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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57656231 No.57656231 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please just go back to the traditional gender roles? At this point women are tired of larping as business women and it's pretty clear to everyone that they're utterly useless in the workplace. I just want a nice hot meal and a drink when I get home is this really too much to ask?

>> No.57656246

>Make it from crypto
>Your job is literally watch charts, shitpost on biz, play indie games and talk to your pals on discord
>Tell your gf you don't expect her to work, working is beneath women. She just needs to keep the house clean for you and you'll pay for everything and give her an allowance
If she's ever had to work a dead-end job like retail, she will see you as a meal ticket and literally never do anything to piss you off, lest she lose the golden goose.

>> No.57656254

Nice thread anon, dont buy tectum scamtum!

>> No.57656261

>I just want a nice hot meal and a drink when I get home is this really too much to ask?
I'm single and I get that every day
Learn to cook, incel lmao

>> No.57656273
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>If she's ever had to work a dead-end job like retail, she will see you as a meal ticket and literally never do anything to piss you off, lest she lose the golden goose.
ye no that's not how it works, you can't tell her where the money comes from and you can't reveal how much money you got, these are the /biz/ rules you must always respect.

>> No.57656275
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>men will never forget

>> No.57656280

>never do anything to piss you off, lest she lose the golden goose
From what non western country are you writing? Here as soon as she pops out a kid, she has all the power. She can divorce rape you, take your kid and house, and force you to keep paying the mortgage while she lives there with her new bf.

>> No.57656282

why would I watch charts if I made it?
if I haven't made it why would I waste money on gf allowance?

>> No.57656293

>what is a hired killer
>what is an unfortunate accident

>> No.57656298

You don't have to marry her to have a kid dipshit

>> No.57656320

>ye no that's not how it works, you can't tell her where the money comes from and you can't reveal how much money you got, these are the /biz/ rules you must always respect

I made it at 33, got 6 mn USD and cashed out. Didnt tell my gf at the time, we had been together at the time for 2 years (since she was 18). One year later she broke up, which I was a bit saddened by but I am very thankful I didnt tell her about the money, otherwise she likely would have stayed in the relationship even though she wasnt in love with me.

There's absolutely no upside in telling a girl how much you earn or made.

>> No.57656522

Having a kid makes you married in the courts, retard. Have fun getting divorce raped without even actually getting married or divorced.

>> No.57656537 [DELETED] 

>You get married even if you don't get married
Ok you shit eating mutt, when i need advice abut eating feces i'll kill you, pablo.

>> No.57656539

Child support applies regardless of marriage.
Broke niggers who refused to pay lawyers prior to marriage for a prenup always bitch that the courts threw out their (legal zoom) prenup.

>> No.57656552

Child support is not divorce rape you subhuman virgin, divorce rape is allimonies and her taking 50% of your assets.

>> No.57656568

Finally some good financial advice

>> No.57656800

My wealth is in crypto and on paper I am homeless.
Agreed re not telling her the source. Just say you work from home and all the time you're on itchio looking for games to entertain you, she'll assume youre working.

>> No.57656805

Hi incel!

>> No.57656875
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Women ruined their own setup for both genders.

Women used to cook, clean, do laundry, go shopping, play with the kids during the week and drop the kids off at school.

Men used to work 10 - 12 hour shifts, then pick the kids up from school (if he could) and play with their kids on the weekends.

Ironically, as being a homemaker became easier (dishwasher, TV, refrigerator/freezer, HVAC, washing machine, dryer, roomba, smartphones, Uber, etc.) they purposefully put more work on themselves.

Now they get to work 10 - 12 hours a day, and then when they get home, they still have to cook, clean, do laundry, go shopping and pay a babysitter to watch their bastard children.

You played yourselves ladies.

>> No.57656941

The funny part is they actually believe they’re “empowered” by being wagies. Imagine having noseburg screaming at you to get his power points finished and send out all his emails and you still
Think you’re “strong and independent” of anything. I’ll give Jews and the powers that be this, they really delved deep into psychology/human behavior and designed a system to exploit NPC’s efficiently.

>> No.57656956

It's going to happen one way or another. As society crumbles/economies decay, and things get harder, people naturally get more traditional and close to how humans normally operate.

>> No.57657005

Also mean income has halved in purchasing power since women entered the workforce. So basically the workforce doubled for half the pay.

With only one spouse working, you also only need 1 car, no daycare and you can actually raise your own kids.

>> No.57657042

>ye no that's not how it works, you can't tell her where the money comes from and you can't reveal how much money you got, these are the /biz/ rules you must always respect.
Cringe beta garbage
>If she's ever had to work a dead-end job like retail, she will see you as a meal ticket and literally never do anything to piss you off, lest she lose the golden goose.

>> No.57657071

I barely have the energy to laugh at then anymore. I kinda just don't care lmfao

>> No.57657129

This is why we import pajeets and africans to deliver your uber eats get with the times

>> No.57657138

No no no, anon, their made their bed, let them lie in it.

>> No.57657213

I had one get pissed at me for telling her she didn’t have to work. I just told her do whatever and make sure everything is order and chill. She wanted to wage so I let her go girl boss and pay her own way. Women are retards. The trick is to get one who has gone through the wagie thing and knows how crap it is. The ones that think they will ascend to some abstract status should always get the boot. Never let them know how much money you have as well. Never

>> No.57657238




Mouth shut regarding your money
The less other people know the better.

>> No.57657267

>Mouth shut regarding your money
>The less other people know the better.
I agree but women are supposed to be your cat neko girls and bring you gold coins :^)