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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57677290 No.57677290 [Reply] [Original]

I am finally debt free
What do I do now?

>> No.57677306

acquire more debt?
>i'm debt free, the system is now harder for me! yay
t.low-t incel

>> No.57677332

Unless I'm getting a house, in what other situation would I want to be in more debt?

>> No.57677352

>What do I do now?
Borrow more money.

>> No.57677957

With high interest rates right now, what kind of assets are there that can match or surpass it?

>> No.57678283

Take out more loans, buy an army, invade your neighbors.

>> No.57678335

Build up an emergency fund, then build up long-term investments

>> No.57679543

Borrow more money and gamble it away on crypto

>> No.57679794

Take a loan to buy the dip.

>> No.57681979
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Take out another loan for a house. Truflation says housing is not that bad right now but I think it will definitely get worse later on.

>> No.57682023

Only good responses itt.

>> No.57682028

>buy a glorified garage-sized 'tiny home' for 600k chud you must do this in order to become a functional adult

>> No.57682039

Get a mortgage over your house and buy another house

>> No.57682044
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what if i live alone

apartment life aint too bad specially if you dont live in fucking new cuck city paying 1.5k a month for a single room with the bathroom next to the kitchen sink

>> No.57682051

And then he dies tomorrow lol

>> No.57682059

ask for 100k if they give it to you flee the country and retire

you have seen the horrors of the cycles of capitalism why would you want to keep participating in it.

>> No.57682070
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>> No.57682096

OP this is your future self, Do as this anon says we're even richer than Bezos now.

>> No.57682098

Only in biz will you see people telling you to accrue more debt right after going debt free. Only in this board.

>> No.57682101


>> No.57682104

Top 3 ways of fucking up your life

>> No.57682127
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you sound cringe and conformist.
aaand based as well

>> No.57682126
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Wrong advices only
Le Thread!

>> No.57683029
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Bet everything on memecoins (in my case it's BIGMIKE), take a gigantic loan, flee the country and hope the IRS never finds you

>> No.57683068

You take the amount you used to pay on loans and you put it into investments. Then when you need to borrow money you borrow from your investments and pay yourself back. This way you’re never indebted to anyone ever again.

>> No.57683815

a loan for a house should and could be a nice option, it will only get more expensive in the future so any time now is good.

>> No.57683840

and basing that on truflation? craaaazy, to what? live to who standards? nah, fuck it

>> No.57683914
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Well, I rather make choices on good hard data provided by Truflation than biased shit retarded people like you says

>> No.57683960

Smart people take any info from wherever they can, the more the merrier.

>> No.57683976


You would be surprised how bored people can get-

>> No.57683981

Assuming OP is American and his goal is to get the fuck out of debt-slavery and escape this nigger hellhole, he's doing pretty well.
Post nose

>> No.57683983

how reliable is the data from truflation?

>> No.57683992

>t. Maxi cuck

>> No.57684006

with the amount debt the average joe has in his life I'm not surprised he doesn't know what to do with being debt free.

>> No.57684010

get back into debt. duh!

>> No.57684019
File: 94 KB, 784x596, 164012249226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fund a business, invest in crypto. Do drugs and whores, fill that void.

>> No.57684035
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Have kids? comply to social norms?

>> No.57684056


You can rent it to porn productions and make some extra money to pay the new debt and increase your income

>> No.57684069

nigger what kind of question is that? BORROW MORE and invest it into BRC20

>> No.57684080
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become a woman

>> No.57684091
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get into more debt, retard, credit is the most valuable thing in a capitalist society, the benefits are enormous and you have interest-free installments depending on the bank.

the first time i bought shitcoins (and maybe some BTC on the way) was with credit, and i got my profits too

t. beoble user

>> No.57684179
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There is only one crypto and you're still early.

>> No.57684191

This is the way. But not now since interest rates are retardedly high.

>> No.57684194

dam king

>> No.57684410
File: 215 KB, 1013x1694, 85111883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes out of debt
>another anon tells him to go into debt again

i really love to snipe this shitheads that are -$99999 into debt

>> No.57684441
File: 174 KB, 680x383, 118583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon here, nothing more pleasing that wining their games with their rules and also taking profit with it