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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 446 KB, 1039x769, 1708587270766693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57687246 No.57687246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wow it's that easy to make 200k a week?? Takes me 8 years to make 200k

>> No.57687263

>$3 subs

She isnt even posting nudes, just thirst trapping coomers. Why was i born a man, i could have had it so easy.

>> No.57687273

she makes 800k a month and that amount will only grow over time. soon she will make over a million dollars a month just for taking pictures of herself in clothes.

>> No.57687282

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.57687295


Hate the men who order the shit and pay for it. There's literally trillion years worth of pron online completely free and Ai pics and videos around the corner

>> No.57687310

100,000 men subscribed for this?///

>> No.57687321

girls like this in highschool would give you blowjobs in the toilet and you'd talk shit about her to your mates about how big of a whore she is
making 200k on the internet and not even showing tits

simps have put pussy on a pedestal, simps are to blame for this

>> No.57687328
File: 30 KB, 1200x487, IFqb1fBBNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesnt only take pictures of herself in clothes she probably also sends nudes to her private subscribers there are probably also rich oil tycoons from the middle east and asia who want to finance this e-whore you are so stupid for not realizing this also why are you so poor why don't you do it too its just too easy you stupid retard why aren't you already doing it its because you are too stupid and ugly lmao also this is all too much to process for your pea brain so you should get off this website

>> No.57687330

if my sugar baby is an onlyfans whore how bad does that make me?

>> No.57687334

Still must be something like top .000001% of OF, a rare occurrence you can compare it to the likes of YouTubers like PewDiePie, Mrbeast when comparing it to men, rest of women only earn a few hundred a month at best

>> No.57687346

>will only grow over time
No it won't lol
She has to keep doing more and more fucked up stuff to even retain an audience much less grow it, there's only so many times you can show your asshole and have it be a unique event
Eventually as it gets too extreme she'll start losing fans, the same people that joined to see her tits aren't the ones who want to see her get pissed all over, and guess which audience is bigger?

>> No.57687349

either way shes going to make 100 million dollars easy

>> No.57687360

Do you have fat tits, a vagina, young, rail thin and an eagerness to be nice to losers? No?

Shut the fuck up then

Being top tier sexy is a rate in-born talent polished by real work that men dont want you to profit from despite its obvious monetary worth

>> No.57687361

I mean can you really blame her? She is a fucking 10. A knockout. Amazing tits, super sexy tattoo, eyes and lips to drown in.


I would sub just to see more of her

>> No.57687366


>> No.57687372

she looks like Goth Belle Dolphin

>> No.57687376

looks like a 7 from the pic op posted
not bad, but much of the attraction is youth + makeup + posing
tattoo is a negative, you're low iq so i forgive you. just dropping objective numbers here

>> No.57687382

>Goth Belle Dolphin
Yes, that's what I said. A fucking 10

>> No.57687383

>15 years of internet incel culture and still seething over women

Why dont you just shotgun yourself OP? People are born into money, good health, looks, etc. most women don’t even make money on OF.

Yet here you are on a crypto board absolutely seething over nothing. Just kill yourself, legit. You’ll be happier in hell

>> No.57687386

Oh right, I forgot you virgins are scared of tattoos


My gf is 18 but doesnt look like that, she doesnt wear make up though. Should I get her to wear make up or maybe get a tattoo? And what pose is it?

>> No.57687393

Because they are incels. They literally expedt hot models to come to them while they sit behind their computers doing nothing but jerking off, smoking weed and playing videogames.

They dont understand that actual strong genes go out there and get women. And they blame women instead of themselves.

>> No.57687398
File: 494 KB, 828x1423, IMG_6621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if he stopped spending his time posting this garbage on 4chan he could develop a life and move out of his mommas basement

>> No.57687405

Yeah he definately does overdo it or takes a few wrong turns somewhere.

I myself can still manage to fit work, gf, exercise and shitposting in my life.

They just are out of balance and delusional, perhaps they spend too much time on /pol/ or other incel boards

>> No.57687507

Obvious bait for incels

>> No.57687513

I love messing with incels though but it's not really bait, shes cute as fuck and a sleeve on a hot sexy young girl makes my dick diamonds

>> No.57687527

4 bitcoin in a week for being a young pretty girl


>> No.57687533

So? Not any different than it was 1000s of years ago when people paid with goats or sheep instead of bitcoins

dumb incels thinking this is something new lmao

>> No.57687549

Young women are the ultimate scarce resource. The most exclusive asset if they are sizzling hot.

Deal with it

>> No.57687553

No she isn't retard, read my post again if you don't understand why
It's called diminishing returns

>> No.57687557


literally all you gotta do is become alpha and try to land a girl as soon as she is legal

>> No.57687559

>oh no she will actually only make a couple million instead of a hundred million

>> No.57687565

I never said she wouldn't, but she's not making anything close to 100m like that dumbass said

>> No.57687574

weak men's fault

>> No.57687577

Fuck your shit incel bait thread.
This type of shit has already been posted thousands of time. What kind of insights are you hoping to get from this?
If you need emotional support just go back.

>> No.57687580
File: 213 KB, 833x808, 1684620054382606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57687581

>Why was i born a man, i could have had it so easy.
you sound and act like a woman, actually just pathetic

>> No.57687587

yeah more like 50m at best

just have sex and threads like these wont infuriate you so much

kek, I do love me some americans

its also incel cope to think all a girl has to do is just being born pretty.

Running succesful social media accounts actually takes alot of skill too and definately hard work

>> No.57687590
File: 13 KB, 220x312, duck-its-over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking over for average male.
I need to slave for 7 years and save most of my salary to make such money (Europoor).

I really hope some shithole like north korea will start nuclear war or aliens invade us and end this clown bullshit

>> No.57687593

Exploiting her high SMV while she can? I don't blame her at all.
The men who enable this however, can get the rope.

>> No.57687595

>Cant make it himself
>Wants everyone to die to feel less shitty

Peak incel moment

>> No.57687596

>Running succesful social media accounts actually takes alot of skill too and definately hard work
simps disgust me
its well and truly over

>> No.57687606

You know how hard it is to respond to all your patreons? They arent gonna send you money if you don acknowledge them every single day.

She probably works more than 8 hours a day. Not to mention the diet and exercise routine she has to follow every single fucking day and all the make up work and lighting work to look at your best.

If you think it's "easy" then you are delusional.

>> No.57687608

>just have sex and threads like these wont infuriate you so much
Wow you got me my fellow virgin
>/biz/ - Business & Finance
>/biz/ - Business & Finance
>/biz/ - Business & Finance
>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.57687628

A thread about how a girl makes money online is BUSINESS retard

>> No.57687635

>simps disgust me
you think being a victim complex incel makes you better than a simp? pot, meet kettle, you're both losers

>> No.57687636

>Women have it so easyyyyy why wasn't I born a waaamen. I hate all the waaaameeen. Waaamen should go back to the kitchen and make me happyyyyy.
Sure is chud

>> No.57687647


bro I never sent money to a girl I haven't or wasn;t gonna seen. At most I spend money, as INVESTMENT, in terms of gas money to drive to her or pick her up or I buy her a coffee. She isn't getting more than a few dollars from me unless I absolutely know i'm going to fuck her or have already fucked her. Then I can continue my investment to make her my girl.

Chuds are the people that cant find the time to get laid, but can find the time to seethe on the internet about 'modern women' or how it's all the fault of 'the media' or 'this generation' or whatever the fuck except themselves. They lack so much fucking self reflection it is amazing but also pathetic.

Nah bro, i'm good. I enjoy talking about business and finance and how girls can make money online out of these losers is fascinating to me and I will happily discuss it every single day.

>> No.57687650

>and average male compares himself to a very high tier woman and considers himself equal somehow

lol delusional average-man chud perma incel. You are worthless to society besides being a worker drone. The "patriarchy" feminists drone about is only about Chad men exploiting women, you are considered asexual non-male and out of scope of analysis.

>> No.57687656

Each year word is becoming more and more degenerate filthy shithole without any real values that if you like it or not.

>> No.57687659

Why do you care? Then dont do degenerate things yourself?

>> No.57687664

Let it be known I don't care & not reading your blogpost. Fuck this thread, fuck incels & chuds, stop shitting up /biz/.
Am out

>> No.57687672

Based, need new Jannie’s to range ban all r9k threads

>> No.57687676

>LIterally explain how you are dumb and lack reading comprehension


nice samefag

>> No.57687688

Imagine being so angry about not being able to get sex you can't even discuss how girls make money online on an anonymous business and finance board lmao

>> No.57687689

>y-youre samefagging!!

>> No.57687692


>Gets so angry at attractive girls, people having sex or girls making money that you want the jannies to ban said threads

just dont click on them bro

>> No.57687697

started with male-exclusive hyper-degenerate porn. Women are just following suite

>> No.57687701

>bro you dont want off topic dogshit on your board when r9k exists? You’re just soft!!

>> No.57687702

it is easy you stupid faggot
also kill yourself, simp

>> No.57687707

>A thread about how a girl makes money online is offtopic on BUSINESS AND FINANCE


do you have any idea how fucking stupid you are?

And your remark about "Being /r9k/" does not even make sense, because the people that DONT WANT to discuss this are /r9k/

Goddamn you are so fucking stupid it's unbearable.

Either way, have sex incel or fuck off, the grownups are talking

>> No.57687712

>just be yourself, its easy!
>Just be an top tier attractive woman, its easy!

>> No.57687718

>simp. simp, chud chud, /r9k/ /r9k/

>i'm definatley not seething about how attractive girls are making money

>i'm not seething, eventhough I dont even realize this is a thread about making money online on a business and finance board

>but you are all incels and should go back to /r9k/!!!!


>> No.57687722

>Twitter thread
>thinly veiled incel thread
>dude you’re just stupid it is on topic

>> No.57687728

The incels are the people posting about how you shouldn't post about this you retard.

It's such a shame you can never have onlyfans discussion here without you fucking virgins showing up.

It is literally one of the most lucrative ways to make money online, and it gets ruined by angry chuds that dont want to hear about it because they cant have sex

>> No.57687733

>wagh wahhh why can’t we discuss onlyfans on a blue board and bitch about women wahhh

>> No.57687734

being a woman is beyond tutorial mode... holy shit i fucking hate jews

>> No.57687740

>No actually the reason I dont want to hear about is because it's a blue board!

holy autism

a blue board is about sfw content, non sexual things etc that dont bother advertisors.

A discussion about behind the scenes of making money is sfw, you are just angry and got outed as an incel

Now fuck off and let the people that actually can have sex discuss this ok? ;)

>> No.57687753

I’m not giving you anymore replies, just kill yourself
Clean it up jannies

>> No.57687765

>around the corner
I've been jerking it to AI pics for a year now

>> No.57687766

kek, I don't even have to engage, the entire world knows you're a weak entitled narcissist

>> No.57687771


Don't be surprised when she'll make millions in year or two.

>> No.57687778

These earnings reports are paid advertisements to entice young girls into becoming e-prostitutes.

Most sell their souls to these websites and fail to break a $100 a month

>> No.57687818

there is a religion that solves this problem

>> No.57687833

If I ever come to power I'm issuing death penalty for simps

>> No.57687860

If you can't beat em, join em. :3

>> No.57687861

>ugly ass tattoos
>carbon copy makeup
Top cringe desu senpai