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57673864 No.57673864 [Reply] [Original]

Should I become a landlord?
I live with my parents but I make 90k a year.
That may sound nice, but unfortunately I'm a Torontonian.
I recently noticed I can afford to buy two 350 square foot condo units in cash.
They're meant for air BNB, but you can alternatively shove a dozen immigrants into one of these units for 3.5k a month.
They'll work shifts at Tim Hortons and Uber Eats 24/7 to pay rent.
Even if I only charged 3k a month it would double my income, and then maybe I could afford a house by the time I'm 50.

>> No.57673935
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>90k per year
How does poverty taste, anon?
You might be able to find a nice place in Brampton

>> No.57674003

>How does poverty taste, anon?
Sometimes my sister cries because she's given up on moving out.
She's 32, unmarried and only makes 55k a year.

>> No.57674104

I partially joke. It's why I moved from Toronto to the US.
Income taxes alone rape your pay. Nevermind HST and all the other taxes.
I went back to visit a while back and I struggled finding white people.
Made me happy I left.

>> No.57674134

you should move out of canada because its a sinking ship
also landlording for retarded brown tenants is not worth the hassle

>> No.57674144

if it's 90k cad that's only 66k in usd. what do you do?

>> No.57674162

I work in devops.
I have a Canadian highschool diploma, a Canadian comp sci degree, a CCNA and a RHCE.
I know my salary is shit. I used to work in the US, but I'm a retarded siscon and I moved back to Toronto because I really missed my older sister.

>> No.57674333

do others in your field earn more? i have talked to software engineer graduates in Toronto who say pay sucks and it's impossible to get work and not even worth it to pursue, so one has gone in to a totally different field that doesn't even need a degree. i don't think your case is uniquely bad.

>> No.57674442

>do others in your field earn more?
For Toronto tech workers in their mid-late 20s I think my salary is on the higher end.
It's not uncommon for people with 5-7 years of experience in devops to make 70-80k
I managed to demand a larger salary because of my Linux skillset. They were willing to pay a premium and make WFH concessions.

>> No.57674446


>> No.57674456

How do they wipe?

>> No.57676267

> 5-7
With your same qualifications you're looking at 120-180 USD across the border.
> I'm a retarded siscon and I moved back to Toronto because I really missed my older sister.
Live close to the border in PA or NY, take a slightly lower pay for WFH (120-150) and visit your sister often.

You'll save up way more money and actually be able to afford property in a few years.

>> No.57676322

Surprised they went with a dark skinned model for their campaign against open defaecation..
Maybe they thought the targeted audience of the campaign couldn't relate to a middle aged white guy in suit and tie?