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57684708 No.57684708 [Reply] [Original]

Did you ever stop and think about how much time and effort you devote to saving money "for retirement", while most of the world probably greater than 50% of the population has saved nothing have no retirement savings at all, and yet still survive and walk among us leading relatively normal lives. Maybe it's all for nothing, what is the point

>> No.57684719

I doubt the current world order will survive to the end of the decade, let alone by the time I'm ready to retire.

>> No.57684727

Im not saving for retirement

Im not saving money

Im buying crypto with my money so i can build up enough self generated income to quit the normie world all together ASAP

>> No.57684729

I invest for the next 5 years, not 40 years.
You can grow your wealth fast with good investments, set aside and reinvest a portion of it for retirement, and spend a bunch in 5 years and live well better than you would if you saved for 5 years and spent it all.

>> No.57684735

>knees gone
>arms gone
>hair grey
You what now?

>> No.57684736

You’re a retard most of the world is brown and miserable. They would kill you and your family for 1,000 dollars

>> No.57684744

>They would kill you and your family for 1,000 dollars
You'd think this is a joke, but even in America people have killed for less.

>> No.57684749
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>> No.57685344
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>I doubt the current world order will survive to the end of the decade

>> No.57685377
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dont talk about those retards like they know what they're doing, luckily i have my shit into rango exchange, so when the time comes, i just trade my shit and grab my bag

>> No.57686165

I'm 35 years old right now. I've been preparing my retirement for this fucking 15 years straight. I dont do investment in gold or stocks or whatevs. I saved my money in bank and deposited it and now, what happened to me is that my money is just not enough for my retirement and its all bcs of this mfer inflation. Now, got depressed and checking the inflation through truflation like everyday bcs im scared of it. Any advice for me nigger?

>> No.57686174

There are going to be so many suicides in 30, 40 years when all the millennials and gen z of today realize that they have nothing to retire on. Oh boy.

>> No.57686175

Super Hans ends up smoking crack and going back to normal

>> No.57686189

Elderly is the most common form of suicide to begin with. A lot of people will blow through their savings, rack up debt, and then let go while they still have half their dignity. It's sad, but at the same time, at some point we all have to let go of our lives. It may happen to us too, money or not.

>> No.57686247

I’m pretty sure the plan is to expropriate your retirement account into social security

>> No.57686253

being old is gay anyway, unless you're helping raise kids you're just faffing about with 20 diseases

>> No.57686295

Go look at peak hour traffic. Those are the people who didn't plan ahead. Now they are where they are because of circumstances beyond their control. They are truly slaves to the system. I am trying to escape that and I never will give up.