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File: 425 KB, 1189x870, kentucky promised land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57702795 No.57702795 [Reply] [Original]

from the river to the sea the white man will be free

>> No.57702801

>from the river to the sea

Please don't use that language.

>> No.57702812

from the Mississippi river to the Atlantic ocean THE WHITE MAN WILL BE FREE

>> No.57702860

Living in the US as a white man is taxation without representation. Buy real estate in another country.

>> No.57702865

I searched for "Flat Lick, KY" on google streetview and its nothing but a series of trailer parks. Imagine paying 90k to live surrounded by crackheads and assorted white trash.

>> No.57702872

red states still have representation

look at the kentucky and west virginia legislature


the second a state goes over 51/49 democrat to republican it is ruined though

>> No.57702880

This. Get out while you still can. In another 20 years ((((the government)))) will make it illegal to have white skin, no whites will be hired anywhere. Total shit show. I read history often and I have not seen a more sad pathetic decline of any country in such a short period of time.

>> No.57702887

>red states still have representation
No they don't. Republicans care more about Israel than anything. Living in the US as a white man is taxation without representation. Buy real estate in another country.

>> No.57702890

based as fuck, you're buying this for the land anyways, you can probably find 20lbs of meth under the floorboards here as a bonus

trailer park people are really quite enlighted, why work for a big house if you can't do anything with it, you can choose to be a free man, or you can get a "house" and be a slave to work

>> No.57702901

on the national scale yes the republicans are zionist, although 30 of them voted against the recent funding bills

but on the state level you still have salt of the earth based people, they represent you directly on the state level

don't worry about us man, we've overcome incredible odds in the past, we still have our local areas

>> No.57702910

>I searched for "Flat Lick, KY"
nomen est omen - the fuck were you expecting?

>> No.57702949

>mentally ill 20 something loser from illinois ban evading, posting the 10000th iteration of this shit thread
hey faggot it's been like 3 years. which is it:
1) you're so poor you STILL haven't saved up $50k for a dilapidated plywood shack in the middle of nowhere or
2) you're a pussy who is never going on the pull the trigger on buying a $50k dilapidated plywood shack in the middle of nowhere

>> No.57702976

why would I stop even if I have purchased land in the promised land

see you're trying to shame me for having a valid philosophical viewpoint, by making personal attacks

why does this make you so mad, this entire board is about shitcoins anyways and has nothing to do with personal finance, atleast my threads are about personal finance

since I am not a slave I will not buy any property that costs over 100k, and most likely not even 50k, why is this so upsetting to you

>> No.57702979

>but on the state level you still have salt of the earth based people
South Americans are salt all right. They are deleterious to stable society. They'll continue to vote for free handouts regardless where they live. You can be a minority in the US or be a minority out of the US, the only difference is that you pay 10X for living in the US with no added benefit. Real estate outside of the US is a better bang for your buck.

>> No.57702991

If you wanna be white, you'd buy land in Russia, the only white country left.
Don't live in subhuman goy cattle countries

>> No.57703003

if I cannot shoot guns on my own property to maintain my life, then no property is worth the cost

I've considered the phillipines but many countries have laws to specifically keep you from buying land as a foreign investor

it's just more bullshit, why would I go from being a hated majority, to a hated minority in another country

obviously racism against whites isn't as bad in most countries but it still exists

that would be a secondary goal to me after I build a homestead in the united states

>> No.57703021

Exactly this. I have no idea why an Ecuadorian or a Mexican with a 70 IQ would move to america with no money and have a bunch of kids. The cost of living and lack of jobs that pay well with no education or intellect/skill is more oppressive than staying in their native country and living cheaply. Well I guess its because they are dumb, and biden is baiting them with free shit....

>> No.57703040
File: 880 KB, 803x896, moscow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy land in Russia, the only white country left.
1) You can't buy land as a foreigner there. This isn't the US. They're not cuckholds.
2) Russia has more Turks and Chinese than white people. The country with the most muslims isn't UK or France. It's Russia, and they live in all major cities.
Drop the notion of "white country" /pol/tard. They don't exist anymore.

>> No.57703054

if you wanna be white you have to move to a country that has a set of dick and balls like Russia.

>> No.57703067

if I can't own a gun then I am a slave, crazy how most people can't understand this

>> No.57703077
File: 88 KB, 680x798, 9EB4B5E0-0346-4790-874F-81642B95CD41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh chechens muh chinks
shut up kike.
Russia is the last white country standing against degeneration and subhumanity

>> No.57703085

russia is a patriarchal country but they probably wouldn't allow me to own a gun, so it's basically disqualified for me

>> No.57703105

we gon be south africa soon
you see how the nigger led power structures encouraged the floyyd riots

>> No.57703118
File: 295 KB, 1280x688, c8GQDfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've considered the phillipines but many countries have laws to specifically keep you from buying land as a foreign investor
Flips aren't very intelligent people. (See pic related).
The work around is this: incorporate a business in the Philippines, use it to acquire whatever property you want, and "rent" it to yourself. You now have a business in that country with steady "income" you can prove to the government.

>> No.57703129

Chechens live in Chechnya, retard. Not Moscow.
>russia is a patriarchal country
Only if your patriarch is mohammad.

>> No.57703134

good point, I don't trust iq studies really, also I don't really care I want brown whores that worship me and I don't want to work very hard

also they speak english and there is some amount of gun ownership allowed there

>> No.57703160

mohammad beats the faggot communist jesus from my understanding

I was raised catholic and I don't remember jesus doing anything important, the only things I remember is he pulled some fish out of his ass, and he washed a whore's feet

I mean that basically means you're a cuckold

muslims absolutely are bodying christians based on how beneficial their societies are to men

>> No.57703232

op is a fag, don't bother replying to him or giving him advice. thanks!

>> No.57703234

seething, I didn't ask for advice

>> No.57703252

That's nice Mo, but the point is that Russia isn't a European country, which your cousin-fucking brain doesn't seem to grasp.

>> No.57703267

at this point I would prefer a muslim country to a european country

let me know when women's voting rights are revoked in a christian country, let me know when women have to follow the lead of their husband

let me know when women are beheaded in the street for being a whore in a christian country

>> No.57703289

>at this point I would prefer a muslim country to a european country
Have fun paying jizya.

>> No.57703312

>2) you're a pussy who is never going on the pull the trigger on buying a $50k dilapidated plywood shack in the middle of nowhere

>> No.57703314

it's cool how you didn't respond to any of the points I made though

ways that muslim countries are objectively better for men than "christian" countries currently are

>> No.57703332

I don't work very hard, this much should be obvious, in 3 years I'll be able to buy one of these properties in cash

my whole philosophy is working as little as possible for the most reward possible

so you saying, wow why aren't you working super hard on the grindset hustle and bustle bro, is literally the entire point of my threads that I think that's fucking retarded and a waste of time

>> No.57703357

also paying a tax to not have to serve in the military, seems perfectly fair

also the jews are currently taxing me in my christian country to such an extent that I can't even have 1/5th the living standard my grandfather had at my age

so why the fuck would a minor tax from muslims which actually don't let women destroy society be any worse than the current jewish tax I am facing every day of my life on every product I buy

>> No.57703372

>also paying a tax to not have to serve in the military, seems perfectly fair
Jizya is a tax for not being muslim. You can still get conscripted.

>> No.57703394

according to what, some shit you just made up

>> No.57703406

>according to what
Islamic law.

>> No.57703442

apparently that islamic law isn't very important because no muslim country currently imposes the jizzah on any non muslims

apparently isis did (jewish controled) and that is the extent of the current jizzah

>> No.57703469

>1) you're so poor you STILL haven't saved up $50k for a dilapidated plywood shack in the middle of nowhere or

>> No.57703488

you measure wealth in dollars, I measure wealth in acreage used to survive without the financial system, if you go to the grocery store every week you're just as poor as me you giant cuckold

>> No.57703517

>no muslim country currently imposes the jizzah
It's never the country that imposes it. It's the mullahs.

>> No.57703639

prove it, or don't

>> No.57704015


>> No.57704062

Shut the fuck up you hook nosed like rat

>> No.57704089

no, thats wrong. non muslims cant get conscripted as long as they pay jizya.

>> No.57704155 [DELETED] 


>> No.57704625
File: 731 KB, 1200x739, 1670219270558738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truflation says housing has decreased in price a bit and deflation is real (if you guys see 3% for example its actually 1.5% now, but you wont officially see that till eom or so). 90k for that is an incredible deal imo