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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57641811 No.57641811 [Reply] [Original]

It just crossed $30M with increasing volume. Why do I fall for this every time? Is it going to slow down?

>> No.57641845

There might be a correction soon but this shows no sign of stopping.

>> No.57641882

You really couldn't figure out for yourself how shitty the fud is? Like all it has been is salty linkbaggies falsely calling the founder Indian for some reason and making fun of his name. That's all they have.

>> No.57641900
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Stay poor /biz/

>> No.57642051
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>Pooya in the background

>> No.57642064

It was the relaunch on ARB thing that I thought was dodgy but then discovered they upgraded the token and got away from CZ drama. That was at $2m. Rediscovered it again at $25m

>> No.57642089

You didn’t DYOR did you? Go read the white pages and read about unchained.

>> No.57642112
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>> No.57642127
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This isn't enough to dissuade people anymore. If looks mattered ETH would be worth $5 in all

>> No.57642151

biz told me 4 days ago at 28$ that tectum is a scam, maybe it is but above 35$ and growing....

>> No.57642361

Fuck it, bought a big bag and am going to stake it. If bull run continues this could still do 40x

>> No.57642666
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>> No.57642957

They also convinced me that Spyro was a scam where the devs were faking the volume and selling from 20 different addresses(that was real wasn't it?)
and yet it still pumped a shit ton and I could have retired from it.

>> No.57643015

Fucking kek'd, nice fine anon

>> No.57643040

>shows no sign of stopping

>> No.57643152

This is that step pattern chart that's almost always giga bullish. I'm not invested in this because I'm all in AVI (same chart), but I think KNS chads will also make it

>> No.57643263

this is the same reason why i did not buy at $0.0028 or so. Now I'm annoyed.

>> No.57643276

Just get in before the CEX announcement, that's when this is going to start pumping faster than you can imagine. You're still early

>> No.57643278

i am terrified of getting dumped on. it is up over 10x since i was looking.

>> No.57643287 [DELETED] 
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listen here buckaroo i am a honey badger and i could sell out my 50k stack of honey badger erc tokens for 800k if i wanted too i mean i am literally dripping in honey badger pussy and honey badger bitches want my honey badger meat and honey badger tokens if you can't hang i don't care dude stay poor and stay with your one pathetic wife unlike me who has a girlfriend and a boyfriend for only 12k a pop honey badger chads like me don't care about dumps we are the dump

>> No.57643300

He who fears dumps never gets pumps

>> No.57643322

It's not a solana shitcoin, it's a solid, growing project that already has 2 million in liquidity at a low market cap, and they are registering the company in switzerland. That's a country where you really have to play by the rules. Don't worry about getting dumped on.

>> No.57643353

I think the general consensus is that KNS will continue to rip to $100m minimum. Some guy in the TG is already getting a KNS tattoo at that milestone

>> No.57643357
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>he has a small kenis

>> No.57643551

I'd say 300m minimum.

>> No.57643582

>anon gets yet another firsthand lesson in fomo but won't learn anything from it this time either
a tale as old as time

>> No.57643628
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>picked up 150k as a gamble when it first dropped for like $200
>didn't think much of it at the time and forgot I had it
>Found the bag up like over 20x now
I have mixed feelings over this

>> No.57643638

Pooyah is selling all his bags on you as we speak. Once he's completely cashed out him and his gf are going to the bahamas and never finishing this 'project' Thanks for playing retards

>> No.57643651

thanks. I made it.

>> No.57643655

this is a good sign overall for the market lol

>> No.57643657
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Retarded paki kek

>> No.57643730

How can he fud? HOW CAN HE FUD?

>> No.57643780

Nice theory which is based on absolutely nothing

>> No.57643920

this shit is about to dump hard

>> No.57643927

Hey anon that’s what they said at $16M

Nek minnit

>> No.57643931

t. gnomecuck kek

>> No.57644198

Is that you?

>> No.57644214
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Don’t miss your opportunity to move these profits into kns

>> No.57644281

I feel like a lot of people are using shitcoins to raise money to buy more KNS

>> No.57644289

That’s what I do

>> No.57644317

Its a good method if you don't have enough money upfront but there are still risks like the price jumping up much higher than if you just bought with the original amount

>> No.57644325

Plain and simple, buy $200 of shit coin, moons (all do if you’re early like below 1m) sell $400 of the stack, keep the rest in there, use the $200 profits to buy more kns, win because maybe the meme coin keeps mooning or I have a bigger stack now, so win win

>> No.57644328

Denis is probably the last hooray of old biz. actual legit low cap gem that make poor people rich if they hold to the peak of the cycle. ie Summer 2025.

>> No.57644338

I sold my gns at 4$ too

It's fking 6.50 now

>> No.57644375
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>calls Kenis a 'meme coin'

>> No.57644378

it is a scam, thats making money without you.

>> No.57644393
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>> No.57644415

Selling meme/shitcoins like baby Spyro to rotate profits into kns, kns is not a memecoin.

>> No.57644435

The same thing will happen with BabySpyro

>> No.57644448

Pouya quit his job to work on Unchained full time and he’s got a team of great devs.
It’s not too late to buy some Kenis anon.
When Kenis hits $1 you’ll still have a nice return. You can always buy more.

>> No.57644482

That’s the impression I get too. KNS has rly gone from being hated on to being a must have in every bizbros bag for the bull. It’s crazy

>> No.57644667

I only bought because it makes my kenis hard. Not selling until 1bil mcap.

>> No.57644698

This is the most simple explanation for the kenis fud:
>Jannies dont like kenis
>Kenis holders want to talk about big kenis
>In order to talk about kenis and not get banned but also farm (You)s they fud
Simple as. Fud is fake to get more level headed anons attention.
Now another problem, sometimes jans see through the fake fud and ban posters for fake fud. Sometimes jans arent allowing fud on a project for a given moment. Sometimes jans benefit from letting fud narratives run.
When the topic finally bridges off of /biz/ and into the rest of the cryptoverse or normiesphere it usually stops getting jannied.
Thats what you're seeing with kenis now. A big bull sign from jannies. They cant stop us now.

>> No.57644853

jannies hated us in the beginning but they can see the light now

>> No.57645058

An anon once said people will buy at whatever price they deserved to buy

>> No.57645453

I don't let fags decide my bag moves. I did my DD on QANX, HBAR, IOTX, and CGPT. Plebs gonna FOMO soon.

>> No.57645504

Definitely a gem , this is it

>> No.57645549

the ATH market cap was barely enough to retire one person you retard

>> No.57645560
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>tfw only 151K Kenis

>> No.57646197

You said this at 15m

>> No.57648137
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>> No.57648643


>> No.57649700

Jannies are playing 4d chess

>> No.57650363

I don't know how to make it stop, my Kenis has been rock hard for hours.

>> No.57650375

>89k volume

>> No.57651645

And yet you don't see everyone panic selling thinking the coin is dead.
You know why?
Because they can see the valuable it has and want to stay long term because they will end up with a huge payout in the end

>> No.57651806

And ATH. No one selling. Whales are content. Once real volume comes in we’re going to 30c within a week.

>> No.57651813
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Will memecoin season be back like in 2022 or those times are over?

>> No.57652384

The staking rewards are stingy as hell. Lets you know this isnt some jeet farm.

>> No.57653476

I remember last cycle there were coins that would be staked for 30 days and you'd get like 15,000% back
The idiots fell for it and 29 days later the coin rugged

>> No.57653528

isn't this the shitcoin that used to have a massive sell tax? i remember pointing out how scammy that was and all the shills attacked me saying it was bullish. now they removed it and shills are once again bullish lmao.