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57627024 No.57627024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We are entering an unprecedented era in which a significant number of 30+ women will be without spouses or families of their own. Past 30, according to statistics, its likely these women will remain childless.

How will this affect the economy and which stocks are positioned to perform well as this demographic shift takes place?

This is an investment thread. Keep to the topic.

>> No.57627044

Fuck off with ur demoralisation threads tired of this shit old biz wasn’t some pol spillover

>> No.57627045

It's actually pretty hard to since women just blow all their money on absolutely everything so it's all spread out. Women are responsible for roughly 80% of all consumer purchases in general, even stuff like computers which you would assume would be male dominated

>> No.57627050

That beige and black half and half top really accentuates her tastefully sized tits, I am impressed.

>> No.57627056

well unless they're are over 30 yo I can help some of them with the childless thingy cost free

>> No.57627062

The Great Roasting is upon us. imagine marrying a western roastoid in this day and age. invest in vineyards and cat toys

>> No.57627064

>Pet luxuries
>"female" alcohol
>Pharmaceuticals, anti depressants mostly
>Surgical supply companies (who will supply their various implants and tools needed for cosmetic surgery)
>Companies that produce makeup and nails
>IVF for when they convince some simp to marry them and they're infertile
and there's always the general female things that they'll consoom in excess to fill the void in their hearts like candles and shit

>> No.57627068

more like it highlights her campaign to promote her race-mixing lifestyle probably

>> No.57627076

How is it possible?
Unlike men, 80% of women can easily find a man to settle down during her 20s
Why would they inflict a life of solitude to themselves?

>> No.57627096
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>80% of women can easily find a man to settle down during her 20s
This is false. I knew many femcels. Some of them even got desperate and tried to flirt with me or seduce me. Told them to fuck off. They want chad. Chad can only marry 1, usually. So they are stuck with nonchads. A large number of nonchads become enlightened like me and realize, video games is far better than having to deal with a woman. I rather have a good dnd campaign with the boys than fuck a woman, no matter how hot she is.

>> No.57627113

Who fucking gives a shit about this? Wouldn't it be nice to tell all those women to kill themselves though?

>> No.57627118

it will be easier to get laid but they will be uglier fatter and more insane than they already are

>> No.57627133

Invest in the cats and wine index fund

>> No.57627150


Don't worry there's literally billions of 3rd worlders en route to replace you

>> No.57627158

Operate ecom stores in niches such as pets, skincare and OTC pharma.

>> No.57627172

>which stocks are positioned to perform well as this demographic shift takes place?
Imagine that you're moving to another country, think about what you have to buy.
This is exactly the industries that will boom.

>> No.57627186

the truth is I imagine I'll be somewhere in west virginia, on my compound relaxing

women are really prime targets for crime, we're entering a time where there have never been so many single women in a geographic area with so many assets being undefended

first the entire economic system will collapse, rape and murder will rise dramatically, we might even get slavery back, really a might is right situation, as governments fail

>> No.57627261


>> No.57627277
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Who is Courtney Ryan and why do I wish to put my penis inside of her?

>> No.57627344

Remember boys, this next cohort of sexless eager childless 30+ year old women will begin baby trapping men left right and center, wrap it to avoid a life sentence, this is financial advice

>> No.57627346

the us is at a stage where it is concerning, but the collapse of our economic system will not happen in our lifetime. give up your survivalist fantasies.

>> No.57627354

becky stocks, your welcome

>> No.57627399

Women vote liberally anyway, and when they go bat shit insane through being childless expect them to vote for their own demise even harder. They end up full of spite and hatred for men.
Short western civilisation basically on this alone, never mind any immigration.

>> No.57627407

yes it will, men are dropping out of the labor force and doing the bare minimum, there is no reward for working, since women don't have protectors, crime against women will dramatically increase, theft, rape and murder will be rampant

the cities are already failing, stores refusing to serve neighborhoods, crime rapidly increasing

this society and economic system has 20 years left tops

but many things could make that end much faster

the thing the society is relying on functioning, specifically white men being willing to maintain the infrastructure, will no longer exist, and the blue states are accelerating this

>> No.57627415

Who do I marry then?

>> No.57627421


several reasons for this

it is legal in the phillipines to murder someone having sex with your wife

there is a 10000 dollar fee to file for divorce in the phillipines

they love dat wyte d

>> No.57627437

honestly it's going to be hilarious, how desperate they will be

>> No.57627589

It is funny how these broken women still think that is their choice to remain single, feminism is truly the end of western civilization.

>How can we profit?
>surveys indicate that unmarried, childless women often grapple with mental health challenges and self-confidence issues

>> No.57627608
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i'll date these older women. litererally, me!!!

t. 32 year old

pic related, check em

>> No.57627650
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This is great list. So so so sad and avoidable.
Can you imagine the cocktail of drugs needed if you're old, miserable, and alone... and "proudly" had abortions in the past? Heartbreaking.

>> No.57627682

>baby trapping
Luckily, the vaxx will make their efforts much, much harder than they think.

>> No.57627700

>How will this affect the economy and which stocks are positioned to perform well as this demographic shift takes place?
Sperm banks.

>> No.57627713
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>> No.57627723

I’m on no-fap, ready to blow some massive, unvaxxxed loads for CA$H

>> No.57627743
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Family is the best investment a country can have, at this rate we are going to end up like China working 14 hours a day to be able to pay pensions and after that, we gonna have an economic contraction due to the lack of workforce

And yes, another 82k job cuts collected in January by Truflation

>> No.57627749

>And that's a good thing
Reality check isn't demoralization. You have to be ready to raise kids in this reality. You will have to make sure your daughters don't fall into this lifestyle, and to teach your sons that chances are they will have to settle with a woman who had several dicks in her.

>> No.57627792

This is how it's gonna unfold.

They will feel the emptiness of their lives, and they will fill it consuming shit (not real state, not stocks, shit).

Inflation will come down, to avoid deflation, central banks will print money like crazy, negative interest rates are on the table, population decline is deflationary, goverments are extremely happy as it will alleviate the debt burden on govmt expenses.

Companies will have better and better revenue. Stocks will skyrocket.


>> No.57627795

>it's over for millennial women
nigga, we don't want men anymore. we hate you. you smell, you don't listen, you don't have careers or hobbies and you gets no paper. at least if we have a cat, the cat has an excuse for being useless, he's a fucking cat.

we don't want to keep reminding you balding retards to wash your ass or to stop beating it to porn when you have an actual living breathing woman next to you. dating men is unironically like dating a special needs kid, which is obviously like not having a man at all

we're going to be single on purpose and love it, and not shoot up schools and clubs like you dumb fucks when you can't get attention

kill yourselves or buy $SMCI broke bois