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File: 420 KB, 460x700, TOPURIA_ILIA_L_12-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57646971 No.57646971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from this?

>> No.57647387

the spaitards are all a bunch of feminist faggots, there's nothing of relevance coming out of that country

>> No.57647440

>born in Germany to Georgian parents
>move to Georgia at age 12
>move to Spain at age 18
euro mutt

>> No.57647475
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>euro mutt

>> No.57647541

cant believe my boy Volk got heemed again, oh well at least Topuria is a heemer and we dont have some daggot rat

>> No.57647644

Topuria is the chad meme personified. Guarantee you’re a Paddy the Faggy fanboy

>> No.57647651

nothing says chad like being sub 5 foot 8.. LMAO

>> No.57647661

yet he would kill you in 5 seconds.

>> No.57647679

Cope manlet

>> No.57647680

volk is a faggot like all aussie fighters. glad he got laid out.

>> No.57647686

Sub 5 foot 8 and would absolutely destroy you. Then you’d be the one having to cope about how you just got your shit rocked by a Manlet.

>> No.57647706
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>> No.57647781
File: 34 KB, 750x749, 1708033582976500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moved to Spain at the age of 15.
>Speaks Spanish, loves and fights for Spain.

Kneel down, tranny.

>> No.57647805

Cope manlet.

>> No.57647832

I'm 7 inches taller than Topuria, you fucking dunce. Watch his fight against Jai Herbert. Then kys for being a retard with nothing of value to say.

>> No.57647856

I'd heem you without a second thought and the same goes for fagpooria.

>> No.57647870

>bragging about being 5’7”

>> No.57647887

Spain's number one problem is ignorance and the celebration of being fucking stupid. The amount of proud idiots in Spain is excessive.

>> No.57647965

This, the UFC is desperate to have a Spanish fighter with whom they can expand their business in Spain. It's okay though, Topuria is cool

>> No.57647976
File: 3.71 MB, 1920x1080, Topurigod.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new era has begun.

Fucking gorgeous boxing.

>> No.57648003

This post is off-topic.

>> No.57648032

absolutely retarded sport

>> No.57648129

Ok, go watch 7 foot tall yard apes flop to the ground after someone brushes by them and gets fined for any and everything. Or some scripted American Football full of bloated HGH and steroid freaks getting worse CTE clashing helmets year round more than MMA fighters.

>> No.57648142

>Zuck in the bottom right corner
>Serve your nation subliminal message

UFC is so cucked and subservient to bloodthirsty ZOG. Being back gentlemanly sports like boxing or fencing

>> No.57648167
File: 103 KB, 720x900, GGmQkFSWAAABAQm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuck was in his corner. Walked out with Volk in full UFC fight kit gear and everything. He's a big MMA fan. He's not even half bad at BJJ

>> No.57648199

>so cucked and subservient to bloodthirsty ZOG
Boxing is a circus. Zogged 1000x harder than UFC and is only alive now because of Saudis. Boxing is the worst cucked sport on the entire planet, which says something since the NBA exists.

>> No.57648614

Brutal. Volk will never be the same after that

>> No.57648622

This. Spain is finished

>> No.57648633

what even happened to musk's fight proposal? he chickened out didn't he
zuck should bring it up in the media more

>> No.57648664

It's hilarious that Dana just lets his famous friends larp as cornermen.

>> No.57648704

Zuck tore his ACL and it kinda fell apart after that.

>> No.57648732

It’s pretty damn funny and is only going to get worse with the Nelk boys and Kick streamers running around the UFC. Jack Black walking out Wonderboy was pretty based though.