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57656727 No.57656727 [Reply] [Original]

i made over €6000 in 2 weeks, just because i bought a few grand worth of internet coins
my mother is a uni professor and makes €2300 in a month

>> No.57656733

your mom is overpaid

>> No.57656797

yeah, she is
to think that her and my physics professor make the same amount is crazy

>> No.57656811

Your physics professor is overpaid too

>> No.57656842

>i made
You gambled and got lucky. Someone else lost that €6000.

>> No.57656847

How much is that in American dollars?

>> No.57656849

Technology risk is more important than teaching. You understand you could also lose 90% of your money?

>> No.57656883

no, market is not closed system nor sum zero game. for example people are "in" for different time periods - if I buy from op now, and after one year I am up 100%, it doesn't mean op (or me) lost anything.

>> No.57656905

No, it's not zero-sum since fake money is injected into the system

>> No.57656911

universities pay those crazy sums so that they can put their name right beside yours when you do anything worthwhile. I got offered a postdoc at mine and couldn't fathom why anyone would ever do that shit for pennies when I could go to industry and do whatever the fuck I want (basically) for triple the pay AND not have to teach zoomers every few semesters. I did do a lab TA as a PhD(c) so maybe that's why I figured out how shit it was so fast

>> No.57656913


>> No.57656935

600 is not impressive kek but good job
Its rigged against wagies

>> No.57656948

6000 i mean

>> No.57657101 [DELETED] 

e̾a̾r̾n̾ f̾r̾e̾e̾ g̾i̾f̾t̾c̾a̾r̾d̾s̾ a̾s̾ m̾a̾n̾y̾ t̾i̾m̾e̾s̾ a̾s̾ y̾o̾u̾ w̾a̾n̾t̾ a̾n̾d̾ r̾e̾s̾e̾l̾l̾ i̾t̾ f̾o̾r̾ p̾r̾o̾f̾i̾t̾s̾, r̾e̾a̾d̾ t̾h̾e̾ p̾d̾f̾ a̾t̾ t̾h̾e̾ l̾i̾n̾k̾ b̾e̾l̾o̾w̾



>> No.57657120

ever heard of the phrase "easy come, easy go"?

>> No.57657172

try doing that every month

>> No.57657209
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you're ruining your brain now you will not be able to work a normal job

>> No.57657268

I remember my first depersonilzation event the first time I realized market gains destroys wage slavery. The thing is, it took me just as long to realize, market gains are money multipliers and multiplying 0 to any number is still 0.

>> No.57657288

Your mom is making 2300 every month

you made 6000 one month, but next month you could make nothing

>> No.57657318

The market is fundamentally zero sum because you cannot withdraw more cash than was put into it. People holding for different time frames only obscures this fact.

You choosing to frame that as your mom being overpaid instead of the physics prof being underpaid is very rude. Also you're probably going to go negative gambling eventually like 90% of traders. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.57657327

i was making 15k€ a month from youtube and now i make 0 because i wasdemonetized

i have been suicidal since then

good think i saved all like na aspie and have around 390k€ to gamble on a last shot

if i can 3x this shit i can neet on dividends

i have never had a job in my life and never will

>> No.57657342

as i heard somone say last bull run

only fans is for women. and it corrupts them
cyrpto is for men...

i have not had a job since 2017. low 7 figs networth in cyrpto... just starting to get into Real world assets..

>> No.57657347

The 2x BTC etf is the most free >4x in this market. Not sure if it's available to europoors though

>> No.57657355

i havnet worked since 2017 and let me tell you, retirement is boring, nto having a job sucks.

>> No.57657372

What was your channel about? It had to be some weird shit or stolen content. Making that much money, if it was your conent you should have an audience to help you start again

>> No.57657379

Why do you need someone to boss you around, are you a slave? Sad to see someone have all the freedom in the world and squander it by being bored, wishing for the wage cage.

>> No.57657392

Don't worry, maybe one day your speculative nothings crash to zero and you have to wage slave for a pittance again, keep up the hope.

>> No.57657412

of course i'd like my mom to make more, but the fact is that she goes to work like 2-3 times per week max. she teaches future middleschool teachers how to teach PE, her papers consist of going to a kindergarden, measuring fat kids, drawing conclusions from the data
on the other hand, my physics professor worked his fucking ass off his entire life.
not to be rude, but my mom would fail and burn out if shebwas in almost any other subject
physics and kinesiology can't compare.
he should definitely make more, but considering where we're from, and how many benefits you get from being a prof. it's pretty good
my trading strategy is buy and hold, im sure that there will be days in the future where i lose over 20k in a day

>> No.57657453

it's not a joke it's a warning, you should sell everything.

>> No.57657967

if you put the 390k into boomer stocks you can neet already

>> No.57658705

... yeah, you made 6k in 2 weeks, but that, for all you know, could be the only money you make from the markets for weeks, months, years.
Meanwhile a job like hers gets her a consistent income, but she has to work.
This is all to say that nothing in the markets is guaranteed. Keep your head level and keep making smart decisions.

>> No.57658754

And live off 4%, i.e $16k a year? Yeah maybe if you want to live in a shack with rice and beans for the rest of your life.

>> No.57659349

I know that feel. Yesterday, while I was at work, I made $1,357 AUD within a span of 4 hours from my portfolio. I get paid $1,131 AUD per week from my full-time job, after tax.

>> No.57659370

That's how I am profiting from Baby Spyro at the moment kek

>> No.57659470

is this a top signal post?