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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 598 KB, 1170x1163, IMG_8574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57679208 No.57679208 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL pay my student loans.

And be sure to pay taxes on every single crypto trade or armed IRS agents will be showing up at your doorstep.

Go on now. With haste. My debt isn’t going to pay itself.

>> No.57679228

Is this his attempt to recover face after the Texas border fiasco? You guys think he'll follow through, or back off the way he did with Abbott?

>> No.57679229

Fucking commie demonrat shithole I'm done with this fucking place

>> No.57679230
File: 73 KB, 599x708, 1642127604348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coping hard anon. Your loans were not forgiven, and the next R president in the next 20 years will roll back the SAVE plan ;)

Start saving ;)

>> No.57679249

Biden is the Robin Hood of our time

>> No.57679273

It would be based if he wiped out my loans still voting for Trump thougheverbeit

>> No.57679476

I worked under uni. Who will compensate me?

>> No.57679506

Didn't the SC say he couldn't do this? Is he just ignoring them?

>> No.57679520

Nobody, thanks for paying

>> No.57679526

>keeps promising
>doesn't deliver... ever
>still gets votes
got to hand it to him, he's a genius for being able to fool retards like you

>> No.57679741

Civilian education is the most effective thing you can do to boost your country's economic power. It's effect is not immediate, but long term the effects are exponential. Forgiving student loans will act as a long term investment in America.
OTOH crypto is one of the least-productive industries a nation could have. It consumes energy and produces nothing. It encourages scamming and gambling, both of which ruin the lives of citizens and drains wealth from your country. Taxing it into oblivion is one of the smartest choices a governing body could make.

>> No.57679778
File: 186 KB, 960x1280, OfPt1k6C5H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this retard obviously doesn't understand the power of crypto just ignore him as a leet hacker i have already created botnet to counter his stupidity just look at the 4chan meme of the dude typing on a computer u can be just like that

the meme of anonymous its like u are a hacker and are fighting for freedom u can make the whole world use $anon and then normies won't be able to control us anymore

>> No.57679787

stfu kike
go back to >>/r/eddit

>> No.57679807

>Civilian education is the most effective thing you can do to boost your country's economic power

kek. do people really believe this shit?

>> No.57679823

europoops invest heavily in education and they're economically outperforming the us chud, checkmate nazi chudlord

>> No.57679826

but anon, this is reddit

>> No.57679831

i didnt really look at what you said as much as how you said it, but that is the jewiest kike jew looking post i have seen in a while.

>> No.57679838
File: 133 KB, 474x395, 845221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis retard is actually paying attention 2 what the media says instead of putting everything on eesee

>> No.57679843


False. 80% of people in university do not belong there. They do not benefit. They learn nothing of use. They waste time and resources that could be better spent focusing on that top 20% (who matter, and do useful cerebral things), and having them go straight into work and job training.

If you had the entirety of your population getting "educated" until age 40 you would have an utterly shit molasses economy and people eating rats and cabbage for dinner due to the resource waste and lack of productivity.

Unironically, if someone wants to drop out in HS, let them. There is nothing to be saved or salvaged there, anyone of any worth has a natural desire to learn and achieve.

>> No.57679863


This would even be a better deal for the midwits. They get to retire much earlier because they started work earlier and didn't accrue student debt that would take 10-20 years to pay off. They can work and save towards retirement right there at age 18-20.

That's what we need, a system that genuinely puts people where they need to be. Not an ultra expensive drinking day camp for adults.

>> No.57679870

>pay taxes on every single crypto trade
not how it works you fucking mongoloid retard

>> No.57679878

Is this water poisoned?

>> No.57679888

>Civilian education is the most effective thing you can do to boost your country's economic power
this is only true up to a very limited point; the Soviet Union put a fuck load of people through college, didn't help them one bit during or even after the USSR

there are natural bell curves to society that you can only push so far before you're just flushing money down the toilet teaching SHEQUANDA how to cheat on engineering tests so she can be paid 6 figures to sit at a desk and have her work done by other people

>> No.57680441

migrant inu solves this

>> No.57680823

is that a real picture? Looks like the zucc or craig wright images where AI cranks the smile to 110%. Looks like they just try to keep the american dentist smile in there by any means necessary. He looks like that human alien mongrel in alien 4. fuck

>> No.57680880

He’s had 14 face lifts his god damn neck is stretched all the way back to his ears.

>> No.57680936

If you get laid off, the government will give you an unemployment benefit, you will be fine. You are making the world better place by making all education free again.

>> No.57681067

in return for having your loan paid off, you'll have to go walk into a minefield for Israel :)

>> No.57683142

So unbelievably based
Republicucks seethe
4 more years

>> No.57683296

Seems like there are more students than that...
This couldn't possibly be money laundering, could it? Not the American government!

>> No.57683357
File: 898 KB, 1576x2100, IMG_6911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m happy to pay off your student loans. Even though I paid my way through college. It’s a net positive for everyone.
The only people who don’t want the debts removed are bitter retards that want to see other unhappy

>> No.57683381

Thanks :)

>> No.57683426

They already paid your student loans at the time of disbursement, fuckhead. Cancelling the debt just means the usurers write it off. It doesn't cost any more than the initial disbursement did.

>> No.57683521

the best thing about this is that, just the news alone causes people to just stop paying their student loans. I used to be a debt collector for the biggest private loan lender and its so fucking funny. They think their private loans are being forgiven under a program they don't qualify for and never applied for.

>> No.57684151

It’s probably forgives for people who work for the government (it’s like 10 years of payment or something) or people who went to fraudulent schools

>> No.57684170


>> No.57684188

>don't work
>have no money stolen in "taxes"

>> No.57684196

jesus died for our sins (debts) - debt slavery used to be routinely reset and when romans stopped forgiving debts through cycles, jesus showed up and made a huge deal about making sure debt slavery didn't come back. that's why he forgives people for their 'crimes' and 'transgressions'. because you used to carry a debt for the wrongs you committed.

>> No.57685092

Are you some kind of fed? Imagine using the logic that education has improved anything when it’s been getting dramatically more expensive and the financial return on degrees has been decreasing for decades. And imagine justifying the use of the larger, statistically poorer, body of taxpayers money to pay for degrees in gender study or “art.” No thanks buddy go right on back to psyop classroom.

>> No.57685342

he never said it was a financial benefit to (you)

>> No.57685350

>Is this his attempt to recover face after the Texas border fiasco
You mean the fiasco that there was a bipartisan bill for that the Republicans refused to pass because they don't actually want to fix things, just make noise and fearmonger for retards? That fiasco?

>> No.57685404

>people who work for the government or people who went to fraudulent schools
so niggers?

>> No.57685468

Sheeeeeit I already paid back my student loans, do I get reparations?

>> No.57685482
File: 41 KB, 217x163, pepe the froge staring at (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is clickbait

they're canceled loans for like 60 year old boomers who have under $10K worth of loans and have been paying them off for over 20 years or something equally as fucking stupid an ridiculous

no real person had their loans forgiven, it's just a technical move so they can say "well askhully we did forgive student loans B-)" and continue lying and being the most corrupt administration in our country's existence

>> No.57685590

>armed IRS agents
Kek, if any are here, post your address. See what happens.

>> No.57685633

hoy doy le bipatrisian bill! Only lets 5000 illegals in a day WAOW WHAT A SEKUR BORDR!

>> No.57685652

Look how many teenagers you made rage about heir shitcoins lmao

>> No.57685654


>> No.57685665
File: 22 KB, 1210x726, IMG_7966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that bill
>codified into law allowing 5000 illegals a week, or 1.8 million a year, to enter the country before any direct action would have to be taken
>had provisions for giving resources to illegal immigrants
>gave additional billions of dollars to Israel and Ukraine
>had a secret clause that would provide grounds for impeachment if any future president tried to stop funding Ukraine and end the war
Weak bait.
You have less that one year.

>> No.57685667

It's all made up numbers anyway. One professor making $60-100k a year teaching 20-60 students in a shoebox is not equate to those students paying $40-200k EACH in student loan debt BEFORE interest. It's just Jewish scheming. Banks poof money out of thin air constantly. Our government magically finds ways to fund useless programs that are ultimately harmful to people. Alleviating some of their usury on average people who just want a diploma to feed their families is a good thing and everyone replying negatively is a fucking faggot.

>> No.57685923

you absolute fucking dipshit, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand that the Executive holds all the power to enforce immigration law?

There are laws in place that would hinder illegal immigration. Those laws aren't being enforced by this Administration. That's a fact. Fuck out of here with your "bipartisan" shitstain faggot bill, retard. Just enforce the exiting immigration laws you disgusting subhuman filth

>> No.57685933

Clean it up on your way out.

>> No.57685934

I don't want to lie anymore. I went back to university so I could sponge off loans while spending all my actual money on crypto/whores out of the belief that loans I take out will probably be forgiven or deferred. And if my cryptowhores go up or my graduate degree gets me a better job then I'll be fine anyway. Really, this is the play.

>> No.57685945

I think it's funny no one is falling for this meme anymore.

I think this is why he's getting fucked in the polls. Last time /biz/ was full of people who liked trump better but voted biden for their loans. Now people realize loans being forgiven isn't worth a ruined economy flooded with NIGGERS. C'est la vie.

>> No.57685951

I saw a retarded girl at the local university. Really, years ago, when I was in class with a girl whose IQ was around 90 so not legally retarded but pretty close I should have realized it was a scam.

>> No.57685956
File: 21 KB, 400x366, christoph_waltz_medic_by_atticus_w_d7neg3a-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas is a state that employs a ridiculous number of illegals. Neither party wants to get rid of illegal immigration because illegal immigrants are cheap and easily discarded employees. You are literally fucking retarded if you think the Republicans give a single goddamn shit about the border. Greg Abbott's biggest donors are all companies that employ illegals by the thousands. You are fucking gullible retards of the highest order and you should remove your inferior genetics from the gene pool.

>> No.57686006

Based bait 10/10

>> No.57686007

cope brownie, we're closing the border and removing the spics.

>> No.57686045

>You WILL pay my student loans.
I got a full ride through college on FAFSA grants, it's actually (You) who paid MY hypothetical student loans.

>> No.57686052
File: 113 KB, 768x719, ack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately moves the goalposts once he realizes how fucking retarded he is and that the President can, in fact, single-handedly decide to enforce immigration laws THAT ARE ALREADY ON THE BOOKS TODAY if his corrupt administration wanted to, but that would go against the administration's best interests

let's move the goalposts back to the original point you fucking faggot subhuman filth, which is that Biden administration (not Biden personally, he's a demented vegetable) has the power to enforce immigration laws that would prevent any fiascos along the border, yet they're deciding against it. Curious

>> No.57686073

He could help pay people's mortgages but instead he's going pay niggers and Leftoids student loans

>> No.57686199

it's always niggers

>> No.57686232
File: 89 KB, 326x534, IMG_3073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biden will pay off my debt

>> No.57686369

I can tell how poor you are from the way you post and your politics. Must suck to be poor bro, couldn't be me.

>> No.57686968


They are performing well because they are whiter. Demographics are destiny.

>> No.57687786

hahahahahhahahahahaa i told you i just wasnt gonna pay it is all uggghhh hahahahahahahahahahahah

>> No.57687878

>150 000 borrowers
Let me guess, 100 000 Jews and 50 000 people of color, right?

>> No.57687939

It’s highly unlikely they’ll roll back that program when other forms of debt are more lucrative from companies. People will gladly pay 350k for homes and 35k vehicles AT 4% to 12% for 6 to 20 years. Mathematically it makes sense for people to have their loans forgiven because the average student loan debt is between 25 and 45k depending on your schooling.

Income derived from the interest of loans are subject to a 22% tax alone. The government only makes on average 5%

>> No.57687968

5% from student loans. Furthermore when you dice it up. The government gets a bigger piece of revenue back when people lock up their future liquidity in physical assets.

There is no logical argument to not forgive student loans. If our grandparents fought in ww1 and ww2 to better their future generations, then the same logic needs to be applied for footing the bill for future generations. Mind you that the literal majority of degree holders only hold a bachelors.

It’s the previous generation’s fault for pressuring everyone to be educated and over estimated what a master’s actually can do. Over the past 60 years it has been drilled into everyone’s head that you get the degree and you get the job. Not making education affordable for jobs with a real world need is a crime in the first world.

>> No.57688036

>You WILL pay my student loans
I'm not american
you're on your own
I'm also shorting your currency

>> No.57688050

>Taxing it
you can't tax an internal distributed system
you are welcome to try