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File: 221 KB, 578x628, Build.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57680029 No.57680029 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing something in the process to claim my rewards? Not seeing any in my staking account

>> No.57680043

asking bc the team announced in April of '23 the deal with GMX. Is anyone else having this issue?

>> No.57680081

chainlink is an experiment to see how many carrots you can dangle on a single stick before it snaps

>> No.57680204

>Yes I know, receiving BUILD rewards implies I own and stake link
>but why havent i got my free money yet!!
>yes i know im posting a twitter pic of a link fudder
Just kill yourself

>> No.57680284

why so upset? Are the rewards not out yet or what's the deal?

>> No.57680308

You know just as much as we do faggot cock boy. Nothing has been announced. Youll have to wait longer for your free rent money.

>> No.57680340

Ma'am you must invest $50,000 more to unlock chainlink premium build redeem feature. Please head to nearest exchange and make buy more chainlink. Thank you sir

>> No.57680449

you're not staking so no you won't get any build rewards

>> No.57680468

I keep hearing how much chainlink has going for it, and have been hearing it for years. Never has anything releases yet that is adopted by more then 1 company.

>> No.57680541 [DELETED] 



>> No.57680628

jason can be annoying at times but this is a useful role for him
basically like an activist investor, making a fuss about things and bringing attention
we really need build rewards shortly to help fuel the price in the post halvening madness (april onwards)
just imagine the seethe from the airdrop accounds as they start arriving
also the biggest project in build so far joined this week:

>> No.57680689
File: 83 KB, 1440x1865, 1680138635736006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you always know how to hurt me?

>> No.57680733

>we really need build rewards shortly
are you seriously looking forward to shitcoin drops? its going to cost more to offload than they are worth, no one is staking for the build drops and anyone who hypes them up is either fudding or being retarded

>> No.57680747 [DELETED] 

It's okay buddy we actually believe in you. Video is hilarious though.

>> No.57680820

autistic take here
maybe 1 or 2 will be worth something but the point is that this market loves airdrops more than anything
why? because a lot of the market is poor people with a few hundred or thousand dollars hoping for the next uniswap to give them a proper start
just look at twitter, some of the most active accounts are airdrop farmers
as i said, build airdrops will bring lots of attention in the bull this year which will help pump link

>> No.57680831

Hey Jason you fat faggot, you dont have a lot of LINK rofl

>> No.57680846

How much link does he hold?

>> No.57680853

Some thousands, less than the suicide stack of 10k
And he was in pretty early too rofl

>> No.57680878

really? that's pretty sad if true, he spends a lot of time trolling them
thought he had at least 25k or something

>> No.57680904
File: 111 KB, 1246x1280, JAshobtB8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its true you can check the ledger of his wallet on etherchain and you'll see he only has peanuts in there i think the problem is that he started investing in crypto after the top and he has no money left to buy more than 500$ worth of crypto or so hence why he spends so much time trolling biz really if i were him i would just call quits because im already rich there's no reason to waste time on this retard echo chamber to try and
>fit in
or whatever the kids do these days

>> No.57681020
File: 163 KB, 742x745, jh2ggtmfr6p41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't hold enough of what i'm emotionally overinvested in to criticize my emotional overinvestment.

You are right. I swapped for tokens that have actually gone up since 2019.

Thanks for playing.


>> No.57681147

so you're emotionally overinvested in something that you don't invest in, damn...

>> No.57681165

Seems to rile you up, though. If it were me i wouldn't even be itt, i'd be off doing something which had nothing to do with something i wasn't invested in. I guess you're different, huh?

>> No.57681216

He's not rich rofl
Whats up poorfag why are you samefagging

>> No.57681277

i really dont get cll in this case
nobody asked for or even expected build drops before the announcement yet the team made it
and instantly there was much euphoria amongst anons about most being of course shit but if 1 or 2 would be next aave tier that would make staking link in the early program the most successful airdrop farmer that is entirely free and done for you not effort required
and then for over 2 years fucking radio silence on build from the team completely, we even moved to staking version 2 and they downgraded the wording to imply there might not be build tokens coming
besides the fact that exiting version 1 without build airdrops is a clear violation of securities law so lucky for them that gary got put back in his cage over last summer
i mean i get that they want to protect build from a bunch of degen anons insta dumping or otherwise fucking with the project in its early stages, but it wouldnt be hard for the team to make a visible but locked allocation to the stakers as the rewards accumulate

so the question remains why the fuck does the team dangle an unexpected carrot in front of people only to then never deliver
sergey must absolutely hate us to no end for the memes to torture us like this, for it is only us that would have qualified for staking in any significant quantity
and every time you address this obvious awful investor relations cll is displaying you are shouted down as a fudder despite the team being max cunts here in a way even jeet rugpulls dont dare to anger their holder base

>> No.57681308

Checked but I ain’t reading all that shit. Learn how to punctuate.

>> No.57681429

zoomzoom max attention span exceeded
how about i use some voice app to read out the text and upload it as a tiktok video with some dancing thot, would that help you digest information

>> No.57681473

Apparently a lot of carrots, but the stick isn't standing up straight anymore.

>> No.57681507

Just the tldr please

>> No.57681540

why say they do build airdrop unasked and then they dont deliver over 2 years counting
is it just to spite early holders for memes of fat russian dancing

>> No.57681557

in 5 days we can claim our link rewards
free money

>> No.57681594

Daily reminder Based LPL chuddie kiddos already received all build drops



>> No.57681627

>besides the fact that exiting version 1 without build airdrops is a clear violation of securities law so lucky for them that gary got put back in his cage over last summer
except the v0.1 release blog said the very opposite retard:
>In addition to the rewards described above, stakers in v0.1 will also be eligible to accrue additional incentives, dependent on per-project qualifications, which will be made available through the Chainlink BUILD program in a future version of staking.

>> No.57681660

>why say they do build airdrop unasked and then they dont deliver over 2 years counting
What is this gibberish? I take it English isn’t your first language? It hasn’t been two years of staking but whatever. Also you do realize many of the build projects don’t have rewards to allocate to LINK stakers in the first place, right?

>> No.57681683

Stupid avocado nigger, that's literally the ONLY reason to stake LINK. The yield is basically worthless.

>> No.57681727
File: 158 KB, 1017x677, GtXB865YsQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude is literally too stupid to communicate let me translate it for you retard he is saying that linkteam has failed to deliver a build rewards airdrop after over 2 years and the reason they have given is that there are no rewards available to link holders because there are no build projects even though they already received a large amount of funding from link team to build their projects from the
funding pool if you still don't understand then you are an absolute brain damaged retard who deserves to end it all

>> No.57681740

>What is this gibberish? I take it English isn’t your first language?
you literally asked for it to be simplified to zoomzoom language because you stated you cant read a 1 minute long text
then come back to complain it isnt to your standard, make up your mind anon

lol and please tell me where do i redeem the build tokens, cause right now i am in version 2 and i didnt get a single token at all
or please do show me your build tokens

>> No.57681744

exactly very few have even launched tokens yet

>> No.57681779

can you read retard?
is it very clear:
>a future version of staking.
you've obviously never been in the real world and don't understand how to write
this even gives them room to see build rewards in v0.3 or v1 or whatever is next
definitely we should support jason in his crusade but that is very different from the legal bullshit you're writing out

>> No.57681802

Ok but the fact that several do have tokens and there hasn't been a peep about them getting paid out to stakers is not a good look.

>> No.57681832

i agree and fully support community criticizing them about it
we want them in the next few months

>> No.57681891

reading comprehension zero detected
now read the post again:
>we even moved to staking version 2 and they downgraded the wording to imply there might not be build tokens coming
this is a clear securities violation as the team forced us to a new contract with downgraded conditions and then claimed we accepted the new terms
funny how you project your absolute incompetence out onto other people

the avocados are in overdrive here, but you cannot shill this in any way as everyone that staked is pissed about the rugging of the build tokens since the actual yield is barely worth it
and we know that complaining helps since that was the only reason they dropped the lock up period
so go back to your handlers discord and tell your community manager we are pissed about the build tokens rugging and will be filling sec complaints about it
do your fucking job and report real users sentiment to your bosses

>> No.57681962

Fuck is with you fudders? Learn how to write coherent sentences.
I asked for the tldr, not the ESL version you spastic.
You already know no one has build rewards. I want them too, how is chainlink supposed to distribute rewards of tokens that don’t exist?

>> No.57682012


>> No.57682049
File: 26 KB, 520x400, XUIBh5g5Sr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro stfu we are the elite hack0r known as an0n on 4chan i've been a netizen for over 10 years and can literally hack every single one of your computers using a gui interface i coded in visual basic also why are you talking about avacados and linking random threads from biz thats a clear redflag to me and tells me you probably use ai faggots to shill your crap stay poor i'm going to report you to the sec

>> No.57682061

are you literally still incapable of reading my first post, i addressed that issue already with a simple elegant solution that cll could hash out in a week for most of the projects since even if the token doesnt trade or mainnets yet, the token allocation is agreed upon when the projects enters into the build program

>> No.57682064
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1000002440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-maybe if i make posts on biz about my literal who twitter fud account just like my heroes adem the porn addict and ape the drug addict, they'll see me as an equal instead of a pet!

>> No.57682112

>but it wouldnt be hard for the team to make a visible but locked allocation to the stakers as the rewards accumulate
This is your elegant solution?

>> No.57682165

well its a lot more then we have now, since now we have absolute fucking nothing and total radio silence from the team ontop of it
i cannot understand how any holder can be happy about it or defend it at this point unless he was paid to do so like the clg post in the op pic
that cunt knows he's shilling garbage

>> No.57682210

The amount and intensity of fud itt. Don't know why you guys bother responding to it.
To the fudders: Guess what? None of us are selling kek. You failed. Tell your handlers it's not happening.

>> No.57682277

nobody in this thread is encouraging you to sell, we are letting our discontent be know about cll failing to fulfill their own made promises
and yes this works since it was our bitching that made them rethink their lock up period
now you tell me why any holder would defend the rugging of the build rewards

>> No.57682364

what a fucking retard
>dependent on per-project qualifications
everything is covered off in that v0.1 blog which was released prior to the v0.1 launch
have you ever had a real job? any legal experience?
do you think clll are children? that they don't have legal reading over everything?
why do i come here anymore, just flotsam and jetsam like this left

>> No.57682389

bull-cough-shit, asshole. Endless doom fudding only makes me happier to hold even tighter to my Links and offer a big fat "fuck you" to you and your sleazy little pals. You lost, I'm afraid. No one cares about your 'thoughts'.

>> No.57682407
File: 44 KB, 555x546, FTb9dkNZGZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread just proves that biz is full of shills who are paid by the dev team to defend the rug pull of their exit liquidity token they use 4chan as a marketing tool to shill this garbage on retards don't be a fool use 4chan for porn and memes and only take investment advice from secret pump groups i would never take any advice from this board its just shills defending exit liquidity token because they bought at the top or they are paid to shill it

>> No.57682649

these guys are paid by the team
nobody that staked can be happy about the way they have been treated by the team
and certainly nobody in their right mind can defend the teams actions at this point
no real company could ever get away with the investors relations that cll displayed over the years
also reminder that it was our bitching that resulted in kermit doing quarterly products updates, and begrudgingly so considering their say nothing state
so yeah i call cll performance on communications absolutely garbage compared to any corporate standards
there is no way you ever read any real investors update in your life so stop with projecting your lack of a career shill onto everyone here

and again zero reading comprehension retard, nobody is saying to sell or unstake your like, we want what was promised
give me one single reason why any of us should accept this behavior from the team, just one you paid fucking avocados

>> No.57682719


>> No.57682840

It’s not FUD.

You’re risking selling a 10x pump (if link goes to $150) for a measly 0.04x from the 4% APY and $15k max per year from BUILD rewards ONLY if the chainlink team decides to give them out this year, which I don’t think will happen to be honest.

For the build rewards:
>80 projects are working with chainlink
>assuming high valuation of 100 million market cap
>3% allocated per project over a period of 5 years
>rewards spread across 45 million link staked

That’s $48 million dollars per year across 45 million tokens.

That’s $1.07 dollars per year per link staked.

Assuming none of the build projects rug, and there’s a big chance of that happening. There’s a reason they joined the build project after all, if they were so good they’d have enough money to pay for oracle fees.

There’s also the concerning topic of these projects needing to release a token at all, when they’re already working just fine without one.

All in all, I don’t think staking is worth the risk, better to sell link when it pumps.

>> No.57683059

>pretending this is unreasonable

The mental gymnastics of linkers never ceases to make me laugh.

>"if I were you i wouldnt even be responding in this thread"
>says man responding to the thread

See above ^^

>> No.57683257

hell yeah I'm paid by the team to say chainlink good, 1 solved Captcha = 1 LINK in my wallet hehe

>> No.57683305

>nobody that staked can be happy about the way they have been treated by the team
Oh really? I have 60k staked and I'm perfectly content, Mr fuddy.
See how this guy tries to tell you what to think? This is how absolutely desperate they are for you to sell. They'll try everything and everything.
And guess what.....? They STILL can't get anyone to even consider it lololol
What a hopeless shower of absolute pricks. Imagine making that your aim

>> No.57683355

>says man responding to the thread
I don't claim to hate the project. I wouldn't be here unless i was invested. Nice try, though

>> No.57683373

nobody can be this cucked without getting paid for it
point to one thing i said that indicates i want someone to sell or unstake
instead i want to team to honor their promises and deliver value to their stakers, how the fuck is that an unreasonable demand

>> No.57683398
File: 88 KB, 827x806, LIBACxH9zV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen bud you need to relax and stop being such a fuddy dudd you know nothing about blockchain tech you are just here to shill your gay linkcoin $anon is the next $link deal with it f@ggot

>> No.57683559

>without getting paid for it
We are getting paid for it. 4.32% in Link, to be exact. I think it's a perfectly acceptable rate. I'm not sure what else you (pretend to) expect but the rest of us are quite content, tyvm.
Keep trying, you might convince us kek

>> No.57683576

PS I'm NEVER selling lolol

>> No.57683773

nice to proof you have negative reading comprehension

>> No.57683888

>if i were you, i wouldn't be spending time responding in a thread that is explicitly about you

You actually sound retarded.

>> No.57683907

what a fucking disgusting brokie, go back to beoble and ask for airdrops there

>> No.57683951

if you didn't realize this on your own after hanging out in biz for a couple hours you can't be helped. /biz/ has been full of paid shills since shitcoins started gaining popularity in the 2016-2018 run up

>> No.57684838
File: 9 KB, 250x240, 1696288986974868s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not staking, that's why you're not receiving any yield rewards. This doesn't apply to the anticipated Peaq rewards. Once you acquire some Krest, you qualify.

>> No.57684901

You're the shiller here anon. Getting involved in blockchain tech is worthwhile; it cuts compliance costs and accelerates data transfer processing. Don't be left behind

>> No.57686558

You mean you are talking about yourself, right? the crypto Twitterfaggots like Adem and (you) post their brainfarts on here and come huff them on a new id
Curious life you lead you fat poorfaggot

>> No.57686674

Unironically the build rewards were never serious and will never see the light of day. 99% of them are vaporware shitcoins looking for a free ad and cll knows this.

There'll be some informal mention of reworking the way it's done in some fireside chat and then we'll get to claim some truflation tokens and gmx. After that it'll be quietly dropped entirely.

>> No.57686714

1k/10k fageet

>> No.57686761

There are a few others. Space and Time airdrop for example will minimally be worth $1-2/LINK staked. I'd guess even with most of them dying off if you have 1 fully staked wallet you're looking at minimally $50k USD in airdrops coming your way within the next year.

>> No.57686798 [DELETED] 

If i expect that any anon may send me 2,000$ from this post, what is the chances of this?

I never made 2,000$ before. If i really received, I will start my own business. Any anon may really help me out?

If so, please send me a mail to bonsogdistra@gmail.com

>> No.57686810

the absolute delusion of you retards

>> No.57686830
File: 242 KB, 1280x1134, Rr14vKkEtJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57687236

>you're retarded because you're going against the narrative we're trying to set that chainlink is a bad investment and you should join us and sell
lol you're doing really well, boys. keep going! fud for mother!

>> No.57687369


>> No.57687426


>> No.57687491

pajeet, i….

>> No.57687501

dat jason parser nigga, all he does is fud his own bags. he is definitely on the spectrum

>> No.57688175

This will not work because it comes from the belief that you need to receive money to start something.
It's the opposite.

You need to spend money and provide value first, in order to receive more money.
You cannot invert this logic.
Stop begging and start building.

>> No.57689405

awwww it's ok buddy, you miss your nap yesterday?

>just imagine the seethe from the airdrop accounds as they start arriving

that's the thing tho...when does this "arrival" happen

chainlinkgod (cringe) hyped them up for years


>The yield is basically worthless.
this... the cult is getting outpaced by inflation but you have to realize you're not dealing with bright people here

the team is on an incel book tour right now so can't do any work

>I won by getting cucked

>> No.57689435

>nobody can be this cucked without getting paid for it

hence the term...THE Cuckolds of crypto.

>> No.57689447

So I guess to bring this thread full circle... no one here has received build rewards.

Whew! I was going crazy there for a second thinking I had missed a step. I didn't realize they don't even exist. Thanks all!

>> No.57689592


Lmao this is beyond sad

>> No.57689622
File: 5 KB, 227x222, 65464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I guess to bring this thread full circle... no one here has received build rewards.
You literally hold link retard.

>> No.57689817

History repeats itself.
You wanted staking and you got it after a -90% bear market.
You want airdrops and you will get them after a -90% bear market.

>> No.57689828

and checked!

>> No.57690199

this is where in your utterly delusional state you are missing the logic of the situation
talking about build rewards is in no way fudding the chainlink pa
since in order to claim build rewards you needed to be an og holder any new entries cant capture value from it and as such arent affected in their investment decisions from the existence of build or not, perhaps a realization the cll team made along the way
so no discussion about build can impact the future value of the link token

the only people that are impacted by this are the og holders that got into the first staking version
and hence why this place is so mad at being rugpulled by sergey on them
and like i said before whenever anons here are rightfully angry as fuck about this disaster of an investor relations incident by the team they get shouted down by non arguments from people who have to be nopoolers on the cll pay list
as any real anon with proper money in the pool that is only there because they didnt sell their stacks during last cycle is pissed at their biggest rewards disappearing
this entire thread and not one single argument from you cunts about why this is acceptable just namecalling anyone that finds this behaviour abhorrent as if he is adem
i hate the avocados almost as much as the fudders at this point

>> No.57690374

Checked again. Last time I respond to your posts, until you start using punctuation. Also please refrain from thinking all OGs share your sentiment.
I’d like to offer a different perspective. I haven’t felt rug pulled.
You can’t expect chainlink to align with every stakers immediate expectations. Like all investments, we know there are risks and rewards. The premise of holding link remains believing in the long-term vision of the project. Changes in strategy are part of the process of innovation and reaching that vision. Constructive criticism isn’t a bad thing, but your use of ad-Homs and derogatory language detracts from the validity of one’s points and undermines the potential for productive dialogue. At the end of the day, they’ve shown a willingness to engage with stakers and the wider community. Don’t waste the opportunity to voice concerns, with the aim to find solutions that reinforce the goals of the wider ecosystem.

>> No.57690470

no anon has ever cared about punctuation, this is a mongolian horse etching forum not an english major hangout
and obviously there is no chance in the long term vision and value capture of the project wasnt the post you replied to clear enough about that point that this is very specific about the anons that qualified for staking and not any future investors pumping our bags
go look through the rest of the thread and wonder why i get angry at the non replies ad hominems i am receiving from the avocados

and wrong about the second part, for years they have shown utter disregard for their holders and ignored us completety, the only isntance in which they ever responded and begrudgling at that was when we got angry and spilt our bitching over to all social media
so blame the team once again for their own utter incompetence at IR in manoeuvring themselves into a situation where it is known that bitching is the only way for them to take notice of us
i am not being unreasonable here for merely asking to deliver what they themselves promised, for still i have not heard one single valid argument
since you too are an avocado since your posting style is absolutely recognizable as non anon telling me to be happy at being rugpulled since you claim to be so yourself
no i dont care that strategies change in innovation if that change involves rugpulling me personally and nobody that isnt cucked to the core is ever going to be happy about such a thing

>> No.57690529

We all know the BUILD rewards will be released a few months after the 2024 bullrun top, when literally every single alt is nosediving 90%, thus link stakers are unable to bank on their airdrops.

Yes, I hold link. Yes, since 2017. Yes, I am mentally stunted and abused as a link holder for years and I don't even know why I'm holding link anymore at this point I basically make ridiculous gains of hype coins and I've accepted that link will disappoint again this rally but I just can't sell I'll just hold my linkies forever thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.57690534

Agree to disagree, at least on my end. I’m not dismissing your argument but since you cannot respect my perspective I have nothing more to say to you.

>> No.57690574

i noticed how you still didnt attempt to formulate a single argument why the teams behavior is acceptable
is that maybe because there isnt one to be made huh

anyways the silly tricks to avoid giving me yous dont matter i aint paid per engagement i am just a righteously pissed anon so you cant stop me from talking about the behavior of my principal investment

>> No.57690638

Not reading your incel manifesto. Sell or fuck off.

>> No.57690688

le epic forced meme XD

>> No.57691634

Real, I fed his dogshit ESL post into an LLM to summarize it.

>> No.57691884

the further a crypto cult drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it

-George Orwell

>> No.57691937

>Also please refrain from thinking all OGs share your sentiment.
the cult member immediately objects to any non-group think outside of preapproved

>The premise of holding link remains believing in the long-term vision of the project.

The cult member insists what you're seeing with your own eyes to be untrue, demanding blind faith to their fantasy "vision"

>Don’t waste the opportunity to voice concerns, with the aim to find solutions that reinforce the goals of the wider ecosystem.

the cult member claims your objections were not made in correct "form", then follows with zero substance corporate double speak

>We all know the BUILD rewards will be released a few months after the 2024 bullrun top

source? From what it sounds like, the shitcoin partner teams have not even printed the worthless tokens out of thin air yet. '24 seems premature

the cult member's final act: refusing to ackowledge any of the objective conversation, claiming a higher moral ground. They take their ball and go home

>> No.57692098

>I demand you produce an 'argument' to persuade 'us' Chainlink's 'behaviour' is 'acceptable'
Kek, the fucking state of these morons at this point. Buddy, if you don't like it, fuck off. No one's forcing you to invest in this stuff and the rest of us are more than happy where we are.
I only type this for the benefit of noobs who might be swayed by these fudding idiots. I wouldn't bother otherwise.

>> No.57693576

Isn't it funny how Linkpool did the same thing?
Sergey attracted the same type of people to him.

You should see this as a lesson to stop treating Sergey and the project with respect and to treat it like a lambda shitcoin.
This also means not enabling bad behavior and being opportunistic and individualistic in your approach.

Forget the community and the project. If you can make money by working with Nexo then do it because that means that's what you are supposed to do as an investor and there is a serious fuck up somewhere in the project.