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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 318x159, kaspa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57702693 No.57702693 [Reply] [Original]

wtf was I thinking buying this at 18 cents
can this compete with other top L1 tokens?

>> No.57702728

>wtf was I thinking buying this at 18 cents
I know what you were thinking at 18 cents. "Oh, cool! This project I know nothing about is pumping! I had no interest in buying when it was at 10 cents for the last 2 months, but now that it's up 100% in the past week, now is the time to buy!"
Thankfully, you'll still end up profiting if you hodl because it's Kaspa. But try to keep your emotions in check next time.

>> No.57702735

do you even understand how it works?

>> No.57702764

>wtf was I thinking buying this at 18 cents
it went from 0 to 5 billion marketcap and you bought at the top of that 10000x

>> No.57702768

the main thing about it is DAG right? is it really that innovative compared to other tech?

>> No.57702790

I'm a SOL, AVAX refugee
so much bs from those coins that I finally got out
now want to find something less risky that can 10x

>> No.57702825

It's a blockDAG that achieves unprecedented speed and confirmation times on proof of work.
If you're someone who's never cared about the distinction between PoW/PoS then it might not seem innovative to you, but the innovation is that it achieves PoS-tier speeds while maintaining the security and decentralization of the original Nakamoto Consensus that Bitcoin uses. Which is just another way of saying that it solved the trilemma for real.

>> No.57702840

kyspa scam

>> No.57702858

I'm retarded and would like to buy this but I can't figure out the best way. Fucking KikeCoin and Gay.io are banned in the US. How do I buy this shit.

I just feel it in my bones this is one of those tokens that will moon for absolutely no good reason. It just will.

>> No.57702885

It will moon because a reason, and that reason its just simple math

>> No.57702905

It's pretty neat, but the file size is fucking massive. All the people saying "Monero doesn't scale because the blockchain is too large" look at this piece of shit. I think like 50% of the total supply was mined in the first year too.
Don't do it on tradeogre. Tradeogre blames the Kaspa blockchain, but nobody has been able to withdraw.

>> No.57702922

>that will moon for absolutely no good reason
I disagree, I think it's trying to solve a big problem that it might moon for a good reason, unlike the meme coins constantly being shilled here on /biz/ that's purely hype. btw not from US so I won't be able to help you on the buying part.

>> No.57702951

A Kaspa node is only like 20 GB. Because the network is designed to run with only past blockheaders and NiPoPow (which grows very slowly) and the last ~3 days of node data. The rest gets securely pruned out because it makes absolutely no difference to consensus. https://github.com/kaspanet/docs/blob/main/Reference/prunality/Prunality.pdf

>> No.57702993
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>> No.57703122

I think the reason Tradeogre can't process withdrawals is because they had too many people withdrawing and not enough people depositing, and their own liquidity stores weren't enough to provide withdrawals. So basically, they ran out of real KAS and all the "KAS" on tradeogre is just numbers on paper. That's why people were able to intermittently withdraw small amounts of KAS here and there.

>> No.57703149

Doing gods work brother

>> No.57703168


Rare quality /biz/ poster. Kaspa is an easy hold. I believe it will be a top 5 coin.

>> No.57703195
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imagine not accumulating that

>> No.57703208
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You were saying

>> No.57703223

>KAS going down
>paycheck soon
If you could keep dumping for just a little while longer, that'd be great

>> No.57703290

Thanks brah. Same here. I try to keep my shilling contained within the Kaspa threads but I really do like KAS. People will spout all kinds of nonsense to pump their bags, but it helps a lot when you have good fundamentals on your side, and can simply tell the truth instead of resorting to dishonesty.

>> No.57703380
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100K KAS = early retirement

>> No.57703464
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>my retirement plan

>> No.57703516

How much TB does the chain gain per year then?

>> No.57703550 [DELETED] 
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listen here pal i have a massive shlong and i don't have time to talk to plebs who don't understand that kas is going to the moon i was buying from 18 cents and i've got my ticket for an early retirement the chain gains an insane amount of tb per year and i can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to buy it and get rich all you need is a little money and a lot of balls of steel and you can retire young you're welcome

>> No.57703598

DAGs can’t scale

>> No.57703621

They can scale quite fucking well, kadenatranny, and you can even have a sharded network that uses blockDAGs as shards instead of blockchains. Your coin sucks and you're ngmi.

>> No.57703633

currently only around a few GB per year in practice

>> No.57703636

bros I had thousands worth of this. Its all stuck on tradeogre fml. they scammed everyone and gave us no liquidity out, my coins are just locked there. Fuck

>> No.57703641


USfag here. I use changenow. Sent BTC from coinbase and changed into kaspa in my Kaspa wallet. Do a small amount first to make sure you're doing it right, and be patient it's slow.

>> No.57703656 [DELETED] 
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lmao imagine losing all your money buying shitty memecoins like that dude you should just end your life you're a massive idiot my cock is so much bigger than yours bro you should try to be more like me and maybe you could get somewhere in life

>> No.57703749

I know your just a fucking stupid bot, but I wish I would have known bros... It set me back so far this cycle. 20k gone in an instant because I decided I should trust tradeogre... I am building back from scratch now.

>> No.57703780

Heh, me too. I still think it Haas upside. Good tech, #25 market cap and not even listed on any tier 1 exchange yet.

>> No.57703815

Is BTC the most cost effective swap?

>> No.57703853

I had over 50k coins on Tradeogre when I realized you couldn't withdraw. Thankfully, this was back when Kaspa was like, 3 cents, and I was able to sell them for half price. I sold all 50k on Tradeogre and immediately bought back 25k on another exchange. And that's the story of how I lost 10% of my KAS stack to Tradeogre's bullshit. Sad to see that they're still ripping people off half a year later.
No, not even close. Use something cheaper if you want to save on fees.

>> No.57703867

There are many issues with payment processors banning people right now and it's retarded that dissidents aren't using Kaspa already. People are incredibly lazy and stupid.

>> No.57703905

It always takes time for adoption to happen, but it's like a snowball effect once it does. Personally, I think it will happen the most in countries with broken economies and hyperinflationary currencies, since KAS is a much better store of value than their home currency, and because of the speed/low fees.
Also, I recently got banned from PayPal, and they won't even tell me why. I've been on board with replacing that centralized crap with crypto for a long time now.

>> No.57703919

Glad you at least got out anon. What they are doing is evil. I was set to make it this cycle.

>> No.57703932

People selling services are the ones who should be advocating. The argument is not for profitting from KAS, the argument is to be able to send money to each other outside the credit card system. The exchange rate is relatively unimportant and if you obsess over a few cents swing or transaction fees to get into KAS you are NGMI.

>> No.57703951 [DELETED] 


>> No.57703983 [DELETED] 

2022-05-26 - Worm-like propagation of Sysrv-hello crypto-jacking botnet- Network traffic analysis and latest TTPs - according to source ArcSight Threat Intelligence - 6 months ago.

>> No.57704028

Yeah it's absolutely criminal what went on there. Sorry for your loss anon.
I'm not sure if you misread my post, but I was just saying that Kaspa has the best chance of adoption in poor countries where the home currency is already going to shit, which makes KAS superior both as a store of value and a medium of exchange compared to what they're already using. There are already many cryptocurrencies that could be used for what you're saying, but KAS stands out by combining the security and decentralization of PoW with the speed and cheapness of a centralized network. That's actually what sold me on Kaspa: just using it for the first time and seeing for myself how fast it was. It's so much better, faster, and cheaper than any other PoW network, including Litecoin. It's hard to believe that the underlying consensus mechanism has the same level of security, but it does. I will make it because I realize what an important step forward this is technologically.

>> No.57704154

Name a (in your opinion) realistic top price for it this cycle

>> No.57704162

But yes, fundamentally I agree, and I think it will happen, but people need time to learn about KAS and become familiar with it first. Like I said, it's like a snowball effect, because people are more hesitant to use a new and not-yet-established technology. Trust in the network will grow along with adoption.
Everyone thought you were retarded if you took BTC payments in 2010. Now it seems a lot more normal. I think the same thing will happen with KAS, but it will take time, because most people are followers, and they want to see other people using it first, before they use it themselves. Because that's just how normies judge whether something is valuable/trustworthy or not.

>> No.57704212

How does it compare to Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash in terms of tech?

>> No.57704215

Don't do it. Buy EOS instead. Jupiter mission starting tonight

>> No.57704238

It depends on a lot of factors. But I think the higher we go before a T1 exchange listing, the higher the eventual top will be. If KAS can reach $0.50+ without a single T1 exchange listing, then that means it will likely become one of the top 10 coins when it does get listed. Which means $3, minimum, by the end of the cycle. I do not have a crystal ball so don't take this as financial advice. Just my opinion.
KAS operates at the speed of light compared to both of those.
Check out this website to watch Kaspa's PoW BlockDAG in real time.
Check out the testnet-11 version, and click on the "blockDAG" tab if you want to see what's coming to mainnet in a few months.

>> No.57704252

Send millions in 10 seconds (soon to be one second) for a fraction of a cent.

>> No.57704270


Fuck I clicked this by accident. What are the chances my wallet gets drained?

>> No.57704286

the pdf link inside or just the pastebin link? if its just the pastebin fine
if you clicked the link inside then you better start moving your shit out

>> No.57704317

Cool you bought the poor coin

>> No.57704319

just the pastebin, nothing inside, thanks

>> No.57704332
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>the poor coin
uh oh anon, I think you might be retarded

>> No.57704372

What exchange do I use to get kaspa? Kucoin and bybit are Chinese scams…I don’t feel good leaving 10s of thousands of dollars on them

>> No.57704381

you are supposed to cash them out to your wallet, you know

>> No.57704392

What wallet do you recommend?

>> No.57704404
File: 35 KB, 622x464, me on computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using Changenow to buy all my KAS. Crypto-to-crypto swaps with no KYC and no registration. Never leave your coins on an exchange. If you have a ledger or a tangem cold wallet, then store it on there. Multiple people ITT (including me) have gotten fucked by leaving our coins on exchanges. Not your keys, not your crypto, unironically.

>> No.57704420

i use the official web wallet, couldn't make the windows one work well

>> No.57704462

Just FYI, the windows wallet tries automatically to run its own node and sync the blockDAG locally (which takes hours) instead of just connecting to a remote node. If you go into the settings and set it to connect to a remote node, then it might work better. Personally, I just use Tangem (not a shill I promise, Ledger works too) the app has changenow built into it which makes it easy to cash out into stablecoins, when the time comes.

>> No.57704489

Thank you

>> No.57704491

Kaspium mobile wallet

>> No.57704531
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I bought at 17 lul just a week ago or so. Beoble and biz sold me on it specially shit like this
It's a sleeper agent, but it will hit hard for sure.

>> No.57704559

position accordingly

>> No.57704586
File: 154 KB, 711x758, Screenshot_20240213-231444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57704591

Haku Ryujin is looking good. Team is building utilities and community will benefit from buy backs, rev share to holders. DYOR
CA: CXrdC7JiLKvpa6CshEskorEDqkbZJjb3LJV3KUVVEiMs

Web: http://www.hakuryujin.vip

>> No.57704656
File: 53 KB, 600x877, blockdagbilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, if Kaspa ever went to $0.000000001 then I would buy every single KAS in existence and become one with the blockDAG

>> No.57704704


I’ve been hearing about this but never looked into it because seems 2gud2be true. What’s the catch? Rape fees?

>> No.57704736

There's a few similar services. SimpleSwap is another one, but ChangeNow has the lowest fees in my experience. It'll give you a quote on the exchange rates beforehand, so if you do decide to use it, so compare the rates between different services and make sure you're not getting fucked. It's worked fine for me so far.

>> No.57704751
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Kaspa can't compete with literally anything, it's a dead scamcoin
I'm still waiting for some revolutionary BRC20 token that i can trade with satoshisync but i'll have to wait more

>> No.57704772

>BRC20 token
Pick one.

>> No.57704820 [DELETED] 


>> No.57704830
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>> No.57704975

The official website recommends Topper Any luck with that? I'm gonna try to use changenow, I'll just use the official wallet.

https://wallet.kaspanet.io/ is the official site right? Trying not to get scammed here.

>> No.57705077

I've never used Topper, but I've never heard of anyone having a problem with it.
Kaspanet.io is legit. Zelcore wallet also supports KAS if you have that.

>> No.57705193
File: 7 KB, 378x178, kASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worked. Tried with a little XLM (exchange rate was trash but XLM is very fast). Thanks niggers.

>> No.57705233
File: 56 KB, 800x938, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear it anon, and remember, there's always the option of just using a VPN and signing up for MEXC. It's a pain in the ass, but those are just the hoops us burgers have to jump through if we wanna buy all the gems. Blame our shit heel government for adding too many regulations. Good luck out there.

>> No.57705247

not great, not terrible.
Similar timing, I lost 1.1m kaspa getting mine off there. Like you I was unaware what had happened, i logged on one day getting ready to put shit on a cold wallet and was not able to. The price seemed fucked, looked at order books and fealt sick. Started googling, dozens of threads on twitter and reddit. I spent about a week mulling whether to let it ride and realized there was no fucking way tradeogre was going to make anyone hole, a few DM sessions that people were sharing indicated that tradgeorge markets got fucked up because of how many people were mining rewards straight to tradeogres wallet, shit got fucked up and traders realized they could arb them to oblivion which is exactly what happened. TO basically told them in that DM to get fucked and that they(holders) were taking advantage of them.
I sold 2m kaspa on the usdt market and got about 45% of the market value, at the time they were trading at like 8c, when i started the TO order book was 4c by the time I was done selling the tradeogre order book was down to .019, i got absolutely fucked.
Within an hour of my sell threads started popping up that the wallet was out of maintenance and a bunch of people were able to withdraw(my 1.1ish million kaspa)...
as a closing note, I bought my kaspa on another exchange that was closing down and moved it tradeogre because i was lazy, i didn't get a chance to arb them, i legit just plain got fucked becuase I was lazy.
anyways, fuck you tradeogre.

>> No.57705275

What's the suicide stack on this bad boy? How high do you think it'll go at the end of this Bullrun?

>> No.57705329

>Similar timing, I lost 1.1m kaspa getting mine off there.
Jheezus christ anon. That fucking sucks. I'm sorry for your loss. That's a make-it bag right there. Makes me glad that I "only" lost 25k KAS. Hopefully you've been able to recoup your losses with other gains since then.
Man, I should've known with a name like "tradeogre" that I was going to get ripped off. Thanks for sharing your story. Hopefully others will read this and steer clear of Tradeogre from now on. Last I heard, people are STILL getting fucked because they're sending their KAS to TO without being aware of the situation.
I gave my price predictions in this post >>57704238
I'm obviously biased because I'm super bullish on Kaspa in general, but even in the worst case scenario, I cannot envision a timeline where Kaspa doesn't eventually hit $1+. It's going to happen. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.57705449

it's a vaporware ghost chain that gigapumped on pure hype

>> No.57705479
File: 164 KB, 957x573, phantom ghostdag whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be vaporware because it's already been implemented and developed
>ghost chain
It's GhostDAG, and this retarded trend of calling everything a "ghost" network just because it's new needs to end
>gigapumped on pure hype
It gigapumped because of the fair launch and the tokenomics. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together could see it coming from a mile away.

>> No.57705490

Thanks anon, Its my own fault, at least i didnt get zerod out. Like you immediately bought back, so i have a good stack, but a 2m stack is better than a sub 1m stack....
I had used tradeogre fine for years. It is a fact tho that there node, the block rate, and people sending mining rewards directly to them blew them the fuck out, there systems got completely out of whack with global average exchange prices and they got arb'd to hell.

>> No.57705510

>It is a fact tho that there node, the block rate, and people sending mining rewards directly to them blew them the fuck out
I don't think it's a problem with the Kaspa network. It's designed to handle that kind of usage.
I think it's more likely that it's either a problem with Tradeogre's back end (their own databases can't handle all those incoming deposits) or they just lack liquidity to process withdrawals. Their excuse of blaming miners for using Kaspa as intended doesn't make any sense desu.

>> No.57705573

We agree, Im not saying its a kaspa problem, i hypothesize that because the trading software is not onchain, their own databases desynched from deposits/withdrawals which also caused their market prices to get fucked.

>> No.57705582

uniswap has the wrapped version sir,,

>> No.57705618

200k kas = 1million dollhairs in 2025

>> No.57705636

I just looked more into it just now, and it seems that Tradeogre is claiming that miners caused the issue by mining directly to TO's wallets, which caused the coins to be split up across too many UTXOs, which subsequently made large withdrawals impractical..
Which, almost makes sense on the surface... but UTXO consolidation is a thing, and if this really was the case, it would be a simple fix that could have been done ages ago. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if they just stole the coins and are using that as an excuse. Fuck Tradeogre desu.

>> No.57705726

The fact that they will make zero comments about the situation does allow for just straight theft, but it doesnt follow their history. They have been around since 2018(i am 99% convinced its the turtlecoin dev) and they never robbed any other market.
Either way they are responsible, they fucked up.

>> No.57705753

I've also heard rumors that TO was created by the turtlecoin devs lmao. That was the first shitcoin I ever got rugged on, and it all happened on tradeogre. Precious memories...

>> No.57705872

You sent me on a trip down memory lane with Turtlecoin. I was a poor college freshman back then. I put like $20 into Turtlecoin, and was so excited to watch it grow to $60 within a day. I mean just think of all the stuff you can buy with $60. So I went out to go eat dinner, checked on my Turtlecoin bags using my phone, saw that my "investment" was back down to $10, and it made me seethe. Now my portfolio fluctuates 50x that much in a day and I don't even notice. Kek

>> No.57705949
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>pure hype

>> No.57705979

Im buying migrant inu then I will take my profits at $100M and buy 1M KASPA and you cannot stop me

>> No.57705993
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Let the bodies hit the fucking floor

>> No.57706046

Adam Back looks like he's had his mind blown by what Yoni's saying

>> No.57706083

On a side note. Changenow was a fucking breeze to use. Very impressed by it, and it was not slow at all. Was terrified I was being scammed kek.

>> No.57706147

I've used Changenow a lot, and I had one swap that failed to go through, but I contacted support and gave them the transaction info and they sent me my coins back. So they've been quite legit in my experience.

>> No.57706224

Brah I accidentally refreshed the page without even making an account while swapping my shit from my ledger and for the 20 minutes the trade was happening I thought I had lost everything hahahahahaha. Got with support and couldn’t find my transac number (they were trying their best to help) in my browser history cause brave doesn’t store that shit like jewgle chrome and paced around my room thinking of what I was going to do lmfaooo and then suddenly it updated in my Kaspium wallet kekkk, I apologized and thanked the support guy but brahhh I thought it was over

t. 300k fag

>> No.57706413

this cycle's kda

useless ghostchain that will drawdown 99% and everyone will wonder "why the hell did i buy this?"

but the reason is obvious, you bought because the price went up

>> No.57706458

This coin's price action will never look like KDA's because they have completely different tokenomics, and Kaspa did not preallocate the majority of its supply to insiders at launch. You people really need to learn about tokenomics. You guys act like it doesn't matter, but it's literally one of the main drivers of price action.

>> No.57706517
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>> No.57706551
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>> No.57706586
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Ah yes, quite a cromulent riddle, indeed. I understood some of the words in it

>> No.57706645

Let me try to understand this please... there are people in this thread, who (like me) believe that this project will get pumped this time. They also think that it will be a lasting project. Now, dear frens this I doubt. Tell me why

>> No.57706671

It's going to go down in the bear market like everything else, but I don't think it's going to die out. BlockDAG is a useful technology that brings speed and scalability to proof of work for the first time ever. Kaspa is the first blockDAG. That makes it a first mover in the crypto space like BTC and Ethereum. First movers have a ton of staying power and any other crypto which uses blockDAG tech from now on will be a copycat that adds more legitimacy to Kaspa

>> No.57706699

Thank you for your take

>> No.57706701

That being said, I'm planning on selling 90% of my stack in 2025, and keeping the rest just in case we get an extended gigabull market which sends Kaspa past $10

>> No.57706734

Is 75k KAS enough bros

>> No.57706854

Don't wait for 75k KAS to turn into a million dollars because that's not going to happen this bull run. You'll still profit bigly imo.

>> No.57707160

Hell, i was there. I remember being on the discord in the first few weeks and churning out 10's of thousands trtl a day on my 2080. I still have a wallet with 12 million in it...
Same though, my crypto bags moves +/- 100k or more and i feel nothing....

>> No.57707583

So I can buy wrapped kas on Uniswap and send it to kaspa wallet and it converts it to KAS?

>> No.57707760


>> No.57707937

sir coinbase sir

>> No.57708047

Fear the zelcore wallet fren.

>trade for some Kas
>send it to zelcore wallet
>zelcore wallet never acknowledged the kas

>> No.57708054

Zelcore wallet is confusing, but your Kaspa is in there, you just need to manually add it as one of your tracked currencies before it'll show up. It won't do it automatically because it's retarded.

>> No.57708072

reasonable price expectations this bullrun? I have $15k to put into one or two more coins

>> No.57708140
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$1 minimum

>> No.57708309

If you could explain the steps to do that I'll try it....

>> No.57709540
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>> No.57709602
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>> No.57709680

I was wondering if I should buy an Antminer KS3.


According to nicehash this would be a DAILY profit of 60 Euros or so.

What am I missing? It seems like an incredible ROI that I don't get by rather taking the 10k to the stock market.

>> No.57709686

Basically what I am asking is: Is Kaspa here to stay or just another meme coin? The payout of nicehash is still in BTC, kek.

>> No.57709725

Yeah mining kaspa is profitable right now. Don't forget that difficulty goes up as more miners join the network, and emission rewards are cut in half every year, but so far, the appreciation in the price of KAS has been more than enough to make up for it. I think mining will continue to stay profitable, but I prefer to just buy the coin outright.
It's hard to say what will happen years in the future, but no, it's not a meme coin, the technology is actually unique and potentially useful, and it has the right formula for achieving long term success. But that's not a guarantee that it will happen, and investing in crypto is always a risk. Act accordingly.

>> No.57709729

more L1 are coming buy Kaspa can always compete. more focus on L1 combined with oracle and micro infrastructure.

>> No.57709746

>the technology is actually unique
Mhm, this is what I thought with having a "block net" instead of a classic chain. I guess I will observe the market for another half year, until I can switch to a spot market price electricity contract, and then decide.
Thanks Anon.

>> No.57710168
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