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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57660782 No.57660782 [Reply] [Original]

Something about this bull run doesn't feel right. There was mania everywhere I looked and now it feels like no one is talking about it. What is going on? Are we just being supported by boomers loading up on ETFs?

>> No.57660800

Nah we're just early. Mania starts at 100k

>> No.57660830

Mania starts at $73k anon

>> No.57660836

I hope you're right.
>At 10k in 2017 there was nothing but crypto content wall-to-wall everywhere you looked
>At 30k in 2021 the same thing happened
We're cresting 50k and nothing. Crickets. Nothing at all.

One of my favorite indicators of a bull run is from grifters/course sellers/wifi money guys shilling "crypto this" "crypto that" etc etc, and I haven't seen ANY of that this cycle. There's always at least one grift that goes along with it. ICOs in 2017, NFTs, last cycle, etc. None of that this time around. Wonder what's going on there.

>> No.57660860

They know the top will be in if once do that, they don't want to jinx it before packing their bags first

>> No.57660882

Interesting point. I'm curious, any insight into what the grift is going to be this cycle? I'd like to get ahead of it if possible, maybe add to my stack once the time comes

>> No.57660883

nigger, can you not see?
there is no scam this time.
theyre pumping bona fide united states dollars into crypto every day
its just happening in a way you have no idea how to comprehend yet

>> No.57660900

>there is no scam this time.
Not what I'm referring to. The money is real this time, but you always see those hangers-on a la the ICO/NFT crazes and when you see those start to proliferate, that's when you know we're starting to hit Mania.

>> No.57661063

Mania usually would have started by now.

>> No.57661125

Note that bitcoin is also way higher price-wise in this stage of the cycle than earlier cycles. Might unironically be new paradigm of stable growth or something (maybe ETFs are causing this). Or maybe the cycle is just a little off-balance this time and mania is bound to arrive around 75k or something. My idea of the top this cycle is 100k.

>> No.57661151

No mania starts toward the later half of the bullrun. We are super early right now.

>> No.57661278

normies noticing and mania kicking in is your cue to sell

>> No.57661824

Rather a bit after that. They’ll continue to run it up a bit

>> No.57663286
File: 9 KB, 644x546, 1693335329857511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pumpage occurred on decreasing volume, which is bearish. It means what follows after the pumpage is a dump that undoes all the pumpage.

>> No.57665369
File: 112 KB, 331x276, 1669392647172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I'm waiting for a goblin to come out and rape me or for TROLL to come out of my bags and laugh me to death, it's all going too well.

>> No.57665414
File: 282 KB, 260x235, Serves Him Right He Trusted A Village.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always loved this gif. Pepes about to die and I'm sitting here laughing

>> No.57666495

no you retard
halving hasnt even happened yet
and mania is starting (early stages) as the televiv is saying positive things about crypto.

>> No.57666700
File: 914 KB, 1222x1622, IMG_0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what’s going on anon the market confuses me

>> No.57666944

We're not even at ATH yet, anons.
Mania is when it hits 70K and starts to go vertical. When it blows past 100K and feels like 200K is within reach.

>> No.57667069

>Mania is when it hits 70K and starts to go vertical. When it blows past 100K and feels like 200K is within reach.
Good point actually. That'll really get their attention. I have a feeling that if we see a correction in US stocks we'll REALLY start to see crypto inflows from the market if the rally keeps current pace.