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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57708756 No.57708756 [Reply] [Original]


Eat your heart out (((/biz/)))

>> No.57708759

Also Craig said under Oath today Microsoft is talking to them about teranode . You all lose.

>> No.57708786

Where’s the anti bsv / anti Craig brigade tonight? - they can bump a thread to 100+ posts with their drivel

>> No.57708815

Where do they store chaindata?

>> No.57708850

I’m sure the US govt can afford some industrial size hard drives for their future CBDC

>> No.57708855

If I'm still stuck here, can I eat in this room without getting poisoned?

>> No.57709523

Is that cheese pizza, weather data, or both?

>> No.57709526

secure elections . No more stealing elections israeli

>> No.57709531

Joe Shmuck from the Microsoft helpdesk has sent an email to Craig telling him he finds terranode cool.

that's what craig means by "microsoft contacted me"

>> No.57709557
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>> No.57709598
File: 125 KB, 1426x624, image_2024-02-24_072958102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep dumping blocks with data
the reality:
>blocks are empty
>less than 700 transactions of average
>average blocksize below 1MB
>less than 200 users world wide
>no vendors
>can only process 1 million benchmark transactions, 1 million real transactions would crash bsv nodes into the ground, as they have done so before in 2023
>exchanges have delisted for these reasons alone, due sync issues

dead project
talmudic coin
bsv is jewish

>> No.57709605
File: 228 KB, 723x642, image_2024-02-24_073055226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lick those boots clean you filthy kikes
bootlicking faggots

>> No.57711122
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makes sense. I enjoyed BSV because it looks like gold, the B is standing upright, its price is low compared to BTC, and maybe, just maybe, something was gonna happen. The first time I searched for a mobile wallet, the few ones which supported BSV were actually shit. I found Edge, which looked more or less alright; when I withdrew BSV from the exchange into that wallet, the balance never showed. Transaction was shown on the block explorer but the wallet software itself was out of sync to some node or whatever. My support ticket was answered with instructions to recover that wallet via Electrum SV (had to change some parameter), and they said they were working on fixing that issue, which was already known. Two weeks after that, though, instead of fixing it, they just removed BSV altogether. The system is actually terrible. I waited 2 days until MEXC confirmed my BSV deposit. 200+ confirmations needed. I don't think it's as fast as they say.

>> No.57711208

the exchanges set their own confirmation limitation, it can be 1 confirmation or 1000 confirmations but its nothing to do with bsv
ive used electrumsv since binance delisted it and have had no issues

>> No.57711516

okx to electrumsv wallet in about 1 minute
the price will catch up once all the pieces are in place

>> No.57713354

use Centbee wallet .

>> No.57714478

Imagine actually wanting CBDCs.

>> No.57714534
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A couple of these bad boys

>> No.57714613

CBDC might be more honest than current fiat that’s been printed irresponsibly by the privately owned federal reserve, anon

>> No.57714622

This is some low IQ garbage. Stop advocating for next-level tyranny.

>> No.57714643

lick my
Balls (((anon))) you bootlicking commie

>> No.57714659
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Chainlink is WEF endorsed. ETH is WEF endorsed. USDC is WEF endorsed but I don’t hear you cyber dorks arguing about tyranny there. FUCK YOU

>> No.57714667

>loves CBDCs
>calls others boot-lickers
What even is this comment?

>look over here instead, this is also bad!
just stop.

>> No.57714702 [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 750x929, IMG_2782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KAS is Israeli blockchains, Israelis responsible for 911/ jfk/ Rfk assassination, COVID19 vaccine regime & current genocide of Gaza. Don’t hear you Jews crying about tyranny there

>> No.57714708

Eat a dick (((controller)))

>> No.57714721
File: 425 KB, 750x1005, IMG_9240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KAS is Israeli blockchains, Israelis responsible for 911/ jfk/ Rfk assassination, COVID19 vaccine regime & current genocide of Gaza. Don’t hear you Jews crying about tyranny there

>> No.57714730
File: 382 KB, 630x786, IMG_4159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOL was Jewish wallstreet money with ties to the FTX- UKRAINE/ DNC - i don’t see you on SOL threads crying about jewish tyranny

>> No.57714902
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>> No.57715333

>i'm for CBDCs but you're the controller
fucking kek

>> No.57715373 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 587x574, IMG_8091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so u see my power

>> No.57715466

Private Federal reserve that is current fking us with black books with corrupt banks (Epstein)
Transparent money

You choosing to pick Silicon Valley’s taint is lame anon. Pretty lame. When did your soul die to have you choose the side of Wallstreet/Silicon Valley monopolistic nepotism ?

The meek will inherit Earth. That is not you obviously