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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57636340 No.57636340 [Reply] [Original]

Ok boys, shill me your finest microcaps

preferably SOL, ETH, or BNB

>> No.57636407

preferably under 50K MC

>> No.57636441
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Our business card

>> No.57637625
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COMFY on SOL. Launched on biz with 30k MC and airdrops, we're at over 200k now. Dev is an OG Linkie and has the funds to do collabs within the SOL ecosystem as well as listings

>> No.57637662


7M lowcap with working product, 35M TVL. $SDL

>> No.57637677

Unironically LINU, HOKK and babyspyro once it launches
>LINU almost a great investment right now
>HOKK a retarded but fun long shot LINU hedge
>Babyspyro an absolute gamble with a potential between burnt money and 100x

>> No.57637702
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dont buy analos

>> No.57637704

Shameless self check. Now buy some LINU OP

>> No.57637890

Slinky doge is sitting at $7600. It's a rebase coin so it pumps super hard on every little buy, but there is no withdraw feature. Dev is building an ecosystem on Arb with it.

>> No.57637955
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Extremely low MC, I can easily see a 10-20x in 2 months, it will get heavily advertised by the same group that advertised Kaspa too, there something hidding there.

>> No.57637965
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Not here to contribute to your cancer thread, just here to say RIP Terry. Taken from this world too soon.
Shame on you for using his image to promote your scams.

>> No.57637974

Not here to contribute to your cancer thread, just here to say RIP Terry. Taken from this world too soon.
Shame on you for using his image to promote your scams.

>> No.57637986

>no withdraw feature
So you mean it’s a honeypot?

>> No.57638015
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Lucky is at 98k, lucky flip is coming out, nfts are there for marketing, and it’s got a major push to focus on dog rescues. The website is being updated right now, where you can pledge to save a rescue, highlight a rescue pup of the week that is looking for adoption (from Twitter).

>> No.57638021

bought at 150k MC. I think this will print

>> No.57638025

No, it's a rebase token that doesn't reduce supply by withdrawing tokens from holder wallets. It can only add new tokens to your wallet (unlike Ampleforth or the other big ones from the last bull).

Lookup rebase tokens. They readjust supply based on current mc. It's crazy ass degen shit lol. You can make a 20-30x in minutes if it's hot, you could make a 1000x overnight if you're in a good position before the next rebase etc...its not like a normal token.

>> No.57638065

I've been holding since launch and it looks like the dev is really plugging away on new partnerships and stuff recently. This will pull a quick 5x to 1mil soon once listing news goes out. After that, you'll be ecstatic if you bought in under 1mil lol.

>> No.57638119
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based fellow COMFY hodler

/biz/ will get faded as always

>> No.57638144

Slinky Doge is under 7k and it’s actually a cool project. Supposedly, Spyro has CEX listings coming which may spike the price.

It’s not a microcap but I figure TRUMP is a pretty safe play going into March.

>> No.57638899

>there is no withdraw feature.
Wtf ?
Isn't that a red flag

>> No.57639519

It's the opposite of a redflag if you know what a rebase token is. The contract cannot withdraw coins from your wallet, like previous rebase tokens did/do to alter supply. You cannot lose tokens. You can sell them at any time, like any other token, but you will only accumulate more by holding. That's what makes it different and safer than prior rebase coins.

Again, Google rebase tokens for a full explanation om how they work.
Slinkydoge dot xyz of you're interested in the token.

>> No.57639534
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>> No.57639545

Checked, I'm in the top 100 hodlers, what can I expect?

>> No.57639718
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SPYRO will get listed to 2 CEXs and are in talks with more CEXs.

>> No.57639879

What's the ca
What chain is it on
What are the tokenomics

>> No.57639896

How are you all feeling about Spyro are they really going to deliver?

>> No.57639972

They have already spent so much money on it.
I really hope they will, tier1 CEX is also showing interest

>> No.57640029

Its on arb. I already posted the website, look for yourself.

>> No.57640755

I already own this. How to get in a "good position"?

>> No.57641225

Slinkydodge.xyz? It website doesn't work

>> No.57641297
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Poverty FTM play has been out for a month. Dev released nfts and partnered with a few other coins last month

>> No.57641418

How about Solana POLITICS?

>> No.57641590

Not here to contribute to your cancer thread, just here to say RIP KING Terry. Taken from this world too soon.
Shame on you for using his image to promote your scams.

>> No.57641904
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$BACKPAIN is a presale that starts in 2 days on bsc. Check pinksale, devs have a lot of memes.

>> No.57642407

Doge like other coins, not dodge.

>> No.57642424

Pump and dump scam
These are shills

>> No.57642591

It did pump, early on in January...and most of us are all still holding. It was a gift to bizrealis. It's obviously not for you.

>> No.57642625

No, most of us sold when it was obviously dumping and you have a cult of retarded baggies desperately coping with the fact they missed out. Muh still up, muh beer money, new X soon blah blah blah etc etc

>> No.57642852

The dev airdropped it here, talked about it for a week+ before launch, here, and made sure to keep threads going once it was launched, here, on biz.

It launched at 30k. It's been hovering around 200k for weeks. The only way you "lost" is if fomod in on the pump and sold, and/or don't lurk biz. Either way, we don't want you as a holder. It's only for those who are legit comfy.

Stick to whatever Tyler is shilling today if you want quick pumps and fake promises.

>> No.57642875


>> No.57643862

Ignore this faggot, comfy isnt a pump and dump, its got a community trying to push it and the dev is based and transparent. Most of the original biz nigs that bought are still holding get 1% of the supply and make some money with us.

>> No.57643892

PepeMMO. The thing is aiming to be Ethereum's first 3D in-browser FPS directly on the blockchain. They've already released several characters, two maps, and are inconstant communication with its members. It looks like they're implementing the FPS coding soon, and when they do and it starts spreading, it's going to skyrocket.

>> No.57643899
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Azure. 1m mcap. AZR

>> No.57643901
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$Bork on sol also a solana validator @ 7.4% apr. 8mill mc. Hope it does well.

>> No.57644272


>> No.57644806
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