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57641963 No.57641963 [Reply] [Original]

Most Generational wealth is lost within 3 gens....

How do I cope with this fact?

>> No.57642008

Accept it and move on. Accept that your heirs will flounder their wealth away, just like the vast majority of humans do. Or donate your estate to a trust/charity that will be more responsible.

>> No.57642020

Beat your children

>> No.57642029

Unleash your inner boomer and leave your kids with nothing

>> No.57642037

All is fleeting. Genes are everything, reproduce with a smart good looking woman to increase chances of capturing wealth preservation genes within your offspring

>> No.57642079
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how do they flounder it away?

>> No.57642164

by realizing you'll be dead and it doesn't matter.

>> No.57642187

you cope by accepting you are the fourth generation and there is not any wealth left to be lost

>> No.57642190

This is why you don’t leave anything to your kids and just spend it all enjoying your retirement or whatever, kids of rich people always squander wealth. Sure, put them through private school and college so they get a leg up, use your network to get them a good internship, maybe even help with a down payment on a house if they aren’t complete shitheads, but by the time you die your kids should be in their 40s and 50s and should have made their own mark and earned their own money. Use your money for your own pleasure, leave very little to your heirs they will just fuck it up.

>> No.57642246

Donate your stuff to Israel.

>> No.57642248
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Be the first gen.

>> No.57642262

That’s a given for whites

>> No.57642891

if you come from a high IQ pneumatic lineage, the few kinks will sort themselves out eventually and your spawn will be back on top even if one of the generations screws it up

You should be focusing on reproducing as much as possible so you leave a genetic lineage which cant be squandered, as opposed to a financial lineage which can be destroyed in an instant

go to africa and asian and bareback creampie as many women as possible, thus ensuring no matter what disasters humanity may go through in the future some trace of your genes will always be present in multiple populations

>> No.57643478

not your problem

>> No.57643488

Luxury lifestyles without sufficient (or any) income

>> No.57643498
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Retard tier take
1. Educate them on risk management
2. Have them work a SHIT job so they get PTSD from working and comprehend how hard it is to get money thus appreciating its value more
3. Try to create more cashflow and educate the offspring on how to run things themselves

It's not hard to preserve wealth. You just need to actually raise your kids. 99% of parents out there are fucking retards. Just don't be a retard

>> No.57643512

People like you burn in hell
Fucking ignorant, fucking shit. For fucks sakes don't reproduce. 99% of people are low IQ like you and would not make good parents

>> No.57643517 [DELETED] 
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luxury lifestyles without sufficient (or any) income oh you mean like your mom yeah i know it's a shame i've been trying to support her to the best of my ability but she won't give up those louis vuitton handbags and louboutin high heels i've told her to start an onlyfans but she says its
>too much work
i'm just trying to help her out here it's hard in this economy when you are a dumb whore with no ambition

>> No.57643588

>private school and college so they get a leg up, use your network to get them a good internship, maybe even help with a down payment on a house if they aren’t complete shitheads
Also forgot to mention this is super low IQ. Private schools are dumbass tier and a meme that provides no skillsets. What offspring need is one on one MENTORSHIP from their parent that has a skillset. Schools won't teach you SHIT and in the future, you'll need a masters for the same jobs boomers got with a high school degree aka college is just a place to get a piece of paper to meet barrier to entries and those barrier to entries will only grow increasingly fierce. They should complete college before 18 and ONLY as a backup. The real goal is not needing an employer in the first place because it's slavery in this system.

Spend all your money. That's fine, IF YOU DON'T HAVE KIDS. Even then though since I'm not a selfish prick, I'd have my money go to the kids of my brothers and/or sisters after meeting a shit condition (working at a minimum wage job for a year and being 25+).

>> No.57643604

Also I'd attach a paper that briefly goes over what percentage to allocate into assets and also would show them how I read the markets. Basically a risk management cheat sheet and I'd advise them to pass that knowledge down. I'd save it through various ways to so that if one gets lost, they have other sources to find the cheat sheet

>> No.57643665

Put it in a trust and only allow them to access the interest, unless they get a masters in finance, become a medical doctor , lawyer or other six figure salary

>> No.57643681

Also poor people who get rich tend to have residual poor habits and a lot of them, when they make it, treat their kids like adversaries who want their money like they do everyone else, instead of treating them like partners and teaching them the family business. The kid grows up with no idea how to run the business and no idea how money works.