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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57637011 No.57637011 [Reply] [Original]

>Stocks only go up
>Crypto only go up
>Half of the world's leading countries going into recession
Wtf is going on??

>> No.57637024

By what metrics? At least in the US things are looking rosy. bonds appear to have bottomed, growth is sustainable to up, inflation is back into a comfortable zone, markets are at highs. The fed seemingly stuck the landing, what makes you fear catastrophe is eminent?

>> No.57637049

we live in unprecedented times. there is (no hyperbole) literally no previous example to go off for the current state of affairs. you can point to a chart and yap about it all you want, that doesn't take into to account the way things are. logic and rationale is completely out the window. debt doesn't seem to matter and neither does house prices being way out of reach for current wages in most developed cities...and yet everything is still running.
no body knows what's gonna happen next, or when it's gonna happen. the only thing you can do now is understand this and take whatever kind of short/long term risks you can afford.

>> No.57637064
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Doesn't look rosy to me, Fedboi. You have the bank lending window ending on the 12th of March as well.

>> No.57637074

It’s a global economy when it comes to stocks and crypto these days. We don’t really need to care about countries anymore.

>> No.57637080

>software companies getting rid of useless employees
And that’s bad how?

>> No.57637132

2 more weeks

>> No.57637226
File: 25 KB, 399x385, IMG_0760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know

>> No.57637245

Currency Debasement

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

>> No.57637252

the highest there is twitch and they cut off 500 people sitting on there asses looking at videos, big loss...

>> No.57637257

zeroprofit is a permanently bearish poker blog. Firms overhired after firing half of their people in 2020, now they're cutting the fat and realizing they didn't need so many people to begin with. Either way. People on here have this retarded idea that because a bust cycle will happen eventually that you cannot participate in the boom while it lasts. Until the money stops coming in there's no reason to get frigid. Baboons over here slowing down 3 miles before the red light.

>> No.57637260
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>he doesnt know what an exit pump is

>> No.57637268

Oh no the heckin bank swap credit buyback overnight rate ahahahahahahahaba COPE sidelined cuck you probably hold silver

>> No.57637344

Retarded bobo niggers.
He sold 1% of his amazon stock. It was announced a year ago. And it's a tiny fraction of what he has. He needs liquidity.

>> No.57637379

You aren't actually in business doing anything productive are you?

>> No.57637387

The price of everything is never coming down except in flash crashes.
Buy anything you can buy immediately.

>> No.57637420
File: 57 KB, 900x639, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have the bank lending window ending on the 12th of March as well.

dont be naive
they're just going to rename it and continue printing

>> No.57637527

it's a bubble. boomers that invested in the BTC ETF are going to sell once this bubble pops and BTC is going to 12k. this is what the top twitter and reddit analysts told me btw

>> No.57637555

I hope they fired everyone working on MLP G5.
>Charles Schwab
Is it just a (((coincidence))) or is this related to Klaus Schwab somehow?

>> No.57637719

The G7 countries are dying and the only thing propping up their image is the financial markets. The fundamental problem is they don't produce anything anymore. They have deindustrialized and pushed manufacturing off shore. This pushed those jobs offshore which killed the middle class, now you only have a slave class who can't get by without credit card debt. Rent extraction is through the roof and people are becoming desperate. The western economies rely on consumer spending on goods and services, but the population can no longer afford to so since all the profit from their labor goes to globalist who don't recycle those gains back into the real economy.

We are a year or two away from massive social unrest as the masses can't survive anymore and the elites are mocking them and shoving multiculturalism down their throat.

>> No.57637773

Many of these office corporations are more like kindergarten for adults with play rooms with video games and pingpong, people walking around drinking coffee when they don't pretend to work.

>> No.57638852

You realize that means the fed believes the money markets are strong enough to carry themselves right?

>> No.57638873

That’s a coincidence lmao. Charles Schwab is an asset management firm like Fidelity and Blackrock.