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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57693560 No.57693560 [Reply] [Original]

When is BSV going to start mooning. Craig looks to have won the case and is satoshi.

>> No.57693634

BSV has lost 99% against BTC, and is about to lose ANOTHER 99%. After that there’ll be another 99% loss when fatoshi is jailed for fraud on the court, before a final 99% loss when he gets out, in about twenty years

>> No.57693645

>Craig looks to have won the case and is satoshi.
uh, what?
there's no fucking way the court coul dhave accepted his bullshit as convincing evidence.
what happened? isnt the case still ongoing?

>> No.57693725

case is ongoing, the reporting coming from the room, craig was on stand last week and he is like a 3 year old making up stories, its literally painful.
This is an actual exchange...
COPA: CSW as a child liked Japanese martial arts?

Danielle: Yes

COPA: You blogged an “unknown person was in a ninja outfit was practising martial arts in the park with a [real] sword”. When CSW was around 18 or 19

Danielle: Yes

COPA: You ran home screaming

Danielle: Yes

COPA: You later found out this unknown person was CSW

Danielle: Yes

His sister says he liked japan as a high schooler therefor he is satoshi.
This is his evidence.
All other witnessess so far have been "i think hes smart so it makes sense that he is satoshi"

his own performance on the stand has even caused the judge to stop and ask questions like "your saying you back dated <whatever email>" answer "yes, i do that sort of thing all the time"

>> No.57693747

ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill.
There is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.57693773

hide all csw threads
it's just spam

>> No.57693849

that image is condensed cringe

>> No.57693862

keks upon keks

>> No.57693868

its good entertainment lol

>> No.57693899

the one possible way is if the court is corrupted which isn't uncommon

>> No.57693989

Irregardless of outcome, Are Satoshi coins safe from being acquired by creg or anyone else?
I mean, whatever happens in court, creg cant get Satoshi coins with having the keys?

>> No.57693995

Fuck off man

>> No.57694001

>*without* having the keys?

>> No.57694007

Craig invented bitcoin, get over it. he isnt some hippie like they psyoped us into beliving. Bitcoin was supposed to scale and craig is the only one that knows how to do it on layer one. The amount of paid shills that talk shit about Craig is unreal. So much misinfo out there. Bsv is the original protocol. get over it.

>> No.57694018

Faketoshi Fagamoto is a liar and a sodomite.

>> No.57694024

go to bed craig. you've got more children's hour stories to tell tomorrow.

>> No.57694038

diaper status: FULL

>> No.57694067

Satoshi himself back in the day

>> No.57694075

Never, this shitcoin is old news and BSV threads should be nuked on sight.

>> No.57694122

if he wins in a US-jurisdiction court he absolutely could. BTC miners are already obeying US court rulings with blacklisted addresses

>> No.57694148

i thought theyre protected and locked by crypto keys?

>> No.57694150
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Bsv Scales to well over a million tps in 2024 mark. terranode Software is coming out for node operators which takes the original bitcoin protocol way above anything else in crypto. Bitcoin actually works and isnt a delusion like all these xrp tards that drank the bankster coolaid.

>> No.57694226

read mining pool smallprint terms and conditions
they are not lawless entities, they will cover their own asses if they have to

>> No.57694234
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Crypto will grow up soon, people will realise that if you want a network that will not be attacked by governments you have to comply with the existing laws. This all happened in the 90s and early 2000s, lots of crypto projects got shut down by regulators becuase they didnt comply. Bitcoin in it's original form is a commodity and so cannot be regulated. Btc is not the original form btw. Segwit forked bitcoin into something else and so made it a security.

>> No.57694285

so its not private or tamper proof anymore?

>> No.57694413
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Bitcoin is Private and tamper proof, the protocol is locked(in bsv) and will never change. However because mining operations are businesses if they are compelled by law enforcement through a court order(expensive) they can freeze funds ect and return funds. Burt this will only be in cases that are important like millions of dollars of bitcoin are stolen and they can be returned. But it's not just willy nilly they can move it around it has to go through a court of law. And Bitcoin is very private at massive scale (millions of transactions per second) becuase to track it bcomes very expensive and so its only worth it for law enforcement for people that are child trafficking or very large fraud cases or criminal cases. The everyday person will not be effected.( plus identity is firewalled from the blockchain.

>> No.57694462

but how canj they take satoshi coins?

>> No.57694510

The more it drops the more it wins and the more Craig is satoshi, retard

>> No.57694518
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Bitcoin is just a large distributed Ledger, The nodes will just all agree that coins will be moved. I believe Nchain/Craig have the Software that they can do this with. The movement requires a court order only. It's not like some random guy can just decide to do this. Bitcoin is not encrypted it's plain text and so totally possible

>> No.57694721

welll that dosent sound safe or secure.
sounds like basically the govt can steal, move, manipulate your shit whenever they want.
totally cucked

>> No.57694751
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All People Need to do is Just Use the original Bitcoin(BSV) and see how good it is. It's Literally Instant, we have games on bitcoin, Champions tcg, we have DXS.app a trading platform built on bitcoin, Lil.bit a betting app on bitcoin, Frobots a competetive coding game built on bitcoin. I could go on forever. Only thing BSV doesnt have going for it is the narrative. Just use it and you will see. Check out Hodlocker it's a free to use social media app that is using bitcoin. Each post is a transaction and it has anon posting. You upvote by locking bitcoin(bsv) for a defined time that you set youtself. It's a legit project not like all these other scam tokens that are Basically money laundering projects for vc's and big players that use retail investors to provide the smoke screen.

>> No.57694760

Miners will just switch to a different pool instead of obliterating their own investment like that

>> No.57694766

>Craig looks to have won the case and is satoshi.
>courta determine reality
it's Nuremberg all over again, fake and gay

>> No.57694773

Oh no not the UK judicial system :(

>> No.57694831

But they can't do whatever they want, they would have to prove it in the court of law before anything happens. and this will be a very uncommon occurrence. The government can't change it in anyway they like. I hear what your saying and I too was not too happy about this but the other alternative is that th govt designs there own cbdc type shit that they really can be authoritarians with. bitcoin is safe because the nodes(block builders not people validating at home like the Bitcoincore cucks sell) are around in various jurisdictions so they cant just come in and fuck with it like that. Govt can only do so much, I would be more worried about private individuals with lots of money that are essentially more powerful that govt. Btc is essentially controlled by Blockstream for alot of years, it's basically turned into banker coin.

>> No.57694865

if greg gets satoshi's coins somehow by this court action a ollowing one, it will be an monsterous disgrace

>> No.57694875

>instead of obliterating their own investment like that
so, first of all, most miners arent holding large quantities of BTC, so they dont have any such investment so to speak.

Secondly, you seem to be implying that craig taking the satoshi coins would tank bitcoin. I dont see any reason why that would have to be the case

>> No.57694925

>implying that craig taking the satoshi coins would tank bitcoin. I dont see any reason why that would have to be the case
it could have significant impact on user sentiment, perhaps creating instabilities, lack of confidence in the coin

>> No.57694948

Craig is not pursuing this at all, he has the keys anyway so he wouldn't need too. Craig has other bitcoin wallets that he uses anyway. It's not like Satoshi only had 1.1mil. Some people estimate Craig has around 2-3 Million Bitcoin. He sells a little quite regular. So let me ask you, if someone stole your bitcoin somehow would you be happier if there was a way to get it back through the police and courts ect. or would you prefer it to be lost forever and the thief gets to keep it. Think logically if we are going to get mass adoption things like this need to be possible. Also ps Craig has more than enough money he doesn't need to steal coins or whatever like people suggest.

>> No.57694991
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Craig Steven Wright will get the death penalty and all BSV shills will go to jail for supporting this obvious fraud. WE ARE LOGGING YOUR IP ADDRESSES AND OUR PATIENCE IS AT AN END FAGGOTS

>> No.57695223

This actually makes a lot of sense

>> No.57695271

What's with this ""stiff"" bullshit?

>> No.57695479

I don't know whether to feel bad for the BSV folks losing their shirts, or happy that they're getting exactly what they deserve for rooting for an obvious con-man.

There's probably a long German word out there that'd convey those precise feelings.

>> No.57695569
File: 125 KB, 700x858, Craig Wright telegraphing his next move.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny you say that, the "Bitcoin Association for BSV" ( group in charge of BSV paid by Calvin Ayre ), with the
cooperation of nChain (company that maintains the only BSV node software, not open source, owned by Calvin Ayre), is now able to force the confiscation and transfer of any coins on the BSV blockchain at any time (with the cooperation of TAAL, the overwhelmingly dominant miner on BSV owned by Calvin Ayre.)

Just normal BSV things.

This is, of course, a prelude to Craig stealing whatever large wallet he wants from the BSV blockchain.

>> No.57695595

>so, first of all, most miners arent holding large quantities of BTC, so they dont have any such investment so to speak.
a lot of them do, and plus Bitcoin is a significant source of revenue for them (obviously), so tanking the price and ruining the legitimacy/trustworthiness of BTC as an asset by overriding the protocol to steal Satoshi's coins is not in their best interest

Secondly, you seem to be implying that craig taking the satoshi coins would tank bitcoin. I dont see any reason why that would have to be the case
You are fucking delusional and living in fantasy land. You're basically saying that rewriting Bitcoin's genesis block to hand millions of BTC over to someone who lacks the keys and doesn't otherwise have access to them, wouldn't affect the price of BTC. Not only would it tank the price of BTC out of fear that Craig might dump the coins he stole, but it would completely destroy trust in BTC as a commodity where this sort of thing is supposed to NEVER happen.
I gotta agree with >>57695479, here. You guys are stubborn retards who want to destroy Bitcoin and all of cryptocurrency just to pump your failed shitcoin bags. I'm glad you're gonna be poor forever. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.57695663

I honestly would love to meet these anti BSV posters of /biz/ that plague every bsv thread with their homosexual kiked pilpul discourse full of lies and petty slander in real life . These anti bsv posters pride themselves on siding with the pedo- MIT- BTC crowd and the monopolized tech industry of Silicon Valley. These anti bsv posters are so contrarian and brave to side with Wall Street Jews and the mountain jews of WEF

>> No.57695699
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you BTC niggers literally got funding from Epstein . At this point, just shut the fuck up anon you have no place to be critiquing bsvers on their moral compass when your BTC developer buddies were cashing in checks from the Mossad big man Epstein himself. . Fucking jew nigger

>> No.57695745


> discourse full of lies and petty slander in real life

Nope. Craig Wright has used SLAPP tactics to drag people hurting his feelings in court, only to be told that it's perfectly reasonable to call hima liar and a fraud to his face, given his documented history of lying, defrauding various entities, submitting massive amounts of forgeries as supporting evidence to courts across multiple continents (and getting called out for it in exactly as many courts). Also, perjury, but who gives a shit at this point.

The few BSV believers left at this stage are literally the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.
Everybody else never touched it in the first place, or realized they were being played and bailed.

Seethe against turbo-pedo-wallstreet making your poor. You did this to yourself.

>> No.57695768

eat dick JIDF blockstream nigger janny of /biz/. Anyone who holds BSV doesn’t give a fuck about what you petty TINY little kikes think about ANYTHING. You Synagogue of satan lying scum bags

>> No.57695783


Please tell me you locked all your BSV for a year or more, like the valiant trooper you are.


>> No.57695786

well you should already have that lack of confidence in the coin because the miners are already bending over for the USG.
I dont own BSV or very much of any crypto. I dont really care about craig either, but the relentless personal attacks against him just make him seem more legitimate

>> No.57695820
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How’s your jewboy Sam Bankman fraud doing? He’s looking a little skinny? And frail. Hopefully his Jewish genes don’t degrade his immune system into taysachs while he’s in federal prison.
You Jews sure call Craig a fraud but don’t seem to ever implicate Sam as a fraud — I wonder why??? two faced rat yids of /biz/ and r/bsv. Your Jewish offspring are literal maggots upon this Earth

>> No.57695838

I don’t trust Jack or his NFT account friends- and would ever trust relay with my bsv . I hold my 1k+ bsv with Centbee / electrumSv

>> No.57695862


NGL, that's disappointing.

It still gives you a way out.
But hopefully you won't use it.

>> No.57695892

I’ve been holding since 2019 when Craigfrens first started posting here. Don’t need a locking mechanism that involved trusting a third party w/ a bunch of nft crackheads to hodl my bsv

>> No.57695949


Oh man.. if you bought from gate.io, you may have gotten the coins I unloaded unceremoniously after the fork.

Yes. It's a nice story. I think I'll keep it.

>> No.57695964

If you are entertaining this idea or listening to the retards presenting it, you yourself are retarded.

>> No.57696017

if you have nothing useful to add to the discussion, why bother posting?

>> No.57696038

so you believe miners will just remain true to their principles under threat of arrest and imprisonment?

>> No.57696086


>> No.57696126

According to satoshi>>57694518
>I believe Nchain/Craig have the Software that they can do this with. The movement requires a court order only
What could go wrong i wonder

>> No.57696137

Already happened

>> No.57696149

There is zero evidence of this and plenty of evidence that he is funded by calvyn who he fraudulently signed over rights to the satoshi wallet once the court orders it.

>> No.57696164

Feel free to post the source, it won't be what you're trying to argue I guarantee it.

>> No.57696433


Source, source.. That sounds familiar.
Oh right, that's the stuff github.com is full of, right?

Alright, here we go:

This is the design document for how Calvin Ayre and his friends intend to steal BSV coins from large wallets:

This is the software the BSV gang claims you are MANDATED to install side by side with their BSV node software to allow their thefts to occur:

And finally, this is the "legal" document the BSV gang asserts every BSV miner is agreeing to, which explains that miners MUST comply with the heists:

Also, since obtaining an actual Court Order is too high a bar for this robbery to occur, the video explainer at https://youtu.be/s-thMjd7pKc helpfully clarifies

> the first step of the digital asset freezing process is obtaining a course order or a document of equivalent legal force

What would be a document of equivalent legal force to a court order? Don't worry about it, the "Bitcoin Association for BSV" will figure it out for you.

>> No.57696554


It occurs to my ethanol-addled brain that you may have taken offense with the notion that Bitcoin itself, rather than an obscure shitcoin, may be impacted by this attempt at a systemic blockchain burglary.

And that's somewhat true, except that's still one of Calvin Ayre and Craig Wright's goals.

1. The design document I linked above claims to describe
> an overview of confiscation transactions in BSV and BTC.
That's not a typo. This is their goal.

But while they can easily change the BSV node code and license to do that (and they have done just that), how would they go about forcing Bitcoin to go through the same absurdities?

Lawsuits. That's how. In their heads at least.

Specifically, "Tulip Trading Limited v. Bitcoin Association For BSV & Others" is a UK court case that aims to force those changes onto Bitcoin.
See https://bitcoindefense.org/our-work/ for details.

>> No.57696565
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>> No.57696640

being able to reclaim lost coins would instil user confidence
but it is likely that the intial shock of le bad aussie man taking back his own one million coins would put a great amount of fear into the btc market

>> No.57696674

So if someone steals my coins there will be a court system in place for me to get them back? That sounds awful. What happens if law enforcement catches someone using bsv to buy/sell child porn online? Will that allow courts to seize the transactions/confiscate the funds? Would courts be allow to see who these transactions were made by?
I can't even imagine how fucked you must be. How much cp/drugs/money laundering are you involved with? What year did you realize that a PUBLIC BLOCKCHAIN would not hide you identity. Let me guess, you think the legal age of consent should be lowered? You probably also think all drugs should be legalized.

>> No.57696711


> if someone steals my coins there will be a court system in place for me to get them back

Oh sweet summer child.
This entire farce is crafted to allow Craig Wright to steal the coins stolen from MtGox for himself, among others.
It has absolutely nothing to do with you and what you need.

> How much cp/drugs/money laundering are you involved with?

Ah yes, "What are your crimes?", the old staple of good people making convincing arguments.
This is what you sound like: https://youtu.be/ocw90W44Boc

>> No.57696731

ceg satoj

>> No.57696743 [DELETED] 

Secondly, you seem to be implying that craig taking the satoshi coins would tank bitcoin. I dont see any reason why that would have to be the case
>but the relentless personal attacks against him just make him seem more legitimate
He's invited it upon himself by launching countless frivolous lawsuits against various developers for questioning his Satoshi LARP. You don't get to just do that and not get any pushback for it. Fuck off.

>> No.57696745

I'm still in Antarctica, so I obviously didn't when yet in the sense of laminar chronological time.

>> No.57696765

>but the relentless personal attacks against him just make him seem more legitimate
He's invited it upon himself by launching countless frivolous lawsuits against people for questioning his Satoshi LARP. You don't get to just do that kind of thing and not get any pushback for it. Fuck off.

>> No.57696788
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I hope he goes to jail for this shit desu

>> No.57696888


I guess we will have to wait and see. I don't believe you. However, if that does happen I will gladly eat shit and admit I am wrong.

The court of public opinion means jack shit. So your opinion about what will happen has the exact same value as mine.

I assume you are involved in this activities because the only people that want BTC to continue are either sheep that don't understand it or people who support ancap. You clearly have some understanding of bitcoin so it is safe to say you are the latter

>> No.57696921

dont be a faggot, you are leaving out all the facts of the matter you faggot

Remember COPA asked HER this. This is COPA trying to prove he isnt satoshi.

They are failing at every measure

>> No.57697034

>nooo you don't get it, we need to allow a centralized authority to manipulate the blockchain and censor/reverse/override transactions or else LE EBIL CHILD PORNOGRAPHERS AND CRIMINALS will take over
Holy shit just kill yourself unironically please. And stay out of crypto. It's not for you. Stick with fiat and centralized services like VISA. They're more your speed

>> No.57697040


> your opinion about what will happen has the exact same value as mine.

Sure. Disregard opinions, acquire facts.

I've pointed you to sources, all of them written by the folks in charge of BSV, describing precisely what they're up to.
If you don't trust my summary of it, you can read them yourself. No opinions, just factually what the bastards have done and written.

Above, I've posted a photograph of the Financial Times’ Legal Notices section, showing Craig Wright's clear intent to capture the 1FeeX address for himself.
If you're unclear what that address is, someone has written a small blurb about it: https://mylegacykit.medium.com/the-faketoshi-tale-of-1feex-5dbeb230a090
Again, that post has sources for everything it claims. You can verify all of it yourself.

This is a pattern you're going to find the deeper you dig into BSV.

Folks calling out the scam and trying to stop people from losing their shirts have sources. Lots of carefully documented and put together sources.

On the other hand, folks trying to keep the BSV scam alive do not. You will find blowhards that put a lot of words together to say very little, because they are targeting feeble idiots who do not read and assume that logorrhea is an indication of competence and knowledge, when it is neither of those things.

You will also find obvious liars and people willing to repeat those lies, like the recent "The whitepaper definitely has a secret watermark that Craig put in there" lie.
Please do not fall for that.

> the only people that want BTC to continue are either sheep that don't understand it or people who support ancap.

I guess I have to touch that. None of what I've written indicates that I want BTC to continue.
And in fairness, I'm not sure I want it to.
I've personally benefited tremendously from BTC doing well, but that's not a good enough reason.
You see, it all started in..

Oh crap, 4chan limit comments to 2000 characters? What is this, a forum for ants?

>> No.57697095
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Oldfag protip: quit with the reddit spacing and you'll shave a few characters off your post

>> No.57697103

The bot has exposed itself.
Stick to lightning, that is more your speed.

>> No.57697104

cregg satuj

>> No.57697131


Hi there! It seems like you're not aware that for the purpose of the Joint Trial on the Identity Issue, Judge Mellor has designated Craig Wright as the claimant, while COPA and the Devs are the defendants.

In plain words, it means it is Craig Wright's responsibility to demonstrate that he is Satoshi Nakamoto.

COPA only needs to undermine his efforts.


> This is COPA trying to prove he isnt satoshi.

This is factually, verifiably wrong.
COPA is perfectly content to have Craig's witnesses give inconsistent, verifiably false, and downright silly testimony.

The burden of proof is on Craig Wright. This is why he submitted several hundred of documents to prove his identity.
When the expert witnesses for both COPA and Craig told the court that they were all forgeries, Craig Wright suddenly found a hard drive in his couch cushion filled with even more ground-breaking documents that tots proved he was Satoshi.
Would you be shocked to learn those were also exposed as forgeries?

And then of course, Craig was dragged in court during cross, were he was painfully forced to admit that none of those documents were real and that he had in fact no evidence to rely on to make his case.

And guess what, we get to see more of this tomorrow as Craig is back on cross for further public humiliation.

Yeah, this is all going really well for the BSV camp.

>> No.57697182

Ok then, I tried. Enjoy doing super well with your BSV bags.

All in all, I'm happy I didn't get to go into my glorious background and my superior political ideology, so it all works out.

You. I like you.

>> No.57697204

>Stick to lightning, that is more your speed.
Sorry, but I prefer decentralized, permissionless, stateless networks. So that rules out Lightning, as well as centralized trash that's beholden to the whims of (insert government jurisdiction here) like BSV. Maybe if you stopped doubling down on old, failed ideas, then you'd already be halfway to making it, like I am. Just saying. I'm holding a new coin, not going to say what it is, but it absolutely mogs BSV and has been massively outperforming in terms of price action. BSV baggies are not going to make it

>> No.57697289
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what is it kaspa? You Israelis are fking THIEVES . Fucking kaspa kikes calling their blockchain a Nakamoto consensus or some shit. Thieving JEWS

>> No.57697442

Holy shit you type like a faggot.

>> No.57697536
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>> No.57697598
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BSV baggies seething about kaspa like pottery...at least we don't need to lie about satoshi being on our team to pump our bags. I'll sure enjoy watching you niggers stay poor over the coming years

>> No.57697710

the team are all heebs, gl with the next fotm israeli scam

>> No.57697750

Nobody cares about your /pol/fag retardation. I've been profiting for 1.5 years and counting. Kaspa team is 100x more trustworthy than that lying Craig faggot. You're a cum guzzling retard for even entertaining the idea that Craig is Satoshi. I would say gl with the next Satoshi larping faggot but I honestly don't think there will be one after seeing what ended up with your hero getting discredited

>> No.57698092
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i trust his 9000 hours of bitcoin videos that nobody else has anything close to, along with what non core cucks say about him like pic related
there was a book i found as well about defending critical infrastructure like nuclear plants from cyber attacks that he contributed to with a bunch of other high profile ex and current military intel and private sector guys
if you ignore the btc core troons stuff there is some interesting shit behind craig

>> No.57698124

>defending critical infrastructure like nuclear plants from cyber attacks
the IT guy installing McAfee

>> No.57698152

>i trust his 9000 hours of bitcoin videos

How many of those 9,0000 hours of deeply uninteresting videos did you actually force yourself to watch, overly trusting anon?

Would you like to pick a few of his multi-hours "masterclasses" and share with us the valuable insights you procured from their viewing?

Gullible idiot.

>> No.57698153
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the best part about today was the mustang comment
dude just took a fat shit in craig's mouth
which is really just calvin's mouth at this point lol

>> No.57698201


For sure. Lord Grabiner would have better served his client by excusing Howard Hinnant from cross-examination too.
But it made the day much more pleasant for the rest of us.

Now, just a few more hours until Craig goes back on cross to flail wildly around whatever silliness he's been caught with yet again..

>> No.57698230
File: 184 KB, 1127x1316, micropayments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ill share something that he talks about a lot
just like satoshi
in 2014 before wired and gizmodo outed him he was talking about it too

>> No.57698234

Find another way to diddle kids fund bio-labs and steal elections.

>> No.57698252

the biggest cuck on the planet, pretending to be another man
the only reason your boy ever mentioned "micropayments" is because he read about satoshi saying it lol
he has never in his whole life ever said that word before his LARP

that also makes your post talmudic

>> No.57698260

If it was going well for you. I'm pretty sure the bilderberurgers would have found you another board to go shit up.

>> No.57698280
File: 262 KB, 540x720, 1686610253913652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats funny bro, all the jews are in your house, enjoy your greg maxwell semen, you seem to love slurping it all up
btc doesnt support micropayments, blocks too small, fees too high, it's totally fucked
bsv does
the end

>> No.57698328

your blocks are just empty, jew
your project is spearheaded by a democrat BLM lover who fucks brown prostitutes on antigua

bsv is a talmudic chain
and your boy was caught for 12 days straight shouting talmudic jewish lies on court


>> No.57698338
File: 425 KB, 750x1005, IMG_9240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are disgusting

>> No.57698347
File: 134 KB, 453x457, 1688883764290231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

craig has foreskin and greg doesn't
bsv supports micropayments and btc doesn't

>> No.57698364
File: 79 KB, 627x480, 1708277567857949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. BitCoiner since 2011.

>> No.57698382

greg isn't even a core dev lmao
bsv supports nothing because nobody uses it

>> No.57698386

OP_TRUE OP_RETURN <new lockScript>

normally miners invalidate that. If they know all other miners are going to confirm it to stay compliant with a court order they will validate it. It's literally that simple.

>> No.57698465

greg was involved in crippling it, turning it into digital gold
and we all know jews LOVE gold

>> No.57698591

>unsigned int
uh oh I dont feel so well bsv sisters…