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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57672177 No.57672177 [Reply] [Original]

Uhmm bobo sisters? My ETH short not looking so hot rn

>> No.57672190

Fellow Bobotards we were the stupid ones all along

>> No.57672203
File: 70 KB, 720x602, 1537823308878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on
shit is way to high up for this cycle

>> No.57672220

Every financial market is just a way to bet on the fiscal responsibility of the US government, if the US gets into way to much debt a lot of money will have to be printed so everything pumps.
Bobos are betting that the federal government will be responsible and stop borrowing like a drunken sailor lmao

>> No.57672323

Well yes to a part but you mutts are not the world and ultimately i care about euro gains

>> No.57672340

>to a part
no, it's fully since the US is the largest on earth and the dollar is the world's reserve currency
>you mutts
I'm not american retard
>euro gains
literally just hold dollars then, no need to invest and risk anything anyways lmao

>> No.57672342

normies smelt money back in 21 and they are not some paperhand nerds who can be meme'd into selling their bags

>> No.57672348

largest economy*

>> No.57672369

The largest what?
Economy techincally yes but in reality China
Dollar is still dominating but falling off, as investor you should see trends
And no im surely not holding dollar to gain

>> No.57672377

>Economy techincally yes but in reality China

>> No.57672380

you think 3k is too high for this cycle? are you retarded? each previous cycle beat the previous all time high. you just think the economy is going to die now and never recover?

>> No.57672381

And thats why its the ONLY economy? Lol its not even 30% of the world, and the numbers are fucked since there everything is so expensive in reality its lower.

>> No.57672390

Yes its China
By a lot
Here is the real list

>> No.57672391

This is fucking retarded there isn't a dump to slurp in 2 years since ftx

>> No.57672398

This is fucking retarded there isn't a dump to slurp in over a year the most is a 20% dip you just know some whales are protecting their leverage position. When it does dump it's gonna be biblical.

>> No.57672399

My nigga eth was lagging for months
It should have been at 3k in november already

>> No.57672401

>poor people points
classic europoor cope as expected

>> No.57672417
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 1041842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I meant the fibonacci retracement this cylce
this time it's literally diefferent if it won't dump soon
the cycle is toooo strong fren

>> No.57672418

My country is number 3 on your list and on ppp only number 5
So its not my cope, but retards selling coffe for 10 dollar and then paying 2000 dollar rent and then earn 50 dollar for basic work isnt magically making the usa number one

>> No.57672646
File: 352 KB, 570x535, fucking imagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a little prank from the bulls, the chance of us going beyond 52k is the same as BIGMIKE being a woman

>> No.57672685
File: 101 KB, 803x900, 20230806 bitcoin cycles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the only reasonable post a read all day actually or at least I want it to be

>> No.57672870


Its definitely heading for 30k-50k top this cycle. Its a SUPER CYCLE.

>> No.57673427
File: 141 KB, 1783x812, ltc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy litcoin, its about to break upward