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57710493 No.57710493 [Reply] [Original]

every night i come home from a shit day at work at which i was yelled at by my boss and his assistants about some fuck all nonsense from corporate that i literally could not care less about, and have no less than 10 cigarettes and 2 gin & tonics in an effort to forget the day's events, with literally no time to do anything i enjoy in terms of hobbies and interests because i'm busy reviewing the day's data entries and am expected to prepare presentations for Wednesday at which a representative from corporate is in attendance to go over the previous week's details and discuss projections for the following week, which all just adds to the pain in my head to the point where i can't remember the last time i went to sleep without a feeling of weight behind my eyes, but not until after checking my portfolio for the day and of course everything is in the red save for one shitcoin that i bought on a whim.

i'm so sick of this.

>> No.57710515

> shitcoins
this is why you are miserable. I started out with shitcoins to but at one point converted everything to bitcoin. now I have 80pct bitcoin in my stack. and my life is comfy. a shitty day at work doesn't matter because bitcoin goes up and on a good bitcoin go up day i make in nights sleep what I have to save for an entire year working and waging. just accumuleate bitcoin for a few years and you GMI

>> No.57710520

That's cool dude. Despite only making $40K/yr wfh, my labor to wage ratio is nuts. I do fuck all for my job, I check in once a week to tell my boss Biden sucks ass and that's it. I play with my dog and eat my hot girlfriends ass all the time (when she let's me of course)

>> No.57710526
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>what a load of bullshit i have a huge cock just as the op claims but bitcoin is worthless and never going to increase in value your life is just a distraction for the elites to keep you occupied while they run the show and in reality everything is rigged you want the real truth read a book bro i'm literally the smartest person on the planet and i guarantee that bitcoin will never go up

>> No.57710546

Just 40 more years wagie

>> No.57710591
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I just ignore my managers now OP.

I used to bust my ass, work 60+ hours a week, get a shit-ton of production done, assist the shift lead, train new employees and I was part of the safety and medical response teams. For all of that, I was rewarded by getting a shitty 3.25% raise and told to work faster.

Now, the past few years I cut way back on my hours worked, cut my production by 50%, I don't train new employees, I don't help the shift lead, I left the medical and safety teams and now I take 4 hours of breaks during my shift. For all of that, I still get the same shitty 3.25% raise and told to work faster.

Megacorporations don't give a fuck about you. You are just a number. The only thing they care about is production. They don't give a fuck about cleanliness, safety, employee's mental or physical health, etc. The middle managers are completely incompetent and only care about finding ways to look good on paper to the higher-ups.

The best way to deal with this is to stop giving a shit. Just make your money while doing as little work as possible, and always be prepared to get fired. Don't attach yourself to a machine that doesn't care about you.

>> No.57711736

I'm the same. I work 60 hours a week just to be harassed by every middle manager and director in the company. I come home and drink every day but it doesn't help me forget.
for literally every single task I work, there is one middle manager who thinks I'm wasting my time working it, and another who thinks I'm not working it hard enough.
I tried doing what this anon said: >>57710591 but after a few weeks the middle managers figured out what was happening and began subtle threats to my job.
I might not go into work on Monday

>> No.57711763

Just stop caring. If you get fired, find a new job. Simples.