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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57631585 No.57631585 [Reply] [Original]

>33 years
>I live with my parents

This year I won 2 airdrops here, $50 with comfy, and $100 with slinky.
That's all I got.
What do I do now?
My plan is to get money to start a business, travel the world and get a beautiful girlfriend/wife.

>> No.57631744

step 1) have sex
step 2) buy 10,000 linkies
step 3) play vidya

>> No.57631918

Do you get neetbux?

>> No.57631941

well getting a job while being at home and saving every penny you can would be a good start. How are you going to start a business or invest meaningful amounts of money enabling you to make it otherwise? Airdrops are not going to cut it a

>> No.57631956

Its over man. You arent going to make it.

>> No.57632005


I have social phobia.

>> No.57632015

Lol, this is pathetic. I thought losers like you were only a meme. $150 to your name at 33 while living with mommy? You need to get a fucking job and quit being an obese loser. How are you going to run a business when you can barely crawl out of bed every day?

>> No.57632172

>get money to start a business, travel the world and get a beautiful girlfriend/wife.
That's not what a plan is.

>> No.57632218

Ok, well you're 33 what have you done / tried so far? Do you have any education, skills, employment history?

>> No.57632266

A virgin japanese girlfriend?

>> No.57632472



>> No.57632754 [DELETED] 
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Social phobia is gay, go outside and stop being afraid. I once saw a severely autistic, fat, creepy guy with glasses hit on a 9/10 girl at target and I can't even remember his face. People don't give a shit about anything except themselves. Social anxiety is extreme narcissism in disguise, you want to be viewed in a positive light so badly that you refuse to go outside and risk the chance of someone thinking poorly of you. Just stop, no one cares. If I see an old 50 year old guy working at Target and maybe for a brief moment think he's a loser, but then I ask him for help and he's actually nice, my entire opinion of him changes and I wish him the best. People are generally like this, just be relentlessly positive and try to have fun. Life isn't so serious, you could die next week.

>> No.57632809

Gamble it on shitcoins

>> No.57632852

I saw spyyro here, but I couldnt afford the gas.

talking is easy.
You're tall and have 50 tons of muscle.

>> No.57633297

do it in solana or another low gas chain to start out, use a tg bot like unibot or bananagun

>> No.57633616

ok, i can bet $20.

>> No.57633859

Admirable pic, but i think you need to face reality anon, just get a low lvl job and work there.
Maybe a window washing business or something is possible but first you need experience. So you need to go work
Gl tho

>> No.57633945
File: 259 KB, 960x1280, JCSrtwXp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, by the time I was 33 in 2019 I had already been divorced twice and had 5 kids with 3 women. Puts things into perspective. I just recently got engaged to my 23-year-old fiancé who is currently pregnant with my sixth child.

>> No.57634005

do your own research

read: NOT on 4chan

>> No.57634243
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you are not so bad, I only started to move my ass when I was 35 years old
the job and an apartment come after a while, but it's never too late for anything, even if you try crypto it can be faster, I mean, I bought a fridge recently thanks to my BIGMIKE

>> No.57634659

you can only make it with crypto, and you can only get started in crypto with at least 10k savings, and you can only get 10k savings by wageslaving or begging from parents/relatives, so figure that out

>> No.57634754

my parents are poor.