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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57706087 No.57706087 [Reply] [Original]

How badly will a country who imports a million people a year to fill non-existent employment roles become?

>> No.57706097


>> No.57706101

It keeps spiking my houses in Calgary so keep it coming

>> No.57706278
File: 89 KB, 1000x600, 200545-bbbb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immigrants gentlemen need jobs after breeding with local women, having childs cost alot of money sir

>> No.57706288


>> No.57706327

the only hope is on white zoomers/gen alpha'ers who cant get jobs or move out because of the brown horde

>> No.57706397


>> No.57706461

u will think that those little immigrants would do something like work, or even play some vidya and farm some shitty coins like $LRDS

>> No.57706479

Imagine being that chaotic in that area and it's not even Anime North Weekend lmao. Also notice there's barely any white people there, it's mostly blacks and jeets? Well at least they're trying to get a job, but damn that's a lot of unemployed people.

>> No.57706495

>promote fake jobfairs
>film and interview job seekers
>post on social media
>reveal the truth
someone please

>> No.57706503

cope and seethe shitskins

>> No.57706526
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>leafs rugging pajeets

>> No.57706555

how do you cope with being the color of literal excrement?

>> No.57706575

Isn't there an exodus of Indians trying to get out of Canada? How fucked up does your country have to be that even jeets want out?

>> No.57706587

immigrants were always intended to be the societal top buyers of western civilization.

>> No.57706615

The only group left for the western globalists to mass import are the Africans. Jeets and Chinks realized they're being screwed while spic birthrates are decreasing.

>> No.57706663

>The only group left for the western globalists to mass import are the Africans.
yeah that'll probably mark the picotop

>> No.57706725
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Absolute state of Canadian women.
Honestly I can't wait for these Liberals to get wiped out, I'm moving back to Eastern Europe soon.

>> No.57706742

are canadian "men" really THAT beta where you would rather eat shit than date them?

>> No.57706756
File: 63 KB, 715x232, japanese virgins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think white men in general just see asian women as a better option than a white woman

canada has a lot of asians and why settle for white trash roasties

>> No.57706759

I'm white though. It's a racebait thread and doesn't belong on /biz/. Most polfags are ironically shitskins.

>> No.57706777

Canadian women are taught to hate white men from a young age, they are also mortified of being called racist so they end up fucking Africans and Indians so they feel empowered. Like half the white men at my work have Asian wives.

>> No.57706790

Based and as a shit skin, this is how I got my white pussy. Dream came true, now I can go back to my country sers.

>> No.57706821

You can have them, they are the most parasitic beings on the planet.
I fucked a bubble butt Latina and she was 100x better than any white girl I was with

>> No.57706832

More for me then.

>> No.57706921

Not only this, but the average Asian will be way hotter than the average white woman. There are surprisingly few hot white women, whereas there is a boatload of hot bodied Asian women.

>> No.57706937

>doesn't belong on /biz
Go back to plebbit faggot. This is 4chins

>> No.57706946
File: 635 KB, 1080x2408, fat fucking PIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57706951

Spotted the election tourist

>> No.57707855

And pierre has no intention of slowing it down just fyi. All these morons that think PP will do anything - he wants poos as many as turdeau and more. The entire country will be poo in 20 years. Your children will learn poo language in school. Your neighbourhood will smell like curry. Your politicians, police, firefighters - all will be poo. That is the future. That is where we're going.

>> No.57707961

If you're white and looking for a job that you'd get at a job fair, you're ngmi. You shouldn't be looking for anything under $50k entry level.

>> No.57707976

We've got like 1.5 years to stop it and get Maxime in

>> No.57708333

>”Tradition is the new counterculture!”

>> No.57709445

There is no job shortage right?

>The unemployment is at its lowest in 20 years!!