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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.62 MB, 2220x1248, 1674697825240448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57683079 No.57683079 [Reply] [Original]

It turns out he actually is Satoshi. What are the financial implications of this newly discovered information?

>> No.57683112

BTC dump to 4 digits or lower.

>> No.57683135
File: 212 KB, 654x527, IMG_3942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Jews try to start a civil war in america before they lose their BTC/ eth / usdt money laundering playground

>> No.57683149

now we need to change our alts into tokens inside bitcoin blockchain like BRC20

>> No.57683152


>> No.57683194
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Reminder it has been proven Epstein donated to Btc developers (pulled from MIT) . So this group that is against BSV— is the same group as the American cia/ Israeli Mossad dealt with human trafficking (AND COVERING IT UP) . These syndicate (Sayanim) have infiltrated just about every intelligence agency in the world /- and they control the tech industry

>> No.57683225

Thank God he's not, so it's a pointless thought exercise

>> No.57683229 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 686x891, IMG_2867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone notice on closing NVDA’a graph was the exact of ETH—
It’s the same Wall Street Israeli WEF types who are behind the shorting / suppression of BSV’s positive image in these kiked out industry . They started the war with BSV so we will start an actual war in real life to persecute these Israeli dual loyalty “citizens” of America

>> No.57683365
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301 KB
301 KB JPG
Did anyone notice on closing NVDA’a graph was the exact of ETH—
It’s the same Wall Street Israeli WEF types who are behind the shorting / suppression of BSV’s positive image in these kiked out industry . They started the war with BSV maybe real life consequences will impact BSV’s enemies

>> No.57683378

expand on this

>> No.57683379
File: 457 KB, 750x738, IMG_1605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mossad glowniggers (Christen Ager Hanssen -CAH) behind subversion of Craig’s files l/ BITCOIN— and globalist dick monopolies (Silicon Valley/WEF) )
behind the outrageous price manipulation of BSV.

>> No.57683446

ok nevermind, you're schizophrenic or a glownigger trying to bait boomers into wasting their time on "muh sekrit genius craig" who worked for the australian psyops army and was defeated by a wifi pineapple.

>> No.57683537

Looks like someone hasn't been paying attention to the COPA trial.

>> No.57683595
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eat my balls JIDF lefty pedo

>> No.57683618

Don't need to. Craig is a compulsive liar, a con artist, and a narcissist. He's lied over and over about this. Everything from going back in time to revise his 2008 blog, to the "bonded courier" that was supposed to arrive with the keys that was completely memoryholed.

If you believe a word that comes out of this retard's mouth you're an absolute dumbass

>> No.57683631
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craig is good boi and din do nuffin
white hat chad
btc core troons are black hat niggers corrupting his pure invention to help cartels and pedos

>> No.57683634
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Go back to r/bsv with your r3ddit slander you fking parasites of humanity

>> No.57683638

why doesnt he move some coins from the OG wallet. cuz he isnt satoshi kek

>> No.57683644

>muh Jewish schizo conspiracy babble
How about I'll go back to r3ddit and you go back to /pol/, or better yet, your designated shitting street, Pajeet

>> No.57683651
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>> No.57683658
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I barf on Israeli flags and use them as my toilet paper

>> No.57683664
File: 218 KB, 543x491, IMG_8143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey it’s ok jewboy, things are getting better for your kind.

Sorry I lied Kek it’s on to lie to goys like you

>> No.57683666

Didn't read, Craig is a retard and 100% IS NOT Satoshi

>> No.57683668

I'm guessing everyone testifying on his behalf is also lying and will be punished for lying under oath?

>> No.57683674
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Dumps hard

>> No.57683682

>claims to have created Bitcoin
>doesn't even know what an unsigned int is

>> No.57683695
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mark of the devil
may god never let you in

>> No.57683700
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Imagine actually being a BSV bagholder and suffering the opportunity cost of holding BSV rather than Bitcoin. Must be maddening.

>> No.57683699
File: 86 KB, 1080x1028, 20240221-191804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faketoshi Fagamoto
>kek baggies

>> No.57683702
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Kek look at those devil digits lil jewboy

>> No.57683717
File: 78 KB, 720x542, IMG_8026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy where do you fags come from ?

>> No.57683724

This thread tripped the IDF alarms. They're scrambling to "correct the record"

>> No.57683758
File: 440 KB, 750x884, IMG_8126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to tell them (IDF agents) to lick my anus

>> No.57683771

>It turns out he actually is Satoshi.
you dont have to worry about that

>> No.57683795
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the whole damn /pol/ board has been infested with glowies and shills this whole board isn't what it used to be but the /b/ board has always been pure i've been around here for a decade and there are only a small few of us who are truly based and redpilled the rest of these retards don't understand the bigger picture because they never experienced qanon on facebook like i have they are all blind sheeple who will soon beg us to save them

>> No.57683819
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Even Calvin's giving up. Just when you thought it couldn't be more over it finds a way to go sinking even deeper lmao

>> No.57683821

csw being satosh was ds planned and noone can tell me the judge didnt get paid off in masonic handshakes either. BSV was always meant to be the pheonix and they were going to use laundering, trafficking and every other scary mossad schizo conspiracy excuse to nuke your digital anonymity and packet sniff your identity online forever

>> No.57683855

>buy the nerdy "enterprise" blockchain that only neckbeard retards do anything on
>or buy the number go up ponzi that stupid boomer nigs will get scammed into buying
really hard one here really.

>> No.57683885
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>> No.57683910

>84k in september
Pena would definitely buy because he knows the man behind the REAL BITFUCK.

>> No.57683989

bsv will be a trojan horse for them anon, once its in use, they will be bound by the same rules

>> No.57684089

they operate outside of the law. This is why CSW relies so much on it. The politicians and masons own the court systems and the civil organizing bodies, they will leverage that to filter their kind from ever being punished by their own surveillance machine while simultaneously crushing your dissent and forcing you into digital identity compliance at the threat cutting your ISP. Calling out this jewery in the future is going to get your chink credit score knocked down a notch.

>> No.57684130

I am holding 750 bsv. Please raise my spirits as they have been quite low for the past 6 years. Thanks

>> No.57684157

After 6 years there's only 1 actual company that made anything real and even that flopped.

>> No.57684167

Should I kill myself?

>> No.57684186

naw just go back to the ponzi coins and make money instead of tech larping

>> No.57684195
File: 227 KB, 1280x960, kfx3PBIHrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the company did kind of flop because i wasn't there to do my leet haxxor magic and instead i hired incompetent developers who tried to code up my plans but failed i should have been more hands on with the development i am back now and $anon is my new project so far its just a bunch of autistic anons and me but we plan to get anons involved and get normies in we plan to market this bigly believe me

>> No.57684213

you really shouldnt have bought that shit newfag

>> No.57684224

I don't know how anymore. I've lost so much of my life hoping for bsv to take off. Psychologically I'm ruined

>> No.57684473

they will never control the world, they are already failing trying to bully russia, they are trying to bully china and iran as well and it will all fail
one or more miners in each country is all it takes to expose them

>> No.57684491

and the americans cant even control themselves properly internally, hillary emails, biden laptop etc
it all leaks
even in my country bongland, the media comments that arent disabled are full of dissent at the blatant propaganda over this navalny thing

>> No.57684500

Soon there's only going to be one jew left.

>> No.57684931

value moves to BSV

>> No.57685209

No, the things they are saying simply are not evidence.

>> No.57685267

I don't even know where to go for that info, why any would would seek it out, or who would even consider it relevant to anything.
always just hide any thread about this retard, never seen any relevant information other than spam from these threads. And these threads are messed maybe 1 every hour so it's obvious just spam.

>> No.57685320

So you'll just continue to keep your head in the sand. Good strategy.

>> No.57685427

this is the first satoshi thread ive seen in like 4 days actually

>> No.57685445

coffe stain
blogpost edit
wifi pineapple
won't sign (can't)
>muh lawsuits
australian glownigger
not reading your thread

>> No.57685466

np anon, i dont want you to buy any bsv
if you had any brain cells, you would have already done it instead of listening to liars, jews and the obvious truth

>> No.57686229

a corecuck lying? colour me shocked.

tick tock mossad maxwell