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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57639663 No.57639663 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you guys tell me this guy was so based?


>> No.57639672

Eddie Murphy?

>> No.57639685

Usain Bolt?

>> No.57639848

nigger nigga ?

>> No.57639858
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Usain Bolt bought crypto? we are so early bros!

>> No.57640052

At https://youtu.be/cwk_l-U-0D4?t=2084 he kinda shits on Link with the most old fud
>muh price feed
>not decentralized
>data not reliable maybe idk
but then promptly admits he didn't follow the advancement of the project so
>he doesn't know
Not even big brain crypto negus knows, we are so early bros. The roastie on the other hand was pretty based to come up with the btc-eth-link combo

>> No.57640087

Yeah I was actually surprised during that part.

>> No.57640096

Being a nigger is based.

>> No.57640158

> founder of scam exchange
> based

you're a nigger and a glowie, Jessica is retarded. She's the one that enthusiastically interviewed Tim Diaper (retard who still believes in Theranos) and Raul Pal (another nigger)

>> No.57640176

I liked the shitting on basedlana part

>> No.57640213

you guys really believe he doesn't know about it? that looked like the most blatant low effort fud I've ever seen, he's probably sitting on massive bags. incredibly bullish

>> No.57640231

he is deliberately fudding and/or silencing it
link ticks all the boxes for why he invested in eth during the 2018-19 bear/recovery
there is no way he doesnt understand it

>> No.57640233

Either way that's bullish indeed

>> No.57640350

I've been watching a lot of financial video and geopolitical stuff on youtube recently, having to go back to this 10yo level analysis is painful

>> No.57640361

I mean the guy is a genius and knows literally everything there is to know about this market, if he said "oh its going to do well but the lack of product can't overcome the hype of shitcoins", that I could see and say yeah he's probably right, but him just handwaving it away pretending he hasn't looked into it is basically him saying "yes this is the one I just don't want retards buying yet".

>> No.57640376

also notice when he fudded cardano and solana, it wasn't "oh i haven't really looked into them", he straight up called them out as eth clones and in solana's case one that doesn't even work.

>> No.57640383

he doesnt. I was just looking at one of the projects hes shilling and it uses pyth oracles

>> No.57640431

I normally go by "never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance", but I think in his case it probably is malice, he's probably got deals with the pyth guys to shill said project. Arthur is smart but he's also a fucking scam artist himself look into the history of bitfinex. he's just not as dumb about it and reliant on nepo connections as an SBF.

>> No.57640493

i know he is. Bitfinnex always went down and constantly traded against its users. Like all cefi exchanges. Im not sure if dex's can do the same or not. i dont think he knows anyone at pyth but im not part of whale private chats either. I just think hes a rich guy who doesnt care what the tech is just wants to make money of retards . Pro tip retards want to lose money, they enjoy it

>> No.57640550

He's one of the biggest GMX holders and it uses chainlink feeds afaik

>> No.57640566

i dont think he gives a shit about the actual tech, idk i forgot about the gmx thing so im willing to be wrong too. Its weird discussing if a nigger knows what chainlink is or not lol

>> No.57640605

His most recent blogs I think are off the money. He's delusionally pessimistic. But he's smart as fuck, I just think he's sometimes too clever for himself.

Thanks for posting this, going to watch the interview, and there's no fucking way he doesn't know about LINK. I think >>57640361 is on the money

>> No.57640644

>this time eth really will go to 5k!!

>> No.57640681

I just realized you're right because he said he doesn't know much BUT YET name-dropped link marines and all the stale /biz/ fud, I mean come on you're either in or out no in-between

>> No.57640725

link marines is a twitter thing now.

>> No.57640727

One of the best:


>> No.57640735

i follow most of his eth wallets. He doesnt own any at all

>> No.57640822

>"one of the most articulate-"
>made the first mistake of a white woman complimenting someone black

oooo no no no no no no

>> No.57640997

He said he thinks the market is going to top up in 2026 to 2027.. what the fuck was that? A red herring? I mean shit I'm not going to complain about an extended bull run but, fuck me, I wonder if that's the surprise play..

>> No.57641004

Yeah but the OG fud is something else, he acted like a midwit on purpose but that's too much information for someone allegedly out of the loop

>> No.57641024
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Arthur is a /biz/ oldfag like Bukele

>> No.57641036

I've always maintained, over the years, that Arthur wanted people out of LINK like me. He just didn't run a massive fud campaign against it, just a clueless "do not mention" effort. I met him and he holds a massive stack like me

>> No.57641128

wen moon uncle

>> No.57641155

I watched all of it and god dammit I why didn't this dumb roastie ask him more important shit? I have a ton of questions but most importantly, did you guys see how he said the top is going to be in 2026-2027? What did he mean by this? Most people expect the top to be sometime in 2025 since it is always 18 months after the halving. What the fuck? Someone please make it make sense.

>> No.57641167
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Poor girl.

>> No.57641209

gib addys

>> No.57641243

I actually like Arthur, but coming to 4chan and posting


is fucking cringe and reddit. Fuck off you fucking faggot

>> No.57641632

I wish I listened to you and bought GLNK.

>> No.57642021

That's what I'm saying, Oct 2025 should be the peak based on historical information. But 2026 to 2027.. what's his fuckin angle? Is it a red herring? Does he have logical reasoning behind this? Does he have insider information around this? What the fuck was that about?

>> No.57642486

I can't take the coin bureau roastie. I close the video anytime she starts talking. It doesn't help that the audio engineer can't de-esse the bitch either.

>> No.57643001

I stopped reading his long winded masturbation emails that are always incorrect

>> No.57643045

How is this surprising? Arthur is a fucking tard. He’s just jerks himself off with stupid elaborate essays about financial topics making all kinds of forecasts which basically always turn out to he vastly wrong. He’s shown how he has no insight at all in reality non stop.

He used to hate eth and think it was like ADA or any useless shit coin until like 2020. The guys a fucking retard.

He spent years shitting out essasy trying to sound smart whole being wrong constantly lol. Its not a surprise what so ever he doesn’t know much about Chainlink when he knew fuck all about ETH till 2020 either. He’s not some big brain. Hes a guy who traded financal products in his goy bank wage slave job, got familiar with how to scam buyers with complicated financial products, then designed some for BTC in order to do so with bitmex. Thats it.

>> No.57643048

>He’s just jerks himself off with stupid elaborate essays about financial topics making all kinds of forecasts which basically always turn out to he vastly wrong
I remember him predicting in the 2018/2019 bear market that bitcoin would eventually, at some point reach 15k
he was technically right lmao

>> No.57643052

Michael you are a neo bagholder. Please shut the fuck up

>> No.57643055

Nailed it

>> No.57643066

he has good takes on tradfi markets. i unironcally learned a lot. The problem is that people dont know how to tell the diffrence between where is opinion starts and ends. For instance he was calling for btc to dip lower and made a trade that went against him. All the money in the world and exp and still no one i mean no one can predict prices. you cant figure out trends but not prices.

>> No.57643068

How's that useful?
I'm predicting btc will eventually reach $1 million. I will eventually be correct.

>> No.57643077 [DELETED] 
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nailed it indeed i have a 15ft cock and i'm a honey badger chad with 5k honey badger erc $hoba tokens in my wallet which means i have 5 million dollars now which means you can go ahead and suck my balls on my way to the bank meanwhile you're probably some beta cuck with a 5 inch penor go touch grass and go on a diet you pathetic neckbeard

>> No.57643080

it's not useful, that's the point, it's why i added lmao at the end, lmao.

>> No.57643100

Ah got it. Sorry for calling you a retard

Go somewhere else retard

>> No.57643106

To elaborate, its clear the guy has a chip on his shoulder. I think he was part of typical banker circles with all the status whoring and trying to appear better than each other, then quit to make financial products to scam retards with bitmex.
Crypto was some niche incel type thing in those circles at the time, so he took flak for it. He got rich which made his peers even more judgemental about it. He’s hd a chip on his shoulder since.
He’s spent his life since trying to sound smart and keep up with the same status whoring. All he cares about is what other PE investors he may have known are doing, competition with them on a personal level etc. its fucking lame. His blogs are a big festering of that.

Now he his own PE group and hes just a whore for whatever its bags are, while also knowing fuck all about crypto on a technical level. Like i said, its no surprise he doesn’t know anout chainlink much or wrote it off. Hes not a crypto visionary or innovator like early LINK or eth investors.
Hes a typical banker trader goy who just saw an opportunity to coin clip retail with a bitcoin exchange on financial products with high interest rates or whatever which he understands well and got rich from it.

He’s like a less pathetic version of uncle oldfag. Desperate for status and clout