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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57644473 No.57644473 [Reply] [Original]

It's called Lower Back Pain and I have it and its fucking killing me and I cant sleep at night

the presale starts in 2 days and if you dont set your watch and get some you arent gonna make it

>> No.57644498

im in pain already, but I guess ill ape in anyways

>> No.57644561

what a nigger

>> No.57644568

already rugged?

>> No.57644591

no it didn't even launch it's just niggerlicious

>> No.57644629


>> No.57644791
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>> No.57644977

When launch on what network

>> No.57645048

Just exercise and fix it you atrophied fucking pathetic excuse for a human

>> No.57645066

maybe if you hadn’t splooged so much and drinking monsters you wouldn’t have wasted and drained all your loosh

>> No.57646178

I was interested until you said bsc

>> No.57646626
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uhmm ackshually I have a genetic disorder so my lower vertebrae are all fused together, what about me bucko? am I a pathetic excuse for a human?

>> No.57647406

SOL is a dying chain

>> No.57647582

>lol just waste your time and lift heavy objects

>> No.57647590

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY48iTqHCwA

>> No.57648433

is this from Sam Hyde's music label?

>> No.57648952
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If you lift, reevaluate what lifts you’re doing and how. (I got rid of my chronic lower back pain when I stopped doing barbell squats.) If you don’t lift, consider doing back strengthening excuses and stretching more, particularly your hamstrings.

>> No.57649487

its not obvious so most people dont know but a lot of your lower back pain can come from your glutes and quad muscles being overtightened and pulling your spine into painful positions, even when you sleep. Fucked my shit up bad from working at a warehouse and then a car garage lifting crap at awkward angles and never stretching. I couldnt get good sleep for 2 years until I seriously stretched it all out and saw a chiropractor. Went to the doctor to and they didnt help at all. Gave me an xray then didnt even look at it and said I was fine. Doctors are such a fucking joke man I unironically trust vegan lifestyle youtubers more

>> No.57649505

I'll ape anything so long as its not eth, fucking backpain kek