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57638705 No.57638705 [Reply] [Original]

Is e-commerce still a good business model or is it too saturated now?

>> No.57638758

Curious on this too

>> No.57638827

Think of it this way
There’s over a billion pajeets and other subhumans who have nothing better to do with their time than peddle online “businesses”.
Not to mention millions of western zoomers who’s idea of making it is creating an online business.
Think about who makes the most money in this situation and who is the sucker.

>> No.57638890

That makes sense. What's a better alternative then? Feels like I'm too late for everything

>> No.57639010

True. Either become a grifter peddling online biz software or make the software and pay the grifters to shill

>> No.57639064

The key thing that can separate you from >>57638827 is having capital. If you're in the position to be dropping thousands (preferably tens of thousands) on e-commerce, you have much less competition.

>> No.57639100

Not to mention all the competent euros who have ubi in all but name and also have nothing better to do all day then peddle their business
Since a wagie job there after taxes barely pays more then bennies

>> No.57639231

>just be rich already
where can i buy your course

>> No.57639252

He is answering ops question perfectly
Op never asked can i start in ecomm as an absolute destitude poorfag
Id say the estimate is even off, to get a real chance you probably need 50k and that money would be better thrown into coins right now for max gains

>> No.57639313

Saved up a little over 100k. Tried a few ecom businesses and only lost money. Probably should close the Shopify store and hunt for midcaps I guess. Like >>57638827 said, I guess I fell for the meme that "making it" was running my own online business. I did even buy a shitton of inventory, which idk what to do about. Already sold it to everyone that genuinely wanted it through facebook/instagram ads targeting the niche.

>> No.57639339

It’s saturated but finding niche plus cheap inventory still makes money. If you have a way to get cheap stuff and sell it, its a money maker

>> No.57639375

What are some good niches these days?