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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.26 MB, 1024x1024, El Chaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57670202 No.57670202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello Biz
Its time to introduce myself, my name is El Chaco and I want to make you rich. Not *rich* - NO MOTHERFUCKER. I WANT TO MAKE YOU RICH RICH
I am sending 21M $MIGRANT over the border to flood the US with cheap drugs and a poor work ethic
Now do you want to keep being a wagie your entire life, or do you want to take a fucking chance and actually make it out of this hellish wagie life
migrant inu dot com

verification not required

>> No.57670416

we are going to 5x by EOD, get the fuck in here

>> No.57670521
File: 45 KB, 900x452, 1594155992781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. The site is pretty good

>> No.57671100

cala-te, hombre.

>> No.57671311

We posted this at 4K and we are already over 25K, its not too late

We are prepping the ad campaign now

>> No.57671559

35k.. it just keeps pumping

>> No.57671590
File: 237 KB, 1024x1024, LINU Bagholder2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

admirable how you guys start new scams immediately after LINU

>> No.57671651

Hola Hombre, We started Migrant Inu because we are sick of rugpull jeet scams. My partner, Greg AbB0T, and I are both WHITE

We are doing an airdrop soon, if you dont have the balls to take a chance on a microcap. then at least have the balls to take free money

>> No.57672050

It’s IDF’s funding mechanism . They use /biz/ as their testing site for their AI chatbots to shill their hundreds of useless erc20 tokens.

>> No.57672572

This has nothing to do with ETH doggies, its a Solana shitcoin. The scammers also never did a website like this. It's a new project

>> No.57672601
File: 94 KB, 1280x670, IMG_20240221_010359_458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.57672625

Yeah, fuck this board. Another snake oil seller shilling their shit to retards to make $1000 before rugpulling

>> No.57672661

Nope, TG is full with bizraelis. I know because i've been hunting the jew scammers down personally the last 2 days. There are no bots here which should be the clearest indication.

>> No.57673207

liquidity locked is locked and its mooning without jew

>> No.57673280

Nigger posting is allowed in TG, I repeat: nigger posting is allowed in TG. This is a safe space for based white bizraelies. Come join the safe haven from all the jeet and bug scams

>> No.57673288

They're gonna scam every singly newfag who dares to come here. /biz/ should be closed probably

>> No.57673305

The only people who are getting scammed are the people buying other shitcoins- this is a project made by whites for whites

>> No.57673408

This coin is bigoted and racist

How do I unfollow this sub

>> No.57673500

You are a nigger and i can tell because you called it a coin instead of a token.

>> No.57673553

Im not familiar with crypto stocks you fucking piece of shit

>> No.57674540


>> No.57674662

El Chaco Gang reporting in

>> No.57674686

Border patrol here, back in your cage mudskin

>> No.57674757

I don't even care if it rugpulls. The novelty of owning this as a SoCal fag is worth it.