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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57641492 No.57641492 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /biz/ always crying?
>price goes up
>/biz/ cries
>price goes down
>/biz/ cries
>price moves sideways
>/biz/ cries

>> No.57641511
File: 153 KB, 435x446, 1706127817944010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is one person
kill yourself retarded pedo asukafag NIGGER

there are retards who short
there are retards who long
there are retards who sell
there are retards who buy
there are retards who hold
for every choice, there is a retard
for every result, a retard will be burnt
that's the market
now die

>> No.57641518

It is what it is. Need alt season with some serious gains to see this board pick up again with no more bitching

>> No.57641519

What does Asuka smell like?

>> No.57641523

>op posts
>/biz/ cries

>> No.57641547


>> No.57641558
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>> No.57641592

Yes. Lift armpits now

>> No.57641595
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mostly because im poor

>> No.57641689

*Sniiiiiiifffff* ahh yes, fruity floral scent.

>> No.57642069
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Because biz is not an echo chamber there's many bears and many bulls clashing together. People that didn't get sidelined, people that did. Etcetera.

Anyways, me personally I'm happy as fuck. BTC, SUPER, KASPA, all pumping to the moon. Literally need it to keep going a bit more so I can cum properly and make a lot of muni.

>> No.57642084

cause biz aint just 3 people you fucking faggot

>> No.57642093

anonymous board filled with anonymous people from multiple different backgrounds and situations you stupid nigger

post more asuka so your worthless thread can at least have soem sort of purpose

>> No.57642097


>> No.57642117

all humans stink you weirdo

>> No.57642120

>biz is not an echo
>Biz wwhole fucking year swarmed by link cope and avaxchuds
Are we actually lurking the same board?

>> No.57642125

>biz is not an eco chamber
>check catalog
>30 link threads
>30 pepe threads
>30 "whats the next x70" threads
>30 "im poor" threads
uh huh

>> No.57642128

accurate though

>> No.57642132
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>he thinks this is actually a bool room
id check the 24 hour chart right now if i were you anon dont get caught off guard

>> No.57642133

You guys share the same working braincell

>> No.57642148

shill threads that are paid for to disingenuously scam people don't count.

>> No.57642454

pls be in london

>> No.57642478

no they don't, tranny

>> No.57642527

when are you leaving?

>> No.57644207

cuz ur a bitch

>> No.57644216

There's a loser and a winner on every single transaction, newfren

>> No.57644217

>captcha not needed

>> No.57644230
File: 45 KB, 419x571, IMG_0950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is pic related

>> No.57645382
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I guess we are so used to everything being fucking extreme, we are either poor or rich
or everything is going great, or someone's bags are dying
I guess it's something you acquire after a few years, I mean now my BIGMIKE is in green numbers and I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>> No.57645420

Think about it as a betting site. Whatever happens some people will have made the wrong bet and cry. Now add larping, havin a giggle and fudding. Mix with jannies doing it for free and presto.

>> No.57645501

>price goes up
didn't bought when it was down
>price goes down
bought when it was up
>price moves sideways
it's wasting the time

>> No.57645510

because once anons make it they never return to this sub leaving for luxurious vacations and third world women