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57627170 No.57627170 [Reply] [Original]

>you can buy and sell random internet coins and become a millionaire

Why is this allowed in this economy? This is so fucking retarded, most people work their entire lives and can't even save up a million(average is $400k savings at retirement) yet we have tons of 20-somethings making millions from nothing buying random ass shit

>> No.57627197

It's a free market. Stay salty

>> No.57627200

Back to cagey overweight frog

>> No.57627210

If it makes you feel any better, the vast majority of those people are going to lose their fortune when the next recession hits. Like true gamblers, only a few have the sense to leave the casino once they've hit the jackpot.

>> No.57627213

Because fuck YOU that's why

>> No.57627230
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this is such a negative outlook on life bro you should look into a hobby like woodcutting or bird watching it will improve your mental health and make you a more positive person plus its much more enjoyable than being a pathetic loser like this person who seems to be so filled with rage it reminds me of the old days when i used to bang my ex wife in front of you and you would hide under the bed and cry

>> No.57627263

You know you can't cash them out for real money though, right anon?

>> No.57627356

Those millions come from crypto buyers, so other 20-something losers paying you for internet coins.
Its just taking money from others, pooling it together and putting it into your pockets, and making some sketchy pajeets rich.

>> No.57627404

You can? I wouldn't know. I've never actually been green ever in my crypto life. Every coin I bought crabbed and dumped.

>> No.57628029

Or you can buy Supra at TGE and become a millionaire. If you've been chasing after vapowares, you can get in on a real project for once

>> No.57628054

I hate people like you so much

Poeple are making money and instead of thinking " man I should learn about it and do that too if I want" you think "boohoo it should not be allowed".

You are the worst of mandkind and a crybaby loser

>> No.57628069

The worst part is butters destroy the environment too with their magic beans. They cost an arm and a leg to produce.

>> No.57628150

>most people work their entire lives and can't even save up a million
That's why we are doing this. The system is fucked and has betrayed us. Your only options are to grind into poverty or gamble your way out.
>inb4 some FAGMAN wagie with a negative net worth brags about being a paper millionaire
Crypto is fake. Fiat is fake and gay. True freedom is owning things outright and being beholden to no one.

>> No.57628189

>Why is this allowed in this economy?

Who made you god? Get a job parasite.