take the profits and put them into your regular investments

>> No.57712794

haha, I don't fucking know man I'd rather invest in stocks I think

>> No.57712807

OK I got a Coinbase account. Thinking of exchanging everything into ETH and then sending to Coinbase. What do you all think?

>> No.57712828
File: 425 KB, 534x688, Screenshot 2023-10-03 153637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do you booboo

>> No.57712847

i don't know about binance, but if you want to save the eth transaction fees, you could convert it into something cheap and fast to transfer

>> No.57712860

I thought ETH was fast/cheap, but maybe I'm out of date. What would you recommend?

>> No.57712879


>> No.57713119

Last question: looks like I can transfer my LINK to Binance.us for a very small fee if I use the BNB network instead of ERC-20. Is there a downside to doing that? I'm not sure I understand the difference between the two networks. I would assume the tokens are interchageable?

>> No.57713134

check transaction history for when you buyded the linkies, am curious

>> No.57713151

I think I can't see it? I'm also curious but I don't think I can see trades more than a couple months old, and there are none of course. It seems retarded, anyone know where I can find the transaction history?

>> No.57713196
File: 11 KB, 643x115, 2024-02-24 12:21:27_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEE I have $40 of this shitcoin but I can't transfer it to Binance.US

>> No.57713385

what do you mean taxes?
you would pay fees when you sell or trade it
but a good place to store it if you don't know what you're doing

>> No.57713395

do half link, half eth if you're conservative
send it to coinbase and forget about it until you see it in the news

>> No.57713439

i have 4,000 link in an exodus wallet and i dont know how to access it since its on an old iphone from 2017 and i have to update the exodus app. (so it says)

i have the seed phrase written down on a peice of paper but literally have no clue what to do next.

i dont wanna fcuk anything up so im just leaing it there...

if i lose it oh well i bought in 2018 with a couple thousand i yoloed from my tax return.

if link ever hits 100 dollars then ill probaby hire someone to do an account reovery or something.

>> No.57713456

>i have the seed phrase written down on a peice of paper but literally have no clue what to do next.
just import that seed into a new wallet like rabby. it's that easy

>> No.57713488

I mean income tax to the IRS if I sell.

>> No.57713493

but since you're a retard and have 4000 link you should absolutely buy a hardware wallet since your computer may be compromised. so just buy the new trezor safe 3, import your seed and you'll be able to access your link through your trezor

>> No.57713554


Just download exodus again and enter your seed?

>> No.57713574

but why cant i just update the app? what happens if i update the app? wont it still be just be there like nothing happened after it updates? i dont trust hardware wallets. seen alot of anons lose funds like that. ill check out rappy app. thanks

i also hajve about 3,000 link on coinbase and about 5,000 link on gemini and i dont even know how much i have left on binance. i got my mexican gf to verify my binance account with her mexican credentials so i can trade there with a vpn.. but i dont wanna deposit nothing there or withdraw because i dont wanna be associated to any international accounts with my american ones... im just such a pussy. i guess..

im so scared to check on it. i have a phobia of logging into old accounts... i might have some phobia thinking it might all actually be gone. since i have not checked on it in years...

but anyways thanks anon for the help ill just continue to act like it doesnt exist. im just ashamed that i didnt even know how to stake and missed putting a few thousand into staking.

but like i was scared of that too becasue what happens when link starts slashing people are gonna lose link. or say something goes wrong somehow. i dont know man..

>> No.57713666

OK I consolidated everything into Binance.US, feeling pretty comfy about this free money. Honestly, if I could gamble it 50/50 to double it right now, I would. What's a good way to do that? Are there are crypto betting sites or something?

>> No.57713676
File: 155 KB, 1951x1622, 2024-02-24 13:26:41_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Also guess I'm satan.

>> No.57713712


Just download it on your PC

>> No.57713723

I can't wait to find this thread on the archive in a few years.
>anon throws away $14 million right before the switch gets flipped
This is the epitome of high time preference posting.

>> No.57713755

You are selling at the beginning of the bullrun lad

>> No.57713770

dont touch old wallet

install new wallet on new phone/computer
try written seed phase on new wallet

>> No.57713781

What do you suggest?

>> No.57713831
File: 110 KB, 2088x1124, mpb8zyz0x3371[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57713846

honestly asking, staying in LINK?

>> No.57713881

Because you are an oldfren, I'll give you a quick rundown of the 2024 meta. Ethereum turned out to not be able to scale in 2021 as the gas prices were abysmal and you had to pay 40-70$ to make a single transaction. This is what lead to the shitcoin casino starting on other L1 ghostchains (BNB, AVAX, Harmony etc etc). and made them pump in the last bullrun. The bullrun ended with L2's popping (e.g polygon) and optimistic rollups (arbitrum, optimism etc) which run on Ethereum, basically providing the same security Ethereum provides when trading shitcoins around but at the fraction of a cost. The next run will most likely be about L2's which is bullish for ETH.

The answer is. Stay in LINK

>> No.57713938

Thank you fren, I think I will. At least now I have all my shit together in a single exchange, took me a bit to gain back access everywhere, and still have a few to go. Apparently I had some KIN in Mercatox.

Also does anyone know about CEX.com? It's in my notes but I can't find anything about it, only CEX.io, but it says I don't have an account.

>> No.57713961

Your $50 will unironically turn into millions if you go away and come back without thinking about it again

>> No.57713977

it's 3k already

>> No.57714365

bumping for someone to shill me a way to bet it all

>> No.57714382

Chainlink is the singular best bet you can make in all of finance right now. Do you even have any idea what it does?

>> No.57714405

How do you not remember/know. Every exchange has your purchase history available right there, impossible to miss. You most likely bought the top in actuality.

>> No.57714457

just keep it in link it's gonna at least 10x from here.

>> No.57714471

I can't find it in Binance, how can I download all trades? keep in mind this was probably ~2019

OK I'll keep being a stinky linky

>> No.57714481

>buy shitlink

No thanks, if i like to burn money i'll just gamble on eesee

>> No.57714703

>i have 4,000 link in an exodus wallet and i dont know how to access it since its on an old iphone from 2017 and i have to update the exodus app. (so it says)
Holy fuck, bro. BE FUCKING CAREFUL. There are an absolute shitload of fake Exodus installs out there -- not only that, the whole wallet might have been intentionally set up to scam people and steal their coins.

Every time I see Exodus mentioned on plobbit, it's someone whining that he was forced to upgrade and the instant he did, all of his coins disappeared to some other address.

I'm not joking. My advice is to find some other NON-SCAM wallet that will allow you to input the seed phrase and derivation path, and then use the other wallet to move the coins to someplace safe. And of course to do all of this on an offline computer so that in case there's malware on your OS install, it can't steal things on its own.

I don't have any wallet software to recommend to you. I'm a Bitcoin-only type and the wallet I use doesn't work with anything else.

>> No.57714830

>Every time I see Exodus mentioned on plobbit
you have to go back

>> No.57715444
File: 34 KB, 1426x214, 2024-02-24 17:42:05_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK boys, I'm ready to wait a few years. The ETH is also staking though of course it's a very small amount.

>> No.57715473

Checked. You’ll be just fine kek is with you

>> No.57715503

Thank you bro

>> No.57715512

I remember buying LINK for 10 cents or do I misremember it, had like 50k

>> No.57715522

Damn bro. I used to have a shitcoin of DOGE I mined, pretty sure it was over 100k DOGE. I remember I wanted to build a mining rig and my retarded gf at the time convinced me not to. Fuck.

>> No.57715529

ye I mined that shit aswell in 2014 lol, cant access it

>> No.57715537

I have no idea where I even put it, what was the most common exchange for it? I might have had an offline wallet but the PC I had is long gone.

>> No.57715548

no clue man, back then I only mined and used faucets, lost interest after a few months

>> No.57715771
File: 240 KB, 1920x1200, 1597444612424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see all the normalfag retards coming back slowly

>> No.57715829

Fuck you. I've been on /smg/ all this time and I'm sure I made a bunch more money than chasing shitcoins.

>> No.57715843
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1597289088451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and where did that money u made go? cope harder poorfag, getting excited over such a pathetic little linkie stack

>> No.57715917
File: 6 KB, 528x124, 2024-02-24 18:59:32_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and where did that money u made go?
Into my Fidelity account.

>> No.57715948
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1597289854070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe u should put it all there and come back in a year or 2 as exit liquidity

>> No.57715987

lol fucking kiss already

>> No.57716043


>> No.57717240

Jesus Christ you truly are from the mid 2010s.
A lot of centralized exchanges (and pages overall, really) rebranded to .io at the turn of the decade because io domains are cheaper than the .com domains, I am guessing it's the same page. My first advice is for you to contact their customer service and explain the situation.

You will hear how lowcap coins are the fast way to make money, but it's also the riskiest. You could gamble depending on how much you need, but LINK is as safe as it comes if you aren't in a hurry. Also, keep in mind that the IRS is now looking to tax every single transaction, which means you will need to report the Secret you just sold in your 2024 tax report next year in order to comply. I wouldn't but it's always better to know.

>> No.57717344

>Also VERY tempted to go high-levvy on some stupid trade to try to 2x-3x it, any thoughts?

You deserve to be poor.