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File: 122 KB, 800x823, IMG_20240214_110636_490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57624147 No.57624147 [Reply] [Original]

The kenis army is growing......

>> No.57624155


>> No.57624159

chart looks ready to take off ngltbhimodesu

>> No.57624163

samefagging jeet

>> No.57624188

My 100k kenis is rocked and roaded

>> No.57624212

your 0 kenis will make you sudoku

>> No.57624213

i dont think you know what samefagging means newfriend

>> No.57624215

checked retard

>> No.57624233
File: 52 KB, 512x512, tTMvFwtJFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked retard more like your momma checkin deez nuts on her chin i'm a honey badger and i don't care about
you think you can out-troll my honey badger energy you got another thing coming pal i'm a ten foot tall honey badger with biceps so big my peen comes in at just over 12 feet this isn't small dick energy its microdick energy bro you cant touch this you are just a tiny dicked cuckold who doesn't own honey badger tokens (ticker $hoba )

>> No.57624235

Not a scam it's a legit project and it's already made me 2x

>> No.57624252
File: 23 KB, 512x512, NOhOqi1WTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check this out i'm about to roast this dude so hard and not only will my wife's boyfriend approve but when i tell him how large my penis is (it's at least 12 feet) it's going to totally make him jealous because his peen is only 6 feet long and it makes him feel insecure and embarrassed when he talks to women so he probably gets defensive and tries to out-troll me because he's so jealous of my ten feet tall honey badger body

>> No.57624262

crazy how mods censored the K word but haven't stopped this hoba spam

>> No.57624309

hoba more like hobout my dick in your ass fag

>> No.57624345

Kenchi is one of those token that is shilled on biz that people will assume is a scam and fade it. But the cope is going to be unbearable when reality sets in.

>> No.57624356

how long until $1 kenis bros?

>> No.57624361
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look bro kenchi is clearly a honey badger erc approved project and i don't even need to respond to these trolls like its so obvious to anyone who matters (ie honey badger chad) that $hoba is a solid investment like why are these idiots even worried about kenchi tokens when i have a 9 foot penis (on a good day) and my girlfriend buys me presents my penis is big my bank account is large and my crypto portfolio is enormous why are these little dick energy trolls attacking my project

>> No.57624391

before you know it. i've been topping off my bag every time i get paid, its gonna get sent to at least .50 next month

>> No.57624396


>> No.57624402

Know that I have a bag of this.
Enjoy the gains.
Not selling til 25 cents.
Start accumulating.
Help others find out about this.
I am excited.

>> No.57624420

25 cents is fud but you've got the right idea anon

>> No.57624441

I have a big bag but that seems pretty optimistic

>> No.57624552
File: 133 KB, 840x712, 1697168813913588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a scam or not... it was a little weird that it just got shilled like crazy over the past few days i just want to make it....

>> No.57624566

I own over 2mil Kenises. I am about to quit my job because I’m positive I will be able to permanently retire before 2025.

>> No.57624579

It’s obvious there’s a shill group behind this.
Whenever someone posts this coin there’s multiple follow up posts with no substance. I know village is hungry but be a bit less obvious guys.
But that’s beside the point really if this shit pumps.

>> No.57624588

look it up yourself

>> No.57624605

Also, try to be useful for once and explain how to buy this shit. You won’t attract investors if they don’t know how to buy.

>> No.57624631

> It's a bullshit scam
> They wouldn't tell me how to buy :,,,(

It's not a shill group. It's just kenis holders excited about kenis rising.

>> No.57624635

I’m a KNS believer, but I tried to sell off part of my bag and I can’t for the life of me sell even a portion of it. Are you guys having any issues selling? If not what are you trading it for? Maybe I don’t have enough ETH for gas fees. I’m using Uniswap if anyone has any knowledge about it I would much appreciate it. I’m using Uniswap and I’ve tried swapping for ARB, ETH, USDT/C and uniiswap just says transaction likely to fail and won’t even let me try to trade it. I out the slippage at 20% and still no way to swap away KNS for anything.

Any ideas lads?

>> No.57624645

Maybe God is trying to help you

>> No.57624660
File: 48 KB, 435x470, kenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kenis has a benis

>> No.57624676

nice try

>> No.57624689

Hi anon, you can purchase through Arbitrum, or do what I did and swap all my ETH for KNS through MetaMask. I hope you pick up a small bag, I’m not sure if it’ll 100x but you will see gains

>> No.57624743
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CEX before halving ser?

>> No.57624815

Holy newfag

>> No.57624866

Hey I been on and off biz for years now. I remember when link was under 20 cents. Never used a DEX before though cut me some slack and share some wisdom

>> No.57624874

contact uniswap support

>> No.57624894

should I swap all my rose to KENIS? I bought my 100k rose stack at 50c so I'm down a lot. It looks like rose is completely dead at this point. I desperately need a winner.

>> No.57624942
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, 1705433957386749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be a solid kenis stack, we've been doing a lot of winning lately. 5x since the beginning of the year alone. I highly recommend joining us. Our memes are better too

>> No.57624969

Nuh uh

>> No.57624975

This has been shilled here for years the threads just always get deleted and you can't say what it is because you get banned

>> No.57624976

yeah, I'm really considering it. I think kns will go on a run like kaspa. I missed kaspa because I was staking rose at the time.

>> No.57624984
File: 46 KB, 474x600, Welles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was staking rose at the time.

>> No.57624991

>he genuinely thought the contract had a sell function
HAHAHAHAHA we got another one good work everyone

>> No.57625212

Your Eth needs to be on arb chain to buy and Uniswap needs to be set to arb as well to buy or sell

>> No.57625528

I missed kaspa because I decided to only hold XRP fml

>> No.57625533

I remember at first there was scam that look just like KNS but had a 100% sales tax so you couldn’t sell it. I checked the contract on Uniswap before I bought it but is there a chance I bought that instead of real KNS? In my wallet my token follows KNS and the contract look legit from the token description. I can swap ARB for KNS easily but I switch the positions for the same size transaction it says “transaction likely to fail” and greys out the swap button.

>> No.57625540

Just look at the contract address on arbiscan dude wtf

>> No.57625672
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open metamask
>change network to arb
>send ETH to metamask using the arb net
>swap ETH for kenis (KNS)
It's that shrimple

>> No.57625732

check the contract on arbiscan. the real contract ends in Bd01. if you still can't manage, contact them in their tg. they're pretty helpful

>> No.57625787

I’m a KNS believer, but I tried to sell off part of my bag and I can’t for the life of me sell even a portion of it. Are you guys having any issues selling? If not what are you trading it for? Maybe I don’t have enough ETH for gas fees. I’m using Uniswap if anyone has any knowledge about it I would much appreciate it. I’m using Uniswap and I’ve tried swapping for ARB, ETH, USDT/C and uniiswap just says transaction likely to fail and won’t even let me try to trade it. I out the slippage at 20% and still no way to swap away KNS for anything.

Any ideas lads?

>> No.57625790

Fuck me why did I listen to the biz retards who called this a scam when it was at $2m?!?

It’s at $30M now!!! Fml

>> No.57625861

There's plenty of Kenis to go around, anon.

>> No.57625906

You know how degenerate shitcoin gamblers say they're going to 1bn? This actually has a shot at that. Not saying it will, but it has a good shot.

>> No.57625933

You’re saying there is still a 100x shot here? I can see it happening but I could have gotten in for first 1000x

>> No.57625949

>bought at 1 million market cap thanks to some shill.
>nice 30X

shame i only put $50 bucks in. still a nice $1200 bag now though. gonna hold because it will be listed on all major CEX one day and it will do a 80X from here at least

>> No.57625954

could easily get to a couple hundred mil market cap after CEX listings.

>> No.57626034
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 2024-02-16 09.21.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to share with you lovelies that this happened upon the new ATH

>> No.57626349
File: 249 KB, 3502x885, WAGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still got a year to go until bear market starts so I'd buy sooner than later if I was you.
Or wait for a dip its up to you how much money you make

>> No.57626631

How are people like this even in crypto kek

>> No.57626919

40k ronin checking in.

>> No.57626931
File: 195 KB, 571x513, AwIteVvBdJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about the bear market i'll keep the spirit of honey badger erc alive by pumping the price of the token myself who needs a cex listing when you have me

>> No.57626937

mods filtered kenis but let this subhuman run rampant for weeks with a coin that doesnt even exist

>> No.57626972

Mods are niggers.

>> No.57627328
File: 5 KB, 299x168, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need punctuation you fucking heretic. Eternal damnation awaits you.

>> No.57628225


>> No.57628982
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>> No.57629012
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>> No.57629066

Why is Kenis pumping I sold at 0.016

>> No.57629081

feels good to see a meme i made used so frequently by anons

>> No.57629093

ngmi paperhand. i'm in for another 50x-100x

>> No.57629114

Why will it moon? What's the fundamental?

>> No.57629128

Read, nigger, read.