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57645556 No.57645556 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>watch BJ Cowen religiously
>still don't know what "looser monetary policy", "rate cuts", "fed pivot" mean
Bros can you please explain like I'm retarded (because I am)?

>> No.57645570

Ask chatgpt retard

>> No.57645571

wait till you find out he doesn't even know and is the most retarded mid wit filter there is

>> No.57645575

A fed pivot is what you get after the govt feeds a hungry pivot

>> No.57645576

first of all stop watching grifters like Benjamin Cowen

>> No.57645578

Loser* fucking libtard

>> No.57645661

Blowjob cohen

>> No.57645688

You don't need to know what those terms mean if you watch Benjamin Cowen's channel. He doesn't know either.

>> No.57645776

rate cuts mean the rates are getting cut
looser monetary policy is similar: it's loser
fed pivot: i dont know

>> No.57645819

fed pivot is what happens when they feed the pivot with all these losers from the monetary policy

>> No.57645877

>please explain like I'm retarded
Go here - best resource for new investors trying to actually learn stuff and not simply asking that we tell them the next 10,000X shitcon.

Trying to actually learn = YGMI

>> No.57646373

Cowen is shit. Watch him if you only want to make a measly 2x

Moneyzg is much better for a sensible risk averse crypto guy who knows what he’s doing and doesn’t repeat himself as much as broken record, youtube farming Cowen

You could have made it if you had been watching Ran Neuner the last year (or even last 3months) instead
If you try watching Ran now there’s a chance things don’t turn out well

>> No.57646546

it means they change direction of raising/lowering interest rates