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File: 56 KB, 941x468, 20240216_143735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57631590 No.57631590 [Reply] [Original]

He's right.

>> No.57631597

And so are the people buying bitcoin

>> No.57631605

Let me know when Bitcoin is accepted widely as a payment for cars, groceries & houses + when I can choose to be paid in Bitcoin in a salaried position and then I'll stop treating it as a speculation-only asset

>> No.57631610

Isn't that essentially every investment asset ever?

>> No.57631612

Isn't that what a store of value is

>> No.57631655

>Digital markets aren't like normal financial markets because... because... they just aren't OKAY???!???!!!

>> No.57631675

RLC is a store of computational value

>> No.57631684

he calls a shiny rock that barely tracks around the fake inflation numbers is a "store of value" so maybe he's kind of confused about the whole idea

>> No.57631697

What does Bitcoin produce?
What is Bitcoin used to produce?

No, it's not like other financial markets. It's a lot worse.

>> No.57631709

if the price goes up it also implies that the price doesn't go down

>> No.57631722


That’s DOGE.

>> No.57631793

No. People also buy stocks because they think the price will go up, but at least stocks are tangibly related to something that has actual value, while cryptocurrency is legitimately worthless for its intended purpose.

>> No.57631817

what does a car produce?
what is a car used to produce?

>> No.57631869

...cars aren't financial markets.
Also, vehicles and transport in general drive the economy, dumbass.

>> No.57631890

>Let me know when Bitcoin is accepted widely as a payment for cars, groceries & houses
At this point, you have to be willfully retarded to still think that this is a good argument

>> No.57631914

You can use a fucking car to drive, you braindaid crypto nigger

>> No.57631987

>stocks are tangibly related to something that has actual value
literally all I can do with my stock is sell it
I cannot eat it
I cannot buy food with it
I cannot live in it

>> No.57631991

that's assuming that all computations have value
which obviously isn't the case
the bitcoin calculations aren't advancing science, solving actual problems, etc.

>> No.57632004

he is saying that a stocks value is based on real world value while crypto has no real world value and all it's value just comes from speculation.

He is a midwit retard

>> No.57632007
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We could say the same thing about gold

>> No.57632157
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what's a braindaid? Is that a bandage you bought to cover the hole in your brain?

>> No.57632251

isn't that why retards buy gold but it DOESN'T GO UP

>> No.57632257

That's the definition of a store of value (to protect you from monetary debasement).

>> No.57632307

>What does Bitcoin produce?
An inflation-proof, secure, immutable store of value that governments can't just restrict you from willy-nilly.
>What is Bitcoin used to produce?
cryptographically hashed secure payments on the bitcoin network.

At least do some fucking research on it before you start embarassing yourself by asking these moronic questions...

>stock value is based on real value.
No it isn't... Look at Tesla's stock price and show me fucking anywhere that it has the value the market has placed the share price at.
Stocks frequently divorce from reality, that's why all markets can have sudden violent corrections.
You can learn this shit in a highschool level marketing class...

>> No.57632357

Common shares with no dividend have no value apart from an expectation that someone else might pay more for them in the future. That’s it. Same as Bitcoin.

>> No.57632418

It's tangibly related to Hopium. Much like the US Dollar

>> No.57632507
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His son is retarded also

>> No.57632605

>Pener Schaft discovers the profit motive
Gargantuan tier IQ, nominate this man for a nobel, grant him a harvard phd, and bestow virgins upon him immediately
>muh production theory of value
Mere ownership of risk assets is worth premia to compensate the owner for holding risk. Fundamental

>> No.57632647

>immutable store of value that governments can't just restrict you from willy-nilly.
Except that governments can and have blacklisted wallets.

>> No.57632758

And they can and have done the same with bank accounts, flagging many because they think they might be right wing extremists.
Governments are tyrannical who would have thought?

>> No.57632825

Do you mean when it is already in the millions? ok retard.

>> No.57632826

The big shebang with crypto is that you can settle transactions in less time and with less intermediaries than any other method besides physical exchange. Now you can send money to space if you wanted, over the internet, with T+ like 15 minutes settlement in any amount, inexpensively, with good security, in a universal network.
You might not think this matters if you're not aware of how banking works but there currently is not another way to do this, and the systems in place are a gigantic pain in the ass to navigate on the back end.

>> No.57632857

so what is the store of value for Gold? Could I go to Walmart to buy food using Gold? At least some payment systems accept Gold.

>> No.57632867

you mean like a store of value?

>> No.57632893


You’re white, huh

>> No.57632912

this guy has to be a troll

Otherwise he embodies the spirit of the eternal boomer, ever unable to adapt to technology

>> No.57632935
File: 27 KB, 200x140, The Ride Never Ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't living in the stock exchange living the stock exchange life

>> No.57632941

He shills gold hard and has bashed crypto many times before. Of course he has boomer takes, he’s been boomering for decades.

>> No.57633101

this is his worst post yet

>> No.57633109
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>Except that governments can and have blacklisted wallets

>> No.57633221

No, a store of value is when you buy gold for $2000 an oz and then 10 years later the oz still $2000.

>> No.57633261

yes, and?
fucing retard losing his mind lmao. I think this is the 5th time he's tweeted this exact statement.

>> No.57633274

what's it like?
being a midwit i mean.
Fuck, i could never. I'd kms.

>> No.57633302

he will also need to shill gold and talk shit on bitcoin harder now
it has gotten to the point where the gold spot ETFs are having outflows

I expect his anti-bitcoin rhetoric to become increasingly aggressive and belligerent

>> No.57633303
File: 13 KB, 530x492, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. Like most assets people only care about the money. Now if you'll excuse me i have another bag of pepe on icp to buy, another bag of link to sell and another nvidia stock to ape into. Cheerio OP

>> No.57633316

there's a billion DNM volume happening right now
you can bark at moon all you want
facts are facts

>> No.57634087

Except that it doesn't matter because I'm not planning sending my money to the governments

>> No.57634111

the fact that the first response goofed it and said bitcoin and not gold (it makes no sense the way it is) and the post after responded to it as if it has said gold not btc shows how bot shill infested this place is

>> No.57634849

the prices are rising because fiat is going to sit.

>> No.57634888


Same reason people buy stocks or many other assets. Why is this a problem?

>> No.57634960

Someone use Marx's theory of value to explain Bitcoin's value to me. All you fucking schizos that see Marx and sperg fuck off, someone who actually knows what I'm talking about, give it to me.

>> No.57634961

Can someone who genuinely believes in Bitcoin (and isn't just looking for a get rich quick scheme) explain to me why you are so certain it will gain wide adoption when it's existed for 15 years, has attained mass awareness, major institutional investment, and a trillion dollar market cap...and yet no one seems to actually have any interest in using Bitcoin to make purchases or exchanges? Even criminals and privacy advocates have largely migrated to other, more anonymous cryptos.
Doesn't that illustrate that its sole value is speculation profit?

>> No.57634986

This is such an unsatisfactory answer it's unreal.

>> No.57635018

That was after his first bull market.
When BTC hits 150k, near this cycle's peak, he'll be stealing his dad's passwords and dumping the entire Shiff family fortune into BTC.

>> No.57635020

That’s what a store of value is dumb fucker.

>> No.57635032

It produces security and peace of mind for those who don't want to donate their money to banks so they can give it away an infinite number of times.

>> No.57635038

But it's only exchange value is in fiat...

>> No.57635040
File: 120 KB, 924x560, 1558467060357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is a dunk on peter schiff about gold's terrible real return then upvote
if its serious, downvote

>> No.57635051

not fully, okay first of all EVERY asset u invest in is speculative value because there is no 100% in anything you put ur money in
secondly bitcoin has the tech which is factual and not speculative (decentralized, secure, unchangeable transaction history etc)
Bitcoin doesnt have to become a payment currency for its adoption. The blockchain itself can serve as a layer for further technical development like ordinals and kind that work like smart contracts ontop of btc. just an example

>> No.57635119

>150k is inevitable
Way to prove OP right with your reasoning fag

>> No.57635127

Then they exchange it for fiat when they want to buy anything

>> No.57635174


>> No.57635399
File: 746 KB, 760x906, craiyon_110355_bitcoin_next_to_an_alien_br_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder what he thinks of those dirty stockbrokers.
anyway every halving bitcoin was supposed to get more stable until it was more stable than the us dollar. that was the plan.
does nobody read the whitepaper? its been doing exactly what it said it would.

>> No.57636728

You would also swap gold for cash.
Do you know what a liquid asset is?

>> No.57636739

who the fuck buys something as a store of value anymore? everyone is paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.57637276

God damn this whole family is fucking retarded

>> No.57637297
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>> No.57637299
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>> No.57637435

adoption is wrong
-.pwter schiff

>> No.57637865

>there's a billion DNM volume happening right now
Yes, on Monero (XMR).

>> No.57637922

>hes right
>and so are the people buying bitcoin
makes perfect sense

>> No.57637973

Do people accept Gold as payment for a house or groceries? Do they accept Tesla stock? do they accept any financial asset at all???
Why would Bitcoin be any different?

>> No.57637997

He's a Bitcoiner with PerSec, he's baiting everyone so hard and you retards all bite. Who do you think orange-pilled Spencer?

>> No.57637998
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>> No.57638006

this is how anti-crypto fanatics are born, btw. They get burned once from crypto due to their own stupidity and become full-on obsessed with taking down crypto and proving how bad/stupid/fake/etc. it is, while everybody else just ignores them and continues making money

>> No.57638054
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Is /biz/ extra retarded today, or am I having a stroke?

>> No.57638186
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>they aren't buying to store value
>they're buying to store value!

>> No.57638201

Most people who own Bitcoin understand that it has no upper limit because the governments have no limit for how much they'll print money and dilute your purchasing power.

>> No.57638213
File: 118 KB, 354x609, 1702326827904675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a fixed unit of account, BTC is the first fixed unit of account, before BTC there did not exist a fixed unit of account, now there does. Gold merely approximates money, BTC is Money.

>> No.57638253

>Everz stock in existence

>> No.57638271

Holy kek, he bought high and sold low "to cover expenses".
This is why 1) you keep a large cash emergency fund and 2) don't be a retarded Schiff. Funny how this kid seems to be fiscally irresponsible in the most normalfag way. Muh iPhone muh clothes

>> No.57638311
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>and yet no one seems to actually have any interest in using Bitcoin to make purchases or exchanges
Bitcoin is THE unit of account, a decentralized fixed supply transferable asset. This did not exist before bitcoin. Known scarcity is the wellspring from which the value of Money flows, bitcoin (fixed supply) is to gold (2% mining inflation) as superconductors are to conductors. This is systematically valuable because this is a universal economic demand, something will be used as a unit of account something always is, gold and large cap equities have played this role but BTC meets the demand better being truly fixed in supply. It does not need nor even benefit from being used as common currency, it can function as the unit of account fine as a free floating asset as price carries information.

>> No.57638348

doesn't get any dumber

>> No.57638872

>Do people accept Gold as payment for a house?
Actually, yes. I know Boomers who have paid for a home directly with gold to other Boomers, or have talked about how their father's and grandfathers did before modern real estate existed. It was better than suitcases of cash/coins for large payments at one time.
>Why would Bitcoin be any different?
Bitcoin totes itself as a digital liquid asset that is supposed to act the same way as fiat (if it ever got mass adopted), unlike stocks that represent owning a piece of a company. The problem is people see Bitcoin like a stock, rather than a digital battering note.

>> No.57639072

>error 500 blacklisting
>haha bro its your fault
Turns around next day with the memory of a goldfish
>wow bro crypto is totally safe nobody can mess with it in a cold wallet
>They're not your coins and not your keys bro.

>> No.57639106

Then bitcoin and all of crypto along with the stock market will violently crash. What is going to happen when the stock bubble crash coincides crypto bubble pop…no one is talking about this. We’re getting there in the next two years.

>> No.57639116

I own some real estate on an infinite ledger that can never be altered or compromised (inb4 51% attack).
How much is that worth to you?

>> No.57639692
File: 13 KB, 225x225, IMG_0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Kek this guy is retarded and doesn’t know what a “store of value” is.

>> No.57639702

Let me know when gold or silver is used to do the same.

>> No.57639750

You don't happen to mean the oracle problem do you?

>> No.57639772

Personally I've never thought about it
But the integration of web2 and web3 systems
If only there were a company I could have bought the gas token of that was the middleman between those two systems.
Wow that would be something.

>> No.57639890

Bitcoin has already done that though vie the dark web. Cry and moan all you want but there will always be a black market where money is to be made

>> No.57639894

stocks are securities which means the issuer wants to make sure the owner earns a profit from holding them

>> No.57640065

They are buying it, therefore, it stores value. Honestly, this is such a brainlet take...

>> No.57640081

>btc will crash from 400k to 90k
big woop

>> No.57640106

Is this a bot? Unrelated to my comment. The dark web does not reflect the reality that Bitcoin was shilled as something to be mass adopted so that payments could be made without banks, credit card companies, or patent processor vultures that take a huge cut from businesses.

>> No.57640159

Keep stacking that silver tranny...they won't keep fabricating more paper silver!

2 more weeks until Bitcoin goes to zero!