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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 241 KB, 466x456, xrpbravid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57708714 No.57708714 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>57670739

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT

>> No.57708722



>> No.57708764

Don't you all think the timing of this new lawsuit is a bit.... timely?

>> No.57708771

So the agony can last longer and longer and longer

>> No.57708775

But look on the bright side, it will mean we have more time to spend together.

>> No.57708818
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Wishing you all good health and good fortune

>> No.57708845


>> No.57708871


> Upcoming trial in October 2024

We're gonna spend a loooot of time together

>> No.57708880
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>> No.57708922

Touch grass
Breathe fresh air
You’re a loser

>> No.57708946

Isn't this quite interesting guys?

>> No.57708960

I'm gonna pick the aliens over you guys

>> No.57708965


XRP solves this

>> No.57708975

Guys I just did some math and the results are shocking

>Be extravod
>Upload 2 videos every day every week
>That is a total of 14 videos
>On weekends nothing is happening because everything is closed
>Subtract 4 videos
>Only 10 videos remaining
>Instead of uploading twice every day, one video should be enough too
>Subtract 5 videos
>Only have 5 out of 14 videos left

So basically only 1/3 of videos is quite interesting.

Why would he upload so much? What's the endgame?

I've also been doing some digging. Alot of times he just recycles tweets from long ago and just casually doesn't show the date. I know this because I was googling a tweet he showed as "BREAKING THIS JUST IN" but it was from 2017 or so.

Why would someone do this?

>> No.57709005

I'm feeling a bit under the weather, like my tummy hurts and I might am at the start of a new cold.

I think i'm gonna take it easy today guys, maybe relax some on sofa or play some easy video games.

>> No.57709326

Thanks for all the kind words, I hope to feel better tomorrow

>> No.57709331
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>> No.57709397


>> No.57709404

Hey guys, my name is heiki, Let's talk about xrp!
I'll start, I love it. It's priced cheap now haha, fast, efficient payments. Blockchain is the future, xrp is the future. 1000 dollars minimum 2030

>> No.57709449

based shroomanon
love me some chicken of the woods, me

>> No.57709455

feel better friend
i too got a tummyache around the time you posted.

>> No.57709456

he's got The Look

>> No.57709457

You absolutely won’t this cycle.

>> No.57709953

Good morning brothers. Not only is it time for me to get up, but it is also time for this thread to get back up as well. LGBU

>> No.57710316
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Hmmmmmm isn't this Cuuuh-white interesting guys??? I can not believe my eyes! What even is happening! Very very fascinating to say the least in my humble honest opinion.

>> No.57710340

omg omg omg xD the switch flip!

>> No.57710398
File: 1.14 MB, 3348x2347, FHY2egyWUAUf0h9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red or green
>Christmas colors
Guys guys guys
you literally can't make this stuff up

>> No.57710491

better wear blue so they don't fry you with their lasers

>> No.57710700


>> No.57710880

Then you will die.

>> No.57711034

Wassup jewboi!

>> No.57711094

Nothing much kikebro

>> No.57712038

hello everyone

why is it taking so long

>> No.57712042

Because the SEC enjoys seeing us suffer

>> No.57712065

Why is what taking so long?

>> No.57712084


>> No.57712092
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The AMM votes are up to 26/28

>> No.57712106


>> No.57712117

Oh….its a bot

>> No.57712137

Would be a shame if someone would cancel their vote again at the last minute.

>> No.57712146

March 13th

>> No.57712153

That’s not my problem

>> No.57712213

(nothing happened, lol, lmao)

>> No.57712325

>post #43
>you read it and cannot unread it

>> No.57712335

Sup Phil? Everything ok?

>> No.57712367

>he quadruple you’d me

>> No.57712925

This is veryyy dead

>> No.57713014

avalanche (what JPMcoin + blackrock were using for tokenized RWA settlement on sidechains) is currently down
Solana was down for a few hours last week
what chain has never been down before again?

>> No.57713020

getting close

they haven't finished setting up the gameboard yet

>> No.57713028

it was inscriptions that did it
when they did the same thing on XRPL, basically flooding the network, blocks were still being produced and it never stopped. fees never even really increased that much.

>> No.57713062

There's an xrp scam trending on twitter, I can't believe retards still fall for it.

>> No.57713069

reminder that They Want You Out

>> No.57713074

XRP was made to corral doomsday preppers and cyberpunk larpers (both retarded) to keep their money out of BTC

>> No.57713472

Lets get back up

>> No.57713774

New (old but newly released) Satoshi emails today
Email #111 has to be fake
Way too on the nose.
Why are they being released now though?
Schizo replies only

>> No.57713785

Post a pic or a link to it?

>> No.57713828
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>> No.57713923
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>calls it xrp
>not newcoin, opencoin, or ripple
>also foretells 'bankercoin' scam narrative
Ehh, this reads like a cringe larp

What's way cooler is the other email to Hearn where satoshi calls it ripple (pic related)

Also the book that satoshi released in 2019(?) called 'wave & ripple'

I'd love for this 'email 111' to be real, though

>> No.57713931
File: 183 KB, 960x1280, F6digQmWUAADW9X.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's wave and ripples cover

>> No.57713968 [DELETED] 


>> No.57714035

I’m a firm believer that satoshi is Arthur Brito and was involved in the creation of XRP but this is some gay nigger larp. All larpniggers deserve a painful death in public.

>> No.57714129

Just confirmed, it’s fake
It’s not in the email dump archives

>> No.57714143

I posted it before vetting because I’m irresponsible

>> No.57714896

Just dropped another 20k on FLR.
Dont you fucking fail me hugo faggitron


>> No.57715152

are we feeling optimistic and full of hope /xsg/bros?

>> No.57715162

this is fake but Satoshi did mention Ripple and said it was the only other interesting blockchain project because it did something different with trust iirc

>> No.57715172

maybe it's not fake, who knows.
is this where "The Standard" came from?

>> No.57715181

XRP was made to be the new e-Special Drawing Right but the XRPL viral marketing ARG was definitely made to corral people with certain personality types

>> No.57715212

No it’s fake
Look at email #111 in the email dump, its about something completely different, doesn’t mention xrp

>> No.57715555

Then where did it come from? So it didnt come from the dump, then where did it come from? And I dont give a shit about him calling it xrp instead of ripple half a year later. Surely some rando guy didnt conjure this email out of nothing

>> No.57715915

I got the same quads (5's) in an avax thread yesterday. What did /biz/ mean by this?

>> No.57716323

help me bump the thread niggers

>> No.57716340

bump the thread

i'll take your word for it. i'm so dopamine deprived that i can't even get motivated to copy paste the link and look for myself.

>> No.57716348

>where did it come from
a random guy conjured it out of nothing, wtf you think Doofus

not everything has to mean something

>> No.57716357

hey i just realized something. where did the "The Standard" meme come from anyway? i figured it was Baba Cugs or something else from the initial set of memes and characters + riddles the ARG started with back in 2017 or so when Ripple realized they needed an alternate tactic to keep retail interest without price appreciation during the decade-long rollout process

>> No.57716370

who would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.57716543

Lets. Get. Back. Up.

>> No.57716756


>> No.57716772

guys any news?

>> No.57716781

Read the thread
No one is spoon feeding your lazy ass

>> No.57716786

Do stuff for me

>> No.57716814

Look at ETH fly guys

>> No.57716829
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>> No.57716838

Who are you even talking to
I’m the only one here and I simply don’t care

>> No.57716843
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I've never really looked at the ETH chart before

>> No.57716847

To whom it may concern

>> No.57716855

I’m currently watching a moon lambo YouTube video
Yeah, you’re jealous

>> No.57716861

I cant stand him anymore. I only clickly go through extravod and mickle while im having my coffee but I cant stand them either to be honest.

All (xrp) youtubers are grifters, I guess im just watching them out of habbit, same like how im posting here out of habbit.

There isn't a single shred of new information they could tell me that I dont already know so im wasting my time and giving them youtube (View)'s

>> No.57716873

Your loss. This one is a hot jam. I learned that if bit coin hits a new all time high, xrp will follow.
But he could be wrong, and xrp goes to zero. He’s not a financial advisor.

>> No.57716880

>I learned that if bit coin hits a new all time high, xrp will follow.

Wow did you really need that grifter uploading 10 different 15 minute long videos of him talking about shit everyone already knew years ago for that

>> No.57716888

>tfw you’re joking but the other person thinks you’re serious

>> No.57716917

who are you quoting

>> No.57716988
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>> No.57716999

>The XRP anthem

>> No.57717198

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmnmmmmmmmmmmm guys guys isn't this cwuithe interesting guys? hmmmmmmm guys you literally cannot make this up hmmmmm wow guys

>> No.57717498

Lets get back up

>> No.57717506

New craig wright leaked emails show that Satoshi is related to XRP and Ripple.

Why the fuck aren't we pumping on this news? It is literally huge

>> No.57717662

does craig wright (or "leaked emails" on twitter) seem like a reputable source to you?

not saying they are necessarily fake or real but if there's one thing that obsessively reading about UFOs and conspiracy theories over the last decade has taught me, it's that truth isn't black or white, it should be treated like a quantum particle- true, false, or possibly both at the same time.

what if the email was fabricated but the leak is still significant, for example- intended to raise awareness of XRP in another community of blockchain truthseekers (BSV schizos are almost on the same level as XRP in terms of pattern recognition and truthseeking, maybe even moreso in some ways- and they have also been screwed over and ridiculed by the mainstream interests)

>> No.57717666

here's some good schizo brainfuel if anyone is bored and wants to hear from a Mellon heir about UFO stuff
(remember Matthew Mellon owns something like 1% of all XRP and as far as i know it's never been spoken for following his death)

>> No.57717668



i hope ETH dumps to shit during ETH denver (theme: "year of the sporkwhale") and makes everyone seethe and gnash their teeth

>> No.57717699
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>> No.57717704

this link caught my eye today. they are setting up a liquidity crunch.
US public pension plans that manage hundreds of billions of dollars of assets are increasingly turning to risky leverage strategies as burgeoning private market holdings create cash flow strains. At least eight very large US public pension funds are using borrowed cash or other leverage strategies, now that the board of Calstrs, one of the largest US retirement funds, this month voted to allow the fund to borrow as much as $30bn, or 10 per cent of its portfolio. The strategy has risen in prominence as these giant funds have tied up a larger and larger share of their assets in illiquid investments such as private equity, infrastructure and real estate. Using borrowed money and derivatives can help boost returns, rebalance portfolios and give the funds access to cash without having to resort to fire sales of illiquid assets during times of market stress.

>> No.57717799

2 more weeks

>> No.57718615

Its time to get back up

>> No.57718644

Heeeyyyy you stole my line lol

>> No.57718823

Piece of shit coin

>> No.57718826

there are always xrp scams up on twitter/youtube etc
it's the only one that's consistently up
...almost like they allow it

>> No.57718873

>its on purpose!

Holy cope.
More like only xrp holders would be retarded enough to fall for it

>> No.57719462


>> No.57719717


>> No.57719911

That's racist.

>> No.57719916

xsg has never been more boring or pathetic

>> No.57719965

lmao, the absolute state of XRP baggies falling for this shit

>> No.57719978

You didn’t include the part where I said it was fake

>> No.57720059
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>Email #111 has to be fake
>Way too on the nose.
Lmao, you assumed that’s it’s fake, if you were sure it’s fake, you wouldn’t bring that bullshit here.

>> No.57720165
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I was just watching video about mega party in India and look who is amongst guests, coincidence?

>> No.57720352

learn English pajeet
I’m so right
I’m ALWAYS right
Correct again
As usual
Damn, I’m good
Called it
Bulls eye
On target
On the money

>> No.57720358

>you wouldn’t bring bullshit to xsg
holy newfag

>> No.57720420
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“Has to be fake" doesn’t 100% imply it’s fake. You even started analyzing the content with "way on the nose”. English is my third language, but it seems that the only jeet here is you.

>> No.57720422


>> No.57720437

Petition to re-brand xsg as a flare enthusiast club
(Flare is performing much better than xrpiss)

>> No.57720595

ripple just released 400 million xerpies from escrow
SEC settlement imminent
You can’t disprove it

>> No.57720616

Why so early ?

>> No.57720626

Because it’s happening

>> No.57720689

keyword was 'almost'

>> No.57720763

That’s because the algorithm knows you’re interested in xrp
The same scams exist for all the top cryptos

>> No.57720844

So many bots .. I was looking for actual discussion on how the price will go up 1000x

>> No.57721045

I am sad. Unrelated to me being sad is I only have 6500 zerps.

>> No.57721064

It's above all resistance now. Just keeps climbing. Any guess on year-end price?

>> No.57721189

Why didn't I buy BTC and ETH

>> No.57721196

XRP is the newfag trap

Oh they got me good. I didn't want to buy BTC or ETH because it was already so

>> No.57721202

already so fucking high

>No room to grow

Why did I buy XRP instead? I fell for the world reserve currency meme

>> No.57721225


>> No.57721244

XRP is at 54 cents thats also pretty cool, right?

>> No.57721281

eh... i mean, i GUESS. that's the old coin...

>> No.57721326
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very newfag indeed. you weren't in middle school back then when you could had 100k for $300

>> No.57721338

why FLR pumping?

>> No.57721382

Maybe FLR is the re-investment ooportunity?
I don't fucking know anymore

>> No.57721432

My guess is a mix between people forgetting why they hate it and the Flare team showing up to work. Should be at about .50 now if the XRP Army didn't fud the fuck out of it because muh airdrop.

>> No.57721537

it pumping because it real

>> No.57722144

>what chain has never been down before again?

>> No.57722145

Don't sleep on SGB either. Easy

>> No.57722147

I held xrp since 2019
and the only good that ever came of it was getting introduced to spark now known as FLARE
SGB and enosys are also great ive made more money with those 3 than I ever did with XRP
I still have a suicide bag of xerpies but goddamn did it hurt to miss a wholebullrun

>> No.57722167

For me, it’s xrp, xlm, and xdc
Triple xXx
(captcha for this post was SNRGY, by the way)

>> No.57722168

dude... you posted cringe...

>> No.57722177

it's a fact

>> No.57722183

so much this
SFIN only has a total supply of 11k
if you are to compare that to XRP if you are to hold 1 sfin its the equivalent of having like 9 million xerps

>> No.57722349

Everyone enjoying their stay before the next event? Could happen any day now or two more years.

>> No.57722443

which event do you suspect will be next?

>> No.57722500


>> No.57722587

>Ambani wedding
yknow, the Ambanis are big on blockchain via their Jio Reliance fintech holdings and tied up with Ripple's partnership with Royal Bank of India for the digital rupee via ICICI bank, working on the wholesale/interbank realtime gross settlement of the digital rupee. all this is confirmed publicly already
>Indian Billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Firm Will Explore Blockchain Platforms and CBDCs
India has already made significant progress towards a wholesale and retail CBDC even though a full-scale launch is awaited.

India launched two CBDC pilots last year. The first, a wholesale CBDC effort (CBDC-W), began on Nov. 1 with the participation of nine banks. The other, a retail CBDC (CBDC-R) pilot, launched on Dec. 1 in four cities – Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru and Bhubaneswar. Initially, four banks, including the State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, Yes Bank and IDFC First Bank participated.
>ICICI Bank, one of the prominent banks in India, has also adopted Ripple XRP for its cross-border payment solutions. By leveraging Ripple’s technology, ICICI Bank can provide its customers with faster and more efficient international transfers, reducing costs and processing times.

>Publicly, the RBI has said the CBDC will provide an additional option to the currently available forms of money that is easier, faster and cheaper to use than existing payment rails, along with the transactional benefits of other forms of digital money.

>> No.57722661
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Donald trump is the antichrist they told us in the film Donnie Darko, with the storm. Now Q makes sense, the storm is coming, the storm of Satan.

We don’t have long, repent, XRP is probably going to moon, but your going to have to sell your soul to cash out - is why They’ve targeted the most schizo and religious group - they don’t want you out, they want your soul.

Worth the read here:

Another storm reference here along with the X (meaning the end)

Buckle up, your about to get everything you’ve been waiting on

>> No.57722669

Whatever one the losers want to play before their next before they lose.

>> No.57722674

Who am I supposed to be noticing on that list?
I see nothing overtly xrp related

>> No.57723217

Since Jan 18th:

$XRP is down ~ -4%
$FLR is up ~ +118%

>> No.57723350

it was a huge trap in 2020 before the lawsuit. really sucked getting snared by it, should've sold completely at the top of that cycle. but no my retarded friend convinced me I'd miss the great switch flippy. sold anyway kek

>> No.57723356 [DELETED] 


Have you seen it yet?


>> No.57723510
File: 856 KB, 1078x804, Screenshot_20240226_123505_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been slightly downtrodden and fatigued from macroeconomic conditions to write, but seeing this literal sign on holidays gave me a huge boost in motivation to finish the last chapter of the first book.

Fuck you Bobo, but WAGMI bros.

>> No.57723773

>my flare gains are now at 300% in 3 months
>only 150k flare
fuuuuck me
should have sold more xrp back @ 0.01. now I'm in a position where I don't really want to buy more and inflate my average buy

i do love delegation and air drop rewards though. my last airdrop is now worth over $300 for an initial outlay of $1100

>> No.57723851

Holy fuck man thats a lot of reading, idk

>> No.57723958

Crazy video though. Idk why they gotta act like demons. Are they jewish or something?

>> No.57723964
File: 136 KB, 588x548, Screenshot_20240225-204006_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch has devil wings

>> No.57724081

I should have bought a lot more, and to make up for the mistake I just bought some more. I originally bought before the first airdrop and before the long decline.
Bad timing but for a while it was looking to go nowhere.
You still got more than I.

>> No.57724089

Madonna posted on her IG a pic of Chris Larsen at her concert for her “Madame X” album in 2019
Technically there were 3 people in the photo, but Chris Larsen was one of them

>> No.57724091

>1pbtid pajeets now shilling flare
Mega bearish

>> No.57724150

>flare is bad because it is

>> No.57724236

>ETH holding 3k
>BTC holding 51k
>BNB holding 300
>SOL holding 100
>XRP cannot hold 54 cents
Bullish for xrp, those other coins are midwit traps, and the price action is designed to keep them out of xrp.

>> No.57724252

>anything I dont like is the current buzzword
you sad sad little man

>> No.57724599

Goodnight bros

>> No.57724935

makes sense

>> No.57725000

what are some other good schizo coins, proper schizo alts. I already have a LUNC stack

>> No.57725007


>> No.57725009

Good morning fellas

>> No.57725015

It’s literally nighttime

>> No.57725018

at this point i have no feelings either way. i am completely numb. i could wake up to cruise missiles overhead and i would just make a cup of coffee

looks like i made the wrong decision, yet again.

>> No.57725064

>I see nothing overtly xrp related
Don't stress about it, Rajneesh.

>> No.57725116


>> No.57725124

>this retard again

now show btc and eth

>> No.57725131

BTC: 51k and trending up
ETH: 3k and trending up
xrp: 53 cents and trending down

>> No.57725139

that's literally all this general has been doing since inception

>> No.57725168

Says the poo watching videos about poos getting married in poo land
(written in broken English by the way)

>> No.57725175

>I was just watching video
broken English
>I watch video, sir
Learn articles, jeet

>> No.57725182

>mega party
>mega party, sir, please sir, mega party, very mega

>> No.57725185

It's so unfair. I was supposed to have made it by now. Instead im left with nothing but a wage slave job and dont even have enough time to fit video games in my weekly schedule

>> No.57725187

Speaking of broken English

>> No.57725197


>> No.57725214

Lmao @ butthurt jeetboi, do five more posts about my broken English, and don't forget to attach those super-secret Satoshi emails about XRP being the standard.

>> No.57725217


>> No.57725219


>> No.57725226

I dreamt I ordered a new gaming PC and it came in parts and it was delivered like the next day or the same day even

>> No.57725227

Curry stinks
Brown is an ugly color
You stink
You’re ugly
You sound stupid trying (and failing) to speak English properly

>> No.57725229

Are you guys almost done fighting I wanna talk about stuff

>> No.57725231

>he quadrupled you’d me

>> No.57725241

Talk to yourself
(Wouldn’t be the first time)

>> No.57725247

You know there is a quote feature so people understand who you are talking to.

>> No.57725253

No one asked

>> No.57725272

Sirs, poo lady and poo man are getting married in poo land. Big mega party sirs
Please sirs

>> No.57725276

What are you on about?

Or is this another episode of someone in /xsg/ having a mental breakdown?

>> No.57725314

Having less than 44pbtid in xsg is cringe

>> No.57725330
File: 902 KB, 1704x1046, xrpchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh you are the PIL/SCAMMY guy

now you just switched again to being obnoxious

>> No.57725340

>doesn’t know the difference between then and then
Holy immigrant English, Batman!

>> No.57725346

Go eat some dry potatoes, faggot

>> No.57725353

Yes that's you scammy. You try real hard to appear different now.

>> No.57725356

Not my problem

>> No.57725359

Now you can fuck off though. This is my thread. Find your own general.

>> No.57725365

>being upset enough to use a curse word

>> No.57725374

I'm serious. I need this place. Maybe you can try GME and Bed bath beyond.

>> No.57725384

You’re just jealous because I have a hottie zoomette GF

>> No.57725392

I also have a hottie zoommette gf

>> No.57725445

>/biz/ is completely dead

>> No.57725615

post feet

>> No.57725621

When /biz/ is dead is time to accumulate

>> No.57725659

already did 2 years ago i dont have any money left

>> No.57725675

Then get a job hehe

>> No.57725776

i already have a job

>> No.57725779 [DELETED] 

Love from India sir

Select me sir It helps me a lot sir.

So I can start trading in crypto..sir

I want to help my family Sir

>> No.57725846


nice guys, job well done

really no I mean it great fucking work

>> No.57726131

I bought in back when it was sub 0.1 cent, so yes?

>> No.57726135

I bought in 2007

>> No.57726151

How come every time I check the time it's 11 past something?

>> No.57726197

Guess what I just did guys?

I just bought another 200XRP

Now I have over 16000XRP

I'm such a little rascal xD rawr ^_^

>> No.57726202
File: 1.05 MB, 1536x2048, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16000 XRP
20000 XLM

What you gonna do about it huh?

When utility bullrun ser?

>> No.57726210

I deserve to make it because I have been here all this time watching the screen and graphs and talking about XRP

>> No.57726219

I think you meant "then and than"

Whatchu wanna talk about bro? I came here to see if yall were talking about Jacob Rothschild dying yet

>> No.57726229

Yes that was already addressed when I first made the image, kinda ironic wasn't it? I now let it be in the meme because real beauty is imperfection, don't you agree? It's like art. Nothing is perfect in this world.

Talk about when fucking XRP moons, I should have accumulated enough by now

>> No.57726258

I feel like the best art is perfect. Its perfect because the person making it wanted to be perfect, so even if its not actually perfect, you can tell its what they were going for. Even music can be perfect, Canon in D major is perfection. Art doesnt always have to be perfect, it can have intentional flaws for the sake of telling a message, but art can be whatever you want it to be. Thats why its art. But I like arguing just for the sake of arguing I guess. If you want it to stay that way, I fully support that.

I feel like this new development with the death of a money overlord will shake things up for sure

>> No.57726271


>> No.57726273

I bought the dip and it's about to dip more.

Many such cases

>> No.57726277

its still the same fucking guy talking to himself after 2 weeks LMAO

>> No.57726279

>after 2 weeks

nobody tell him

>> No.57726306

with nobody you mean you how does someone end up like this can you tell me?

>> No.57726312

It's what years of bagholding, false promises, nothingburger meme dates and new world 2 more week narratives does to an individual

>> No.57726327

kek sucks to be you just sell and be done with it you can even stop playing diffrent people and actually be productive IRL

>> No.57726338

>Posting here means you are unproductive.

I never understand this argument, they have been using that 20 years ago when internet forums were born.

You realize a computer can multi task right? Even a browser can have multiple tabs open at once.

Just because you make a post, and then 15 minutes later another post, does not mean you have been doing nothing else for those 15 minutes except look at a black screen before clicking your mouse.

If you think this, you should be worried more about your own 'productivity' because obviously you are extremely retarded

>> No.57726362

>Posting here means you are unproductive.
yes shcizo it is LMAO just sell and actually do something get out grab a drink ask a girl out do something instead of looking at a screen you loser. will check in in 2 weeks if you reframed your loser ways bye bye now

>> No.57726375

>Ask a girl out

get a load of this faggot

>> No.57726420

I just realized, maybe he doesn't have a computer with internet at home. So he just assumes nobody else doesn't either. Which means he can only shitpost in 15 minute sessions at a local internet cafe or something.

Or his computer is just really old and slow, so making a post is literally the only thing he can do at the same time.

Must be difficult

>> No.57726434

whats the suicide stack again?

>> No.57726440

not only for XRP but FLR,SGB,SFIN,EXFI,APS,HLN

>> No.57726451

Holding anything over 1XRP makes you want to commit suicide

>> No.57726472

If you hold more than 10k of XRP the glowies will come for you. This thread is being monitored.

>> No.57726477

I know

>> No.57726507
File: 15 KB, 1383x81, 46b7b3de6b410a8dc335e65c6454145d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple should stop selling XRP to fund all these useless staff members.
Just look at all these open positions.. And then ask yourself, they exist like 12 years. What have they even build besides a website?

So apparently this whole ledger was built by three persons
>Ripple was conceived by Jed McCaleb and built by Arthur Britto and David Schwartz
And now they have so much open-positions for all these "engineers" yet they haven't developed a single thing in 12 years.
>muh software solutions for muh banks
Kek sure.
>burn doesn't do anything, just look at XLM goy
Stellar Foundation has sold billions of XLM too.
Yeah no wonder the price doesn't increase with a burn if you sell twice as much.

There needs to be an increase in demand, that will come with utilities, it should become scarce over time meaning Ripple shouldn't sell each month to fund their worthless roasties and engineers that develop absolute NOTHING.

>Brad muh CEO
Nigger, unless you are old you don't even know what Yahoo and AOL is. They have become irrelevant. Yahoo is now a search engine that you get if you download malware. kek.

>> No.57726520

I miss the jed selling memes

>> No.57726550
File: 159 KB, 700x539, leaflet-drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's gonna donate money to me so we can crash their APEX dev summit in Amsterdam?
I will 'airdrop' tons of folders calling these niggers out.
For 3k XRP we can get like 50K folders.
If we divide one A4 into 4 posters and cut them we will have 200k flyers.

We need to force Ripple to stop selling XRP and develop income streams for themselves so they stop dumping on us. I want a Porsche like Chris Larsen too.

>> No.57726660
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>> No.57726665
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>> No.57726693


>> No.57726771 [DELETED] 


>> No.57726778

Honestly I was just kidding man.

>> No.57726812

Sell your soul as in getting microchipped or something else?

>> No.57726856

oh fug!
probably microchipped but satan is likely not worried about rich schizos not submitting immediately because 99% will be corrupted if they are not already
unless they have some perfectly orchestrated fast track they don't really have a need to on board everyone overnight, we may have some years even after major events before everyone is connected to the beast
that being said, when temptation comes, do this

>> No.57727213

fleur de lis is a very common heraldry

>> No.57727471
File: 509 KB, 1357x2048, db-bookentry-web1-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fleur de lis is a very common heraldry
I'm just saying that Ryan Fugger was the original Ripple creator, and Jacob Fugger was pic-related. What if those genesis blocks went missing to hide trillions of XRP that went to the Fugger family and other (((elites)))?

>> No.57727572
File: 692 KB, 2260x1641, IMG_4085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t. I’m married to an old hag with terrible posture.

>> No.57727600
File: 178 KB, 701x900, fugger-coat-of-arms-german-heraldry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, Ryan Fugger invented Ripple long before Bitcoin even existed, but his idea required no token for its operation. Then Jed McCaleb bought the trademarks for Ripple and rebranded his OpenCoin. What if this rebranding and story are just smoke and mirrors, planned to distance (((them))) from Ripple? I still don't believe this missing blocks explanation bullshit, it's just impossible, because even random shitcoins never had any blocks "missing."

>> No.57727625

An "Elite Insider" on /pol/ said that Germanics rule the world, not Rothschilds and other powerful jews. So it would make sense that Germans are issuing the World Currency.

>> No.57727708

>FLR is now actually above when I bought it over a year ago at 0.042 long before the first drops
A fantastic day.

>> No.57727758

>insider on /pol/

Now i know why people call us the biggest retards in crypto

>> No.57727791

Realistically, what could FLR rise to in price?
$1? $10?

>> No.57727846

>biggest retards in crypto
It's you, there is no "us".

>> No.57727868

The market is pumping without us again

>> No.57727876

If it only hit about $0.50 it would still be worth the same per coin as XRP, how sad is that for XRP?
The last few years of DCA’ing XRP has been miserable in terms of gains.

>> No.57727957

It's in price discovery now. No one has any clue. If the Flare team keeps working and F-assets and just a little utility is implemented by year's end then .50 would make me cream my jeans, and I have a penis, so I don't even know where the cream would come from.

>> No.57727988
File: 480 KB, 550x532, IMG_5076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin charging .53k xrp still at .54 lmao it’s all so tiring. Cant wait for the moon mission to .58!




>> No.57728022

just hold on bro, two more weeks or months or decades bro cartoon bear insider riddles bro soon bro NDAs bro

>> No.57728055

From your penis, obviously.

>> No.57728072
File: 305 KB, 3640x1672, Screenshot_140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations on that. seriously

>> No.57728100

chris brown and kanye posted X on instagram. Lady gaga liked the post... our time is soon xrp brothers.

>> No.57728327

can you imagine how many insiders must have fat bags
there's only a relatively small number of XRP holders with giants bags. That list of names must read as a who's who
Jacob Rothschild probably held billions, but he just died

>> No.57728863

Bitcoin highest ATH in ages

XRP 54ct

>> No.57728868

Didn't Jacob Rothschild mention xrp or have shares or something? Literally died of old age before this shit mooned

>> No.57728912
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>> No.57728965

Thats everyones fate.

Maybe our grand children will be lucky

>> No.57728990
File: 826 KB, 1166x854, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 19.26.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild
>my hero JB
Probably a stretch though

>> No.57729118



>> No.57729140
File: 73 KB, 700x1000, IMG_2804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are about to see historic lows on the eth/xrp pairing

>> No.57729499
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>> No.57729540

were the schizos wrong all along?
its looking like the schizos were wrong all along
yeah....im thinking the schizos were wrong all along

>> No.57729680

Fuck you Mr. Burns. Rot in hell.

>> No.57729801

I posted about this a few months back
I found it after reading ripple's wikipedia page. it mentioned Ryan Fugger, but had his surname blue-linked to the Fugger banking family's wiki page.
I thought that quite odd. How often is a surname linked to a wiki page? And especially to a specific family.
I considered it a bread crumb. Who linked it?
I don't know
Fugger is certainly part of that family.

>> No.57730078
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>> No.57730405


>> No.57730455


>> No.57730894



>> No.57730909



>> No.57730916

Why didn’t you post it as a link?
Is this FUD?

>> No.57730995



>> No.57731853

I though the same thing,
was it our hero or my hero?

>> No.57732054

Good find anon.
We need some copium right about now.
>the law is expected to enter into force formally by April, and banks in the eurozone single currency area must allow instant payments within 18 months of that date.

18 months from April 2024 would be October 2025.
New meme date: October 31, 2025.

>> No.57732064

It's like pottery.