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57712422 No.57712422 [Reply] [Original]

>Had $800K of a shitcoin
>Fell for the diversification meme
>Sold half of it for other shitcoins, which dumped like crazy
>Turned $400K into $25K
>Original shitcoin remains stable in price
>Now portfolio is worth $425K instead of $800K if I had never traded

How do I cope? I am devastated and want to kms. What do I do now?

>> No.57712616

Stop shitcoining with your entire portfolio, especially when it's not sltcoin season

>> No.57712684

You don't diversify at the top or in meme coins retard. All you did was make some jew or indian village rich. Should've tethered.

>> No.57712689


How much did you put in?

>> No.57712697

what shitcoin was it and what entry

>> No.57712719
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Well, that's an impressive run up to 800k. Leads me to believe you can do it again. When you take profits or diversify - consider just moving it to USDC/USDT and stake in aave or cash out into a real account. Or into big caps like ETH/BTC.

>> No.57713590

the main thing is to get over it and realize what you have and that we're right at the start of the bull run
i still see some ethtards upset that they are 70% down against btc
you have to learn what to focus on

>> No.57713600

Once you have over 400k you need to start putting them in index funds and a small portion for playing out with shitcoins, there's no need to gamble all of it at that point

>> No.57713613

>6 figures in a shitcoin
LARP faggot nobody is this stupid with their money

>> No.57713668

I happens again, newfags can't comprehend that you can make 2x and not sell or consume, 100x is unimaginable for them. NPCs are jumping to the roof over 30% gain that's why it's not a problem for them to go all in on BTC at pico top.

>> No.57713692

>What do I do now?
don't take it personal. don't try to make it back you'll only make it worse. Just imagine you have $1000 left and how much you'd like that 400k that you gambled to make it back to 800k
>how to cope?
Embrace the pain

>> No.57713810


Give me ur Mony first

>> No.57713908
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the best you can do in this case and continue with the spiral of madness and dedicate yourself to buy other shitcoins until one of them gets you out of bankruptcy or finish sinking you in it, these are my recommendations:

>> No.57713918

link? I would recommend him to shoot himself in the head, it hurts less and is more effective.

>> No.57713924

as crazy as it may seem, this is one of the measures to be taken when applying psychotrading.

>> No.57715101

well you can star again, as allways, dont aim that high, I use truflation to decide where to invest next- Dont give up bro

>> No.57715122

let the faggot cry, or are you faggin over it? tryin to beg for money, retard

>> No.57715144

Expensive lesson is expensive

>> No.57716426
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Shitcoins will rekt. Why go for them when you can earn easily from investing in qanx dumbfag?

>> No.57716528

put the 400k into eth or btc
dont fucking touch it
shop carefully for a good alt play and put the 25k on that
i think youre larping but i also want to hear which coin

>> No.57716539

earlyfag. 50 year old cuck dumps a Harvard diploma on sheeeitcoins

>> No.57716559
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It's always darkest before the dawn.

>> No.57716561

>I had 800k in shitcoin
>now I'm broke
>crypto is Le Scam!

>> No.57717692

Check out Fringe Finance. Depending on the shitcoin, you may be able to borrow against it, leverage it, or margin trade with it. Shitcoiner Mecca

>> No.57717914

How to make money with shitcoins?
I know only how to make money with eth btc and LINK

>> No.57717988

Cope with the fact that you know all this in hindsight. Pick a shitcoin right now that's going to do a 100x. You can't? Then that's you back then.

>> No.57718013

Never do the same mistake. Buffet advice, find few winners and stick to them

>> No.57718025
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My story with chainlink begins in 2004. Someone told me something on a phone dating Chatline. I feel God will show me a sign when it's time to share my story.

>> No.57718038

Only trade with a small amount that you're okay with losing. So maybe take $40k to play around with shitcoins to try and regain your losses and put the rest into something more stable

>> No.57718043

>>Now portfolio is worth $425K
only 425k? how could you ever make it with such little money?

fucking attention whore

>> No.57718142

you should have bought ETH you filthy degenerate nigger

>> No.57718147


>> No.57718176

not as cringe as losing in few months $400k

>> No.57718249

You should have cashed out at least 500k