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57643241 No.57643241 [Reply] [Original]

>no downsides
>easy to get in the US
>turns you into the limitless guy
if you dont take 1 every morning and take an adderall IR in the afternoon you're a gay homo

>> No.57643250

normies take it and jack off for 12 hours straight
you have probably been taking it less than a year and felt the need to make this thread. you start getting side effects later on

>> No.57643258

The first couple times you take it it’s limitless. Then you get diminishing returns and sides. And eventually it just gives you anxiety

>> No.57643259

I'm prescribed 15 mg extended release adderall and recently got it shipped from an online pharmacy. Feels like a knock-off drug, maybe even a placebo lol. Literally does fuck all.

Maybe I should look into Vyvanse or something

>> No.57643260

adderall only works for maybe a few months as a temporary boost when you really need it

if you use adderrall longer than that the negative consequences to your life, mental and health rapidly skyrocket

>> No.57643262

you take lexapro to decrease your sex drive and anxiety

>> No.57643264

>no downsides
Fuck you for lying to my /biz/bros, Adderall is evil and will fuck you up if you abuse it

>> No.57643270

Might be this. I first got prescribed in 2021 and it made me feel like I'd been living life in slow motion for the past 3 decades. Now it does literal fuckall except make me angry. Maybe I just got a shitty knock-off brand from this online pharmacy though

>> No.57643275 [DELETED] 
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lol so you expect me to reduce my sex drive you must be out of your mind honey badgers are literally incapable of stopping no lexapro would ever bring me to your level of impotence

>> No.57643350
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>ITT: goycattle arguing over which chemical works best to hide their true self from the rest of the goycattle in their personal life, while other goycattle monitor the conversation from across digital means, in order to have a better understanding of the best strategy which to use to hide from the rest of the goycattle.

>> No.57643363

I'm not a loser and genetic failure. I can work every waking hour without the pharmajew.

>> No.57643395

>it's da jooos!!!

>> No.57643400

unless you are day trader most of time I just watching market.

>> No.57643422

>its not the jews!! That one time was just a coincidence!! And this time it was a just a misunderstanding. And tomorrow it will be an overexageration! But above all else, white people are the ones who did this.

>> No.57643448

>I can work every waking hour
If you wrote that down and it sounded good to you, you're a loser lmao

>> No.57643483

>promotes psych meds, even says there are no downsides
You are a JIDF agent.

>> No.57643490

Fuck you OP

>> No.57643807
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bro what

>> No.57643991
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>> No.57644001

>easy to get in the US

I thought this shit was really hard to get since tweakers abuse it?

>> No.57644009

How can I get this prescribed? I've tried four different antidepressants (none of them worked at all) but I know ADHD is my real problem.

>> No.57644020

How do I get easily?

>> No.57644026

It is hard to get. It's the same as how people say doctors are handing out pain pills like candy when in reality they're incredibly stingy with them.

>> No.57644094

DoneFirst costs $79 a month to leverage their services and it grants you access to a provider that can write you scripts for ADHD meds. Only have to meet them in person once a year and quarterly follow up appointments are done online (depending on state). Only available in 30 states in the US though. CVS and Walmart won’t fill their scripts but others will. Never had an ADHD diagnosis put on file but I went to therapy as a teen for ADHD/depression symptoms once and I took antidepressants for like 6 months. Their doctors are chill. Mine straight up admitted to abusing them to get through med school as he was sending the script to my pharmacy. About a year into my treatment rn and idk what these guys are talking about diminishing returns. Maybe I just haven’t hit it yet but everyone is different. I’m on 20mg XR and I take it daily except for Sunday. Stuff yourself with protein every morning, avoid acidic foods/drinks few hours before and after you take it, take advantage of the initial highs to establish and maintain good habits, workout in the evening to soften the blow when it wears off and drink a fucking ass load of water. Whatever amount you’re imagining, double it. It helps with headaches. Using it to get my shit together before I start weaning off and it’s been working well.

>> No.57644100

>being addicted to drugs with massive diminishing returns
ngmi...financially, spiritually, or romantically

>> No.57644120
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How should I limit myself to these? Don't want to fry my brain. A couple times a year?

>> No.57644406
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Anyone tried Modafinil? I have ADD. Ritalin didnt do much for me (dosage might've been too low). Strattera was just awful.

>> No.57644428

>Using performance enhancing substances inhibits your BLACKED-Hitler chakras and therefore it must be destroyed because I said so
>You can’t experiment with chemicals because I don’t like it
The ultimate mark of the dogmatist is that he wants to order every aspect of your life. He wants to be the one in charge and Free will is the most abhorrent thing to him

>> No.57644604

Thanks. They seem to have a bad reputation lately but I might check them out anyway.

>> No.57644682

That’s a retarded infographic. “You own nothing, and will be happy because you have ideals”

>> No.57644713

It’s magical the first 10-20 times you do it, after that and after you age it starts sucking your abstract thinking and the side effects get bad.

>> No.57644789

Yeah well he's right and you're wrong.

>> No.57644818

>no downsides
See you in a year.

>> No.57644823

Il give you my hot take as a normie with a scription

nofap is impossible the combination of addy and caffeine makes you impossibly and unsatiably horny.

work and study is neither easier or harder

fun things are more fun and now its harder to do work.

i am no longer ever tired and do not yawn at work, a worthy tradeoff

>> No.57644828
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>no downsides

>> No.57644898

>Nuh uh
You have never seen a vagina

>> No.57645010

Kek this was me in college, I had an adderall problem and would have these crazy wank sessions for up to 10hrs maybe once a week for like a year and then I quit and haven't touched this poison for 6yrs
I think it permanently fucked me up tho. I still like to have sex but my drive is way down, I used to have a rotation of women going and I could have sex maybe every other day but not more often than that--just no interest at all on the days between. Now I've had a gf for 2yrs and I still enjoy fucking her but I can only do it like once or twice a week. Any former addy junkies got any tips?
Oh yeah, I'm already on TRT, it doesnt help

>> No.57645474

>online pharmacy.
Better be a legit one with a license to operate in your country. Imagine buying fake pills

>> No.57645534
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>Makes you think that you're Eddie Morra
>Actually convinces you punctuation, spelling and grammar is not needed
>Obsess over inane bullshit
>Abuse potential, addictive, permanently alters neurological pathways
>Moody, aggressive
>You have a dry mouth as you read this
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.57645574

Imagine not taking test cipionate.
>be me
>be yoked chad
>be attractive
>bitches come easy
>money comes easy
>success comes easy
Addynerds are faggets lol

>> No.57645746

Your hair is going to start falling out faggot

>> No.57645766
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If you’re not chemically reliant you’re a homo. Good morning goy.

>> No.57645807
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>needs drugs to fell powerful
>Not taking route of total sollitude from world for couple months to 1y, to reach deepest bottoms of your life which will make you crush or kill yourself.
>not pursuing for improving your life afterwards
>no profit.

Anon, drugs are temporary and makes you numb which will make you suffer longer. Go to psychiatric hospital or take 1y break to go into woods to find trueself which will kill your soul but it will make you stronger. You will never the same person and never will think about suicide or other gay shit.

>> No.57646414
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Yes, I will chastise you for taking pharmaceuticals for physical/mental enhancement whilst also popping two Excedrin Migraine because I got a mild headache from poor sleep and skipping breakfast.

>> No.57646512

you permanently altered your brain, you will never be the same

>> No.57646581

this anon gets it.

i also used done..

some black lady asked me liek 5 questions and gave it to me..

i would not take it every day. do not abuse it ever. and make sure to eat a lot of food as it will kill your appetite. and drink lots of water as it makes you thirsty. at one poiint i stopped talking it for about 6 months becasue i thought it was making my hair fall out.. and was hoping my hair would grow back.

i dont really need to take it unless i have a lot of things i need to get done, no one should take it daily... after a while i was taking 35 mg daily. i stopped for many months. now very rarely i take 15 mg at most daily...

the only side effect i get is that i feel in constricst my blood vesseld so if i bend my wrist in an upwards position i get a tight knot in my veins and its kinda painful. so when i do something like pushups it feels as if im ripping my blood vessels.

>> No.57646604

start eating more steak, get more sunlight on your whole body, and start walking a couple miles on the earth barefoot. start to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun rises.

trsut me anon, i wont explain why just do that.

>> No.57647188

stimulants are the white man's drug, our nations were built by white men running on nicotine, caffeine, and amphetamine. Why do you think tobacco and amphetamine have war waged on them while the media pushes weed and opioids?

>> No.57647479

This is good. Get outside to see the sunrise.

>> No.57647868

>no downside
>heart damage
>Can't sleep
>Damages your dopamine reward system
>develope schizo tics

>> No.57648053

I took 40+ MG of adderall every day in college (was prescribed two 20 MG per day). I never liked smoking weed before but enjoyed the combination of weed and adderall. I had much lowered inhibitions and ended up getting multiple felonies for a theft/fraud ring I started while doing this.

10+ years later and I have no desire to use adderall anymore.

>> No.57648108

Isn’t adderall just lame meth?

>> No.57648158

When you say things like this you really just sound like a gay Gen X'er trying to be cool. Yes adderall and meth are both amphetamines and methamphetamine is stronger if that's what you're asking. Adderall is a prescription drug though and you don't have to, in addition to worrying about all of the deleterious health consequences of the substance itself, worry about countless unknown adulterants.

>> No.57648748

Just uh, buy good meth and geek x5 harder. T. Zoomer

>> No.57648834

Kek yeah faggots always think they found the magic elixer when they first start taking meth. He will figure it out eventually

>> No.57648887

I’m the same anon you replied to, phoneposting now. I’ve heard of the steak/sunlight/barefoot stuff, honestly gonna give it a try. But what’s with the sleep thing though? I’ve always been a big night owl, even before the addy phase. And if I were to sleep and rise with the sun I’d be going to bed at 5pm and waking up at 7am where I live, fuck that. Is just rising with the sun enough?..

>> No.57648935

You know meth is a prescription drug too, right? You can buy amphetamine or methamphetamine on the street or the pharmacy.

>> No.57649000

The point is to value your higher ideals more than your comfortable life. Integrity doesn't automatically bind you to a life of poverty

>> No.57649187

>kills your dick with long term use
>turns you into the office methhead

>> No.57650748

Yea Anon. When people talk about "meth" they're talking about all those common methamphetamine prescriptions. Not the illicitly made street drug. Thanks for contributing.

>> No.57650810

who is this and is natty?

>> No.57650836
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the future is now old man