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57660375 No.57660375 [Reply] [Original]

Naturally it can dump harder and faster than this, so that the bottom-support for BTC gets hit in 2025 instead. But if Bitcoin is hitting its bottom-support in 2024 it would have to dump super hard. Possible of course, as BTC would only require a few extra long red candles in succession. Such dump-candles Bitcoin has demonstrated over and over again that it's capable of. What would cause it to dump that hard and fast though?

>> No.57660392

this is the nightmare situation that would completely destroy all confidence in crypto and create max despair which is why it'll happen. Short, short and short and then buy the bottom under 10k.

>> No.57660415

you may have as well shown me a picture of your dogs asshole those lines are retarded

>> No.57660437

>What would cause it to dump that hard and fast though?
Bitcoin resisted to
>Hacking (twice)
>Ponzy scheme in crypto
>Local war
The only things left are "the big one", the "event" and a WWIII

>> No.57660464

nice meme lines bro

>> No.57660487

>What would cause it to dump that hard and fast though?
The ETF / institutions. Regardless of which year we're talking about here, that's the only mechanisms through which a crash to the 7k range would be possible. Institutions dumping and the ETF having "tamed Bitcoin" to such an extent that the ordinary market can't pump up the price.

>> No.57660530

I think they’re baiting this. They’re keeping it here and pumping articles about “stalling” and everyone EXPECTS a crash now. But they’re trying to get comfy holders all to dump here, so they can scoop up. Seems the ETF’ers are getting their floor baseline set around 50k. Anything lower they scoop ip. Lots of scam wicks to transfer hands from comfy-turned-fearful-ill-buy-lower autist earlyfags to the pro-traders. The people in the etf now aren’t the boomers yet. It’s the people looking to get a solid position for the next 8 years. The early wall street traders. Don’t fall for the jewish FUD. Scoop when it dips but don’t give the etf your btc.

They didn’t get an etf approved to get dumped on by whales. They have tons of money, time, resources, media, all because they already know what they want. They want your btc.

Don’t forget
>china fud
>bch flippening attempt
>my gox
>nft scams which scared everyone out
>china bans btc (again)

>> No.57660567

Im sure blackrock spend all that time and money to approve the btc etf and get public awareness of theyre etf, just to show how their ETF crashes 90% yeah. I get that makes Larry and Blackrock look amazing
>spend time money effort resources to work with SEC
>hype the etf
>talk about it in public interviews
>approves etf
>etf dumps to 0 and dies
>Blackrock looks like clowns and everyone that trusted their etf lost all their money

>> No.57660659
File: 206 KB, 604x813, 1695992762837514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they’re baiting this
They're baiting the exact opposite. What we're seeing is they're baiting number-go-up-from-here, they're baiting the idea we're in the early stage of a super bullrun. All the usual (((suspects))) like picrel and Aurelien (also jewish) and other crypto influencers. They desperately want what they see as the goyim and dumb money people to fomo in now in order to get trapped and miss out on buying in much lower. As usual the jews and institutions want to be the only ones who buy in at and near the bottom. They want everyone else to be stuck holding heavy bags from much higher up. Considering they're "advertizing" a bullish scenario so feverishly, and shilling bullish narratives to get people to buy in now, it makes perfect sense something like OP's chart is what's really coming.

>> No.57660784

The only thing this chart shows is that bitstamp has lost a lot of market share

>> No.57660850

There is another possibility that HAS happened in the past 20 years, but only had a few months' overlap with the existence of BTC. I'll let you squeeze those brain cells together to try to figure out what I mean.

>> No.57661013

It's not even mainstream right now though. You don't have a lot of norm friends or family? Or just watch the news and see their sentiment on btc. They aren't going to dump after buying billions for their etf. I think you're falling for the bait thinking that the current market is bait when there is a lot indicators saying other wise. I agree we should see a pull back after the halving but seeing <$10k again is highly unlikely.
I'm honestly at the point where I think the super cycle is probably going to be true since it will a shit ton people out early who have the same mentality/justification of the current market conditions as you where its pretty much unbelievable that the market will continue to go up. To each their own but I do not think were at the top since I have not heard norms talk about bitcoin/crypto at all like last run. Most don't even pay attention meaning theirs several more layers to go until he hit the top.

>> No.57661148

The US gov has 200-250k BTCs confiscated and 2-3 wars to fund.
They will keep the BTC running by a media campaign, luring normies into buying to „get out of poverty“, since they’re preparing another supply chain crisis and cash themselves out plenty of billions, that they‘ll reinvest into war

>> No.57661166

hi capo

>> No.57661293

mental illness.
get help.

>> No.57661518 [DELETED] 

"capo" is a twatter e-celeb who's promoting 12k as the bottom. OP's chart is point to 7k-8k as the bottom. /biz/ has been saying 10k-8k for the last three years.

>> No.57661531

"capo" is a twatter e-celeb who's promoting 12k as the bottom. OP's chart is pointing to 7k-8k as the bottom. /biz/ has been saying 10k-8k for the last three years.

>> No.57661799
File: 88 KB, 936x262, turds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "event"

>> No.57661818

so basically they turn the world into india

>> No.57662592

Seems pretty likely dessu.

>> No.57662920


>> No.57663163

Larry will get killed by some crazy BTC whale

>> No.57663170

Kek the dumb cherry picking bear is back

>> No.57663267

Capo is probably a paid agent. They want the section of the normalfaggot population who isn't falling for the bullish narrative propaganda and knows a massive crash is coming to think BTC will bottom out at 12k so they buy in that range, instead of in the sub 10k.

>> No.57663533

Thats pretty much what dat nigga Hayes said. ETF will kill Butcorn.

>> No.57663577

This. All the low IQ plebbitors hyped up about "le heckin epic ETF!" are celebrating a glowing trojan horse that potentially has the power to cause massive harm to crypto through manipulating the price of BTC in a way previously not possible and gigadumping BTC to levels it would never have been able to dump to under normal market circumstances.

>> No.57663592

>Cringing on Beople opening Bitstamp charts

>> No.57663602

>turbo-retard poorfag cope
Translate your chart to pre 2017 and draw a line and watch it magically want to correct back to $500
You either understand cycles or you don't, there are always plenty of people like you who either knowingly or not shill the "it's over" narrative well into the next break of ATH.
It's sad, really.

>> No.57664483

So the Bobos were right........

>> No.57664537

Market manipulation is impossible, commie

>> No.57664591

Jews gonna jew. I’ve got fiat sidelined incase. If it giga moons from here I’ll buy crack cocaine

>> No.57664829

This is 2024.

>> No.57665045

>and Aurelien (also jewish)
if you followed his advise you would be up at least 2.5x right now, such terrible adivse
better listen to all the bears that told me to stay out and miss out on all the gains

>> No.57665372

Dollar is worthless

>> No.57665576

Lmao holy retard

Listen to this guy

Blackrock didn’t jump in just to assfuck investors in a 6 month window. You have to be an idiot to not see that there will be a jump from stocks into crypto these next two years. We’re witnessing the dot com bubble unfold before our very eyes again. There is a reason there were no crypto Super Bowl ads this year, and when you see them in 2025 start selling.

>> No.57665656

It can't dump because too many people are waiting on the sidelines. When it crashes everyone is going to slurp, including governments. Until ZERO people want bitcoin, the price will always be above 40k

>> No.57665702
File: 1.91 MB, 1834x1778, 1688666991828072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((He))) told people 20k was the bottom. If you followed his jewish "advice", you'd have been liquidated.

>> No.57665793

also normalfaggots (no-coiners) will be completely replaced by ai so there are zero reasons for them to care about their demands
they will just crash their buying power to zero with no fucks given

>> No.57665816
File: 41 KB, 640x480, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed the bottom by 3k (10%) what a retard

>> No.57665862

good points but it all seems too optimistic this early in 24, there’s even a halving countdown clock on cmc

>> No.57665910

Like Bankman or that tera chink was? Please

>> No.57665925

This is the dumbest most spasticated shit I've ever seen anywhere at any time.

>> No.57665928


>> No.57665955

doge will be worth more than btc in our lifetime
mark my words

>> No.57665971

>to bottom out
Who care if it's going to be around these levels?

>> No.57665998

Not every halving has been progressed in the same manner. Last cycle was replete with FUD, however this time there is large institutional influx, a lot of attention and $$$. Some weeks before the halving there will be a modest retrace, but cycles with strong momentum, which this one obviously is, will crab rather than substantially dip. A ton of money on the sidelines.

>> No.57666028

sounds like a subverted expectation in the making, like the end of the last bull run