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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57625833 No.57625833 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Vechain? Been seeing it everywhere lately since I bought some on coinbase

>> No.57625974

a well managed remanent of the 2017 bull market - but a scam none the less.
Has done many tricks over the years to remain relevant - its marketing is the reason it has remained along with management who are more interested in maintaining the soft rug over the years to be tax efficient and because they are not the typical bedroom ICO from that era - but a useless project none the less

it has done various typical things like diluting the token supply 100x, making weird marvel themed marketing to the typical geeky investor in 2017, the whole inflationary staking scam encouraging people to lock up liquidity so the founders can have the liquidity instead when selling, complete with a very centralised "DLT" technology - which their target demographic is just not going to either care or be capable of really analysing or understanding anyway.

99% of coins from that era are all the same - they did an ICO, live off of the ICO eth, and dump their native tokens when there is liquidity usually in a bull market. however most are not ambitious. they got thousands of ETH from ICO which is already enough to last the typical small teams of 2-10 forever in the form of a treasury. so they either do minimal work and maintain the illusion of development(REQ, PNK, RCL, and some others), or they were just bedroom projects(this would be most coins) and hard rugged.

Vechain is the former, but a bit more well managed. this is mostly due to having a much larger team from the start, massive marketing team, and so this has lead to it being a bit more well managed to ensure the constant inflow of new suckers. im sure the treasury of ICO funds is well managed - which is also supplemented by dumping the native token on retail when liquidity is present too. THAT is thier business - not their "Product" which is literally nothing but marketing for their "investment" - treasury to live off of as long as possible while being both tax efficient and not getting in trouble and thinking long term

>> No.57625985

while this also appeases the much larger team - so its by necessity. their marketing is their product, and the "DLT" attached to it is their marketing.

Thats all you really need to know about this. just realise the actual product has no future and is useless, you are investing only in the teams ability to use it as marketing for their "treasury" and grow their equity in their ETH or other investments.

in short - its just a well run scam with more mouths to feed than other dead useless ICOs of that era

>> No.57626003

It's fucking trash as anon wrote
During the bullmarket they will pay some faggots and you will hear fatfuck George say something like:
>VECHAIN............................doing gud..............i like this project............akshually.........supply chain infrastructure yada yada
>you gon be able to send temperature tracking devices......with wine............................its gongo up...
It's fucking trash and data loggers are already sent with everything valuable

>> No.57626013
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More threads need FPBPs like yours. Ripped this trashcoin a new one. Only a fucking George watching mongoloid will buy this crap

>> No.57626027

Smart anon plz give us plebs your top 5 coins for this little run that seems to be brewing. Alternatively what do you think of mine: FLR, PENDLE, NOS, ALPH, and Mochi in the meme category

>> No.57626037


If you want to gamble try whatever - dont ask me

>> No.57626055

Are you fudding again to cope that last time you fudded it doubled in price ?

>> No.57626094

I actually consolidated my btc and eth into Link which is now 80% of my folio but I wanna get a little riskier and diversify into some of these shitcoins of the moment… check out OPSEC too for any other humans left browsing this shithole

>> No.57626143

Thanks, I will probably sell if it gets near 20 cents since that is when it last dipped and reinvest in something else

>> No.57626174

Also can you or anyone else explain to me wtf is going on with the Grayscale link fund stock (GLNK)??? Why is this shit pumping and how high can it go? Doesn’t seem to be too much info out there and volume is laughable but it’s pumped from $15 to $90 in the last few months

>> No.57626189

Things that only ever pump rapidly with 20-50% in the space of a few hours are generally not organic. its the "treasury" buying to create some liquidity to sell later. they spend 100-500 ETH to pump it, attract a shit load of buyers, then sell and get 1000-3000 ETH from the liquidity created by the attention.

I dont know if you are just new, but its really obvious pattern dead coins from that era.
It was literally explained in detail on the first couple of posts. that is their product mate. if you are confident in their ability to do that and want ot invest in it go ahead, but you need to understand THAT is what you are investing in, not their DLT lol

>> No.57626255

For reference, they diluted the token in 2019 to hide the price action/bubble from future newfags. part of marketing.

They split it 100 to 1.
So the original ATH on the old pair VEN/BTC was 0.000008 sats. the "ATH" it hit in 2021 was 0.000004. that is 50% below the ATH price it ever hit in reality. You cant tell this from the chart as a newfag though.

so right now its actually 90% down from ATH even now, and was 95% down before this.

>> No.57626945

thanks for opening my eyes.

but somehow by selling at the right times and buying much later I got ahead of the loss... gotta love the last CCK post before vanishing away and came back this pump

More info

ICO in VEN was:
0.239862 USD, deluted 0.00239 USD
0.00006 BTC/6000 sats, deluted 0.0000006 btc/60 sats

Current pricing in VET:
0.049 USD / Non-diluted: 4.9
0.00000094 btc/94 sats.

From a sats perspective this scam did run really well to not lose much BTC value [was 30 sats in bear 2019 and 53 in 2023].

From an ATH perspective from current pricing:
For VEN ATH = needs a 8.5x from this point for BTC ATH [0.00081] and just a 2x in USD value [0.095]
For VET ATH = needs a 5x from this point for BTC ATH [0.0000047] and a 5.7x in USD value. [0.28]

VET ATH in USD should be a piece of cake.
VET ATH in BTC depends on what the ETF is doing to BTC.. maybe close.. but personally not seeing it and may stop at 300 sats.

VEN ATH in BTC is a hell of a job.. sunny needs to suck some other companies for that.

>> No.57626956

It’s unlikely to even hit half of its btc high from 2021

>> No.57627311

This year feels different. We got coinbase listing (lol). And there is a new tokenomics coming again

>> No.57627331
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you do realize that 90% of the world is too retarded to even comprehend this word salad right i bet you were voted captain of the debate team in your special education class at the local retard elementary school i bet you even got to go to the special ed prom and get a handjob from the girl on the short bus but you had to keep it hush hush when you came back on the bus cause you have such a bad case of the tisms that you can't get a real job and have to try way too hard to impress your special friends

>> No.57627420

Ok, you sad you missed 2 trains? Third one just left

>> No.57627467

I made some money off this in 2021. Sold the rest in 2023.

I do believe more and more that it’s a slow rug. They really don’t have the enterprise adoption at all. Walmart China is still the only one for the past 5 years, and they still go days without breaking 100k transactions.

I sold and bought HBAR instead as my enterprise play. Comparing the two coins is night and day. United States companies won’t touch Vechain with a 100 foot pole, whereas Hedera practically has a monopoly. So it’s basically doing what we thought Vechain would do based on what they had shilled to us

I still some some VTHO though and that did a 100% pump recently so that was cool

>> No.57627473

That has no bearing on anything in reality.
Its 2024 and people think “the coonbase effect” still exists. Kek. You know they have hundreds of coins, literally meme shit now right? This is not 2019 where it was 4 coins, and LINK becomes a fifth one.

If anything it just lets the vechain team cash out easier with less fees and shit, so less need for them to pump the token, or they can dump it directly for fiat for the first time which probably worse

>> No.57627495

Nice try, mr Paajet but ain't cross-chain swapping that in my Rango exchange

>> No.57627506

>walmart chinand

Here is what you need to know about that. Its not real. Its marketing and means nothing.
They paid some chink management in chinkland a load of eth or whatever, and in exchange they create some bullshit “transactions” on their new environment set up by vechink themselves on their behalf to “verify” whatever bullshit that never really happens and cant ever be proved one way or the other.

Thats the entire “product” its just marketing for their real enterprise as said, managing the treasury of ICO funds in a tax efficient slow rug way with more employees than usual to keep on the breadline than most ICOs of that era.

>> No.57627530

Also, nobody is buying “Thor” or whatever the gas is called. Its wash traded and the vechain foundation occasionally market buy some with like 10 eth. Causing pump on no volume. Nobody then sells it either because the dumb ass people who invest in that shit then do exactly what the Vechink foundation wants. They think:
>oh its up 100%, my node will make le lots of money. Maybe in a year it will earn me(insert napkin baggie math). Cool.
They proceed to hold and also not sell their vechain bags locked in a node allowing the vechink foundation to cash out the new liquidity instead.

>> No.57627621
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Thanks anon, yeah I think so as well, the whole Walmart China thing really was just a scam that they bribed somebody for. Even if the transactions are “real”. It’s been 5 years and nothing else has come of it and no other enterprises have onboarded.

Then we have this BS with DNV, which inexplicably has also gone nowhere the past 5 years. Guessing DNV just signed up for lip service but they will migrate to a different DLT once they are actually ready for adoption.

All the shit Vechain dose is just for hype and good PR. There’s no substance at all behind it. Some random announcements, “rubbing shoulders” with the big names, holding hackathons, partnering with Boston Consulting Group to come up with some ESG ecosystem plan, building this VORJ thing that nobody actually wants, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Sorry to say it took me years to realize this, although thankfully at least I bought in early and not at the top

Another thing is, I realized how incompetent the leadership team really is. They are in way way over their head and have no choice but to just continue the slow rug even if they wanted to do it legit.

>> No.57627634

Yup that’s why I cashed out VTHO on the pump yesterday, it’s worthless, it’s just been generating endlessly for the last 5 years and seeing only dollars of usage per day

>> No.57627744

It was obvious to me in like, march 2018. After that fucking weird “da wooma is twoo” show with the cringe marvel movie and the following spiderman themed nodes at a lower entry price to lock in more retards from competing for sell liquidity. I think i got in mid dec 2017 and got out around late feb

Im sad for you that took this long to figure it out anon but im happy you have at least grown and understand what it really is.

I have not kept up with this coin in any detail since around the token split, but hackathons and such seem about right. Its the perfect thing that retards will think legitimises it while costing them very little.
They arent really doing anything ilegal. However retards confuse that for legitimate lol.

Its no different from me or you making a e-commerce site but never having any inventory, just advertising it. Not illegal . I outlined their real business in detail already. Its management of their ico funds etc

>> No.57628078

Here you go;

>SUPRA (Token not live yet, TGE upcoming)

DYOR on these, put a shit load of money, thank me later

>> No.57628173

HBAR, the DLT for enterprises

>> No.57628553
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This thread is sarcasm / bait.... Right anon?

>> No.57629296

Look for DePIN gems, anon. Look at how POKT and HONEY made people good money. Now, you have the chance to see Peaq Network as an opportunity while it hasn't launched yet, but the schedule is this year. DYOR.

>> No.57630263 [DELETED] 

You left KIMBER off the hook? Chuds are unlock brilliance with KIMBER.Smooth transactions, incentives, diamond discounts, and Play-To-Earn. The journey begins here as bags are getting filled.

>> No.57632704

Just bought 100k.

>> No.57632745

Lol you dont even know what dilution means. This board is literally retarded.

>> No.57632894

nobody in beoble holds it so im going to assume this is just a scam. next.

>> No.57633502

It will continue to pump and every one here will cope.