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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 393 KB, 1191x734, wv unrealistic expectations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57674224 No.57674224 [Reply] [Original]

maybe the simple life is the truth???

>> No.57674232

anything priced like that is literally unlivable and must be torn down and rebuilt

>> No.57674282

what a weird house

>> No.57674336

the inside looks fine, maybe you should check it

>> No.57674485

probably in a nigger zone area

>> No.57674494
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>> No.57674519
File: 834 KB, 1920x1080, wv view seems fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57674527

it is basically 15 percent

>> No.57674538

The inside looks spooky af. Imagine sleeping at night and a grudge bitch comes out and kills you.

>> No.57675333

threadkiller comment back to x

>> No.57675349
File: 185 KB, 1080x1540, klnbqb1wcnxa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the top pic? Got it

>> No.57675371

eurofags really prefer not having a yard to plant crops and let your kids play in

probably why they end up as half fags

>> No.57676325

>Housing is unaffordab-ACK!

>> No.57678487


>> No.57678615

maybe she'd suck your dick

>> No.57678743
File: 3.30 MB, 1754x1134, Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 11.32.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile I am looking at a shitty townhouse for $460k. At least it's in a cool, fun city, right? Am I an idiot?

>> No.57678774

you're choosing to be a slave for the next 20 years, why though

why struggle, what do you actually get out of it

you could pay 300 dollars property tax a year, or you could have 1500 monthly mortgage payment for 20 years, just why man

>> No.57678789

I'd buy this cash actually.. I'm not poor but my local area is $800k+ for a SFH. My whole family is here, I don't plan to move. But I'm spending $3.5k on rent already.

>> No.57678812


It is a nigger zone. That's the containment zone of Charleston known as The Westside.

What you have posted is most likely a crack house. You will be killed if you move here.

Also, stop posting WV listings you turbo faggot. We are closed to biz niggers and jeets.

>> No.57678830

>can't afford $800k for a SFH
Stop being poor.

>> No.57678831

I could never put work over lifestyle, that's just my personality

I'd do whatever it takes to be free from working, needing to work, etc

I have some family where I am currently but it's really just not worth it to suffer under the current conditions I'm in, aside from that I can't own a gun in my current state, and I believe that I'm a free man and not a slave

>> No.57678839

true but it's a good meme house

wv is a biz meme at this point, it won't die now

>> No.57678852

The garden is behind the house retard

>> No.57678862

bullshit, there's another road behind the houses

>> No.57678885


fuck you for censoring the address, autism will always prevail

1346 Via De Pepi, Boynton Beach, FL 33426

>> No.57678991
File: 148 KB, 850x789, __original_drawn_by_bb_baalbuddy__sample-890c1f3623cdadc15035c5286c18ac34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hard pass dog. Its not the fact that its run down, but there are multiple warning signs here.

1. You're gonna need an immediate 120k to fix this thing up the occupancy levels. Its highly doubtful any lending agency would give you a mortgage on this.

2. The location is extremely shaded and damp. This is bad for the structure and there are probably mold problems all over the place.

3. The house needs a full siding job. Thats not brick, its some kind of synthetic cladding.

You can get better houses for that price range.

>> No.57679051

1. prove it

2. it's not that bad

3. built in 1933 and you're saying it's synthetic, prove it, if it's so shit why is it still standing

>> No.57679389


look at photo 6, there's algae growing along the bottom of the house. water is pooling here. also in photo 26, you can see that the wall along the bottom is dark. another sign of moisture ingress. photo 9 shows a seam in the drywall, another sign of moisture/leak. photo 21 in the bathroom tells you that it's a stick framed house, nothing wrong with that per se, but he's right about the brick being a facade. the brick is non-structural. there are many stick framed houses over 100 years old. this is far from a turn-key house

>> No.57680552

kek based geoguesser autist

>> No.57680620

>post listing
>guaranteed replies
WV anon isn't even trying anymore.

>> No.57680737
File: 89 KB, 1261x1280, 1626247985245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With what I make I will be able to afford a house in 2830, I'm so happy, I think I can start putting some of my cash into eesee and speed that up a little if I get lucky on a raffle topkek

>> No.57680767
File: 56 KB, 1024x731, 1677348946285333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing wrong with our towns

>> No.57680809
File: 1.80 MB, 1754x1176, Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 20.52.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy had a video about a similar place today. The reason was general trend of population decline due to lack of jobs.

>> No.57680857

Kek i can relate, I live in a shitty country but at least here housing is the cheapest it can be

>> No.57680909

That's the problem, not enough jobs lead to migration to bigger cities kek

>> No.57680928

Why would anyone want to live in a townhouse

>> No.57680930

Sell your right kidney, you don't need it, use it for an initial for a house kek

>> No.57680947

kind of a lengthy way of saying "niggers" but alright

>> No.57680967
File: 86 KB, 845x925, 1619665479852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know what a nigger could want kek

>> No.57680974

Kill yourself if it's too painful for you

>> No.57680994

>if it's so shit why is it still standing
This is what we have walking around the country now.

>> No.57681063

I don't live in a cool hip area at all and I'm being priced out by rich liberals

>> No.57681152

I'd be afraid of working on something in the garage, dropping it and having it roll out and into the storm drain.

>> No.57681804

1. The MINIMUM you can redo a structure for is around $100 per squarefoot. Thats assuming professional install, permitting, or DIY and buying the tools etc. square footage is 1,222x100=$122,200

2. Like the other poster said, just use your eyes. There's water pickup along a lot of the bottoms of all the walls. Drainage issues big time.

3. The structure was built in '33 the house has been worked on since then. The facia/ siding on that building was done in the mid 70's. its some kind of fiberous cement thing.

You sound like someone who's not very experienced in construction. Go try to apprentice with a local tradesman if you want to get into it. Just don't YOLO into a money pit house at the highest the housing market has ever been.

>> No.57683641
File: 70 KB, 483x487, imagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having an apartment for myself sounds enough, that's the goal after all, isn't it? to have a permanent roof over my head
so many years in crypto and things like BIGMIKE bring me closer and closer to that, but with inflation it hurts more to see that future

>> No.57683694

try zillow-anon. these are marketing threads

>> No.57684439
File: 2.58 MB, 2150x882, spring valley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down for affordable properties, just not in West Virginia.

Prefer more fertile farmland, something like north central Illinois?

Maybe near the intersection of a few interstates, with a water source (river) nearby?

I don't need much, just a Dollar General, a pawn shop, vape shop, liquor store, a Mexican restaurant, and a bar.

Any suggestions?

>> No.57684668

shitty uneven terrain. have to walk like a pirate everywhere you go because nothing is level. i hate the fucking mountians. takes like hours just to get anywhere because all the roads have 100 hairpin curves.

>> No.57685079


>> No.57685313


>> No.57685394

What’s really bad is that I think that is a good price by todays standards.

>> No.57685420

Where I live, renovation is about $400 per square foot. $100 would be a steal.

>> No.57685815

bad idea because it's in illinois, still beats all cities on the planet

>> No.57686242

1. that seems excessive

2. doesn't everyone want to dig a trench around their property anyways

3. yea u right I think

yea I'm not buying a house, I'll buy land and put a tent on it unironically, but for bizfags houses like this seem better than 500k starting

>> No.57686292
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, tony choking a guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take serious offense to this comment

I went out of my way to screenshot a new property and this is the respect I get

>> No.57686434
File: 72 KB, 943x520, illinois taxes are out of control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who want to get jobs are cattle also taxes on property in illinois is so crushing that you can't afford to live without a job, one of the biggest problems with illinois, it's a slave colony

>> No.57686481

For the last time. If you can see your neighbors from your house, it's not rural. That's a fucking town.

>> No.57686530

imagine the roaches and mold

>> No.57687872

citybo got a weak constitution

>> No.57688569

It's in meth town West Virginia.