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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57676244 No.57676244 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Biztards! Are our biz rants also being used for AI/LLM training without our permission? The latest developments with Sora have made me get lost in thoughts occasionally. I should’ve been a millionaire already if I was getting compensated fairly.

>> No.57676401

Don'T be scared pussy. Your data has been tracked since the beginning of internet

>> No.57676443

You bet you'll be compensated.
You're just a slave or a product. However you wanna put it

>> No.57676455

what private data anon? It's all public out there

>> No.57676524

No need to worry about your ugly ass IG photos

>> No.57676558

are you kidding me? sware on your life that you dont know your data is being tracked all along

>> No.57676574

It's not a new thing that our data are being tracked, collected, and sold off to big corporations, what we should look out for is how to benefit from it

>> No.57676608
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>they're tracking my data
based, as long as i keep making more money with my agrs tokens its the same to me, logical ai needs a lot of training to be good after all

>> No.57676616

kek i think it will be awesome if our biz slangs are used to train AI/LMM what do you think

>> No.57676638

And used for non-profit; if they're making money from it, then I deserve some of that bag.

>> No.57676641
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y'all are benefiting from your data?

>> No.57676652

Dude thought incognito mode is ghost mode lol

>> No.57676655

If you give an AI prompt to create an Ugly ass photo and my photo comes up, don't you think I deserve to be paid for that? Ain't easy to be ugly these days.

>> No.57676676

How? by getting bombarded with stupid adverts or what?

>> No.57676722

Firms can sign up on decentralized marketplaces and have a controlled exposure of their data for a fee; in turn they should have a reward system for sign ups and users that'll be furnishing them with their data.

>> No.57676728

AI needs data for continuous growth, so they will definitely be looking into getting datasets from anywhere possible

>> No.57676921
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absofuckinglutely. but wait.
how are we gonna get rewarded for our data?

>> No.57676932

this.?.. wtf are you on OP?

>> No.57676982

kek. proud of your shit.

>> No.57676989

prolly smocking sum out of them based datasets.

>> No.57677008

not just AI but every other industry out there. data is gradually becoming the main source of strategic business decisions

>> No.57677039

ain't nothing private mate. just look out for data marketplaces if you feel you got something worth paying for

>> No.57677054
File: 1.57 MB, 2516x2000, obvious bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you op?
They are here.
They've been here for awhile.
They don't want you to buy certain things.
Make of that what you will.

>> No.57677063

kek. the states investigation center needs to investigate this MF that just landed from stone age

>> No.57677087

> they're listening too...

ever just randomly talk about shit with your homie and the next thing, you start seeing ads about the thing y'all spoke about?

>> No.57677140

decentralized data marketplaces face challenges like Regulatory hurdles, data quality issues, and the need for robust data rights management solutions.

>> No.57677204
File: 3 KB, 125x105, chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell.. look at the bright side will ya?

No need for third party mediation, security, transparency.... the list fucking goes on

>> No.57677220

kekkkkk it would be confused af

>> No.57677263

It will inevitably be resolved. All of the data is scattered and mixed up and becoming useless for everyone else.

>> No.57677295

epic bot bait

>> No.57677315
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> Are our biz rants also being used for AI/LLM training without our permission?

If they are then niggerniggerniggernigger

>> No.57677457

At least there is solution to all the problems that you listed here

>> No.57677588

Is there any other Data marketplace aside Ocean with reliable datasets?

>> No.57677667

Data is the industry's oxygen and has always been in need even before AI came into the picture

>> No.57677727

Well, you can sell your ugly photo as an NFT to get some money

>> No.57677771

Obviously by selling it, and there are a few places that you can do that like Nuklai

>> No.57677824

Most of them seek for open source data which is basically fragmented data and leading to the hallucinations we have with LLMs. They better opt for smart data and metadata which will provide better results.

>> No.57678004

Nothing is hidden on the internet, so thinking going incognito will keep you anonymous is just bullshit

>> No.57678044

Put it up on a decentralized data marketplace. You'll get fairly compensated for it.

>> No.57678049

Yeah, the main problem is generally the structure of the data. LLMs have the knowledge in a broader perspective and without actual insights into the data. That's where the hallucination comes from. Metadata brings context. Platforms working on structuring the data can actually win big

>> No.57678089

Ocean is up there alongside The Graph and probably BandProtocol; recently Nuklai is also coming up strong, although it's not yet a finished product but their planned functionalities and road map show they're serious about disrupting the current data sourcing strategies.

>> No.57678129

That is where smart data and metadata come in

>> No.57678159

Gradually? Data has been a major standpoint governing decision making for business models for a long time now; only challenge was that these data were somewhat isolated and fragmented with no decentralized means to interact with datasets from other similar business models. That crater is what these decentralized marketplaces are trying to fill up so that data can Be freely exchanged between firms(who'll still have control of their data) while also allowing metadata to be created from such data interaction. This will definitely give better results for business decisions.

>> No.57678438

Recently, I've also been looking into the Data management narrative, and I'm impressed with what I'm seeing
These are great projects that should be on everybody's watch list

>> No.57678522

You monetize it faggot

>> No.57678645

Scattered data makes no sense, so I wonder who will buy those

>> No.57678832

This isn't breaking news. I mean we all know it happens and there is nothing we can do about it

>> No.57679813

Data is quite a sensitive area so having regulatory hurdles is more of a good thing I think; that way contributors feel safer releasing their data as long as the platform has become regulatory compliant. Getting partnerships with firms that have already achieved such regulatory requirements is another way to work safely under their radar.

>> No.57679836

Every meaningful data was once scattered and "useless". You just need the right vehicle to help make sense of them especially where they can interact with similar data sets from other sources.

>> No.57681235

you got to learn to wale before you can fucking fly they say..

>> No.57681295

i'm sure the government are watching our every moves and taking that data to make life even more misrable for us.

>> No.57681430
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really nigga?

>> No.57681603

easy peassy. everything is becoming very interesting and fucking easy

>> No.57681678

I hear they're making data availability more decentralized; would be an interesting one to watch when it goes live fully.

>> No.57681934

"Scattered data" is only scattered because it hasn't gotten into the right hands. A proper analyses and interaction with other similar datasets could create a very valuable meta data that becomes a whole new basis for critical decisions to be taken upon. This can only happen if there's a controlled medium for it.

>> No.57684095

I don't think any LLM is currently being taught any slangs of any kind

>> No.57684120

>and have a controlled exposure
This is the hardest part to believe. Once data gets out there, the owner can no longer have full control of it.