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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57671777 No.57671777 [Reply] [Original]

It’s so obvious at this point.

>> No.57671785
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Holding BSV makes you a Nazi because the more research you do you realize it's the Mossad glowniggers (Christen Ager Hanssen -CAH) and globalist dick monopolies (Silicon Valley/WEF) )
behind the outrageous price manipulation of BSV.

>> No.57671790
File: 289 KB, 750x740, IMG_8145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize BTC was a money laundering device for Epstein’s $ pals (banks,wall street hedge fund syndicates) - they even had access to MIT geniuses to employ as developers all to construct a fail-safe untraceable currency that they could use for their black market operations

>> No.57671809

the absolute state of bsv baggies

yea im sure this has nothing to do with your fraudster creg getting his balls exposed in a daily humiliation ritual

>> No.57671836
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Then you realize all these connections boil down to rotten US CIA , the ones who allowed israel to steal refined Uranium for their illegal nuclear weapons arsenal. These “agents” who were willingly blackmailed by Epstein’s jewish oligarchy human trafficking pals (ukraine) all for the benefit of mossad/israel - the intelligence agency who's motto is "by way of deception thou shall do war

>> No.57671862
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How many billions of dollar is funneled into mossad/DNC through crypto ?

>> No.57671876
File: 401 KB, 709x919, IMG_8660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is vitalik Buterin’s life safe at this point ? You would think these “blood sucking lawyers” of our privately owned federal reserve would care that some Russian autistic Warcraft player found a way to print billions of $s in fiat illegally through thousands of useless erc20 tokens —
I mean they care when you counterfeit the USD- but apparently they don’t care about cryptocurrencies generating $ from thin air as long as it’s approved by the jews of wallstreet/ Silicon Valley

How come the kosher (((CIA))) hates Donald Trump more than vitalik buterin?

>> No.57672413

calm down dear
creg never got caught lying in Court *once* today
>Stefan Matthews, however..

>> No.57672632

Now you BTC cult people are trans or something ?

>> No.57672841

Only the actual bag schizos are left to post now, all the paid punjabis stopped getting paid. Calvin is bailing, it’s over, his retard gambit failed miserably.