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57623922 No.57623922 [Reply] [Original]

So I have been seeing this girl who I love and we have been spending a lot of time together getting to know each other

She told me a lot about her past and that she used to have an onlyfans and post nudes on Reddit because she was broke and didn’t want to work. Also she said she used to want to marry a sugar daddy to provide for her. But she says she deleted it all and doesn’t want that anymore.

Is she being truthful and is this something I can look past?

>> No.57623927

Also I think she might be slightly autistic.

She has been depressed most her life and hasn’t had a real job at 26 (neither have I so that’s why I love her so much cause she, still wants to be my friends despite being an autistic /pol/cel NEET loser)

Anyways I know she has a spotty past but I’m also an autistic loser and she never judged me. Any advice?

>> No.57623937

Can you bear living with a lazy loser like yourself who will never, ever work and will expect you to provide for her?

>> No.57623951

lol its over

>> No.57623959

Get the fuck out.

But as soon as possible.

>> No.57623964

Yeah she might be the best you can get or she might have some other skeletons in her closet (only fans often goes along with other prostitution which goes along with other bad character traits )

I’d recommend finding more info about things like
-how conscientious is she
How reliable is she
What kind of friebds does she have

And use that to decide

>> No.57623965

life's short, be happy, anon. sounds like yall get along mostly, so why fuck it up? pictures don't feel threatening to me, though.

>> No.57624060

>marry a sugar daddy

thats just how a normal marriage works you fucking tards

>> No.57624150

This. There is no difference between paying for sex or marriage. If you went broke tomorrow, your wife would divorce you so fast youd turn gay.

>> No.57624175

There are other girls out there fag. This one is a LITERAL whore

>> No.57624251

If you only remember one thing from an old fag remember this:

1) you can’t wife a ho, because hos don’t act right

2) a ho is always a ho. They will always sell a man on “that was just my crazy past”. That’s a lie. Being a ho is their past, their present, and their future.

>> No.57624257

If you're on the same level of autistic polcel loser then go for it. My wife and I were cool when we met, became losers, now we're back on the up.

>> No.57624287

don't let her drink. tell her it's for religious reasons or whatever you have to do. That bitch could be a perfect wife someday but she'll get fat and/or die on you otherwise. let her be a pothead if she needs substances

>> No.57624297

What was her username and OF name, I'll tell you if the pics are gone lol

>> No.57624442

>I can fix her
Bro if you want kids or any semblance of a sane lifestyle, you gotta move on.

>> No.57624476

She already doesn’t do any drugs at all and only eats organic free range beef

>> No.57624478

That part isn’t alarming, it’s more of the mental instability that would send me packing. I dated a girl kind of like that and when I broke up with her, she would call everyone I know including my mom and tell them I hit her, send me text messages asking why I was parked in front of someone’s house, etc. It only stopped after some army dude knocked her up.

>> No.57624491

just fuck her and sexo but dont the relationship seriously at all and dump her the moment a higher quality girl comes into the picture

Ironically this will only make her more attracted to you

>> No.57624503

Lock her down
A lot of Christian “saints” were literal homo sluts and they became saint because they gave it up willingly
If she genuinely gave it up, then it is salvageable

>> No.57624511

>Is she being truthful
she is just trolling you and having a laugh of course she's never had an of

>> No.57624570


Listen to me you fucking zoomer. I am an oldfag from the Habbo Hotel era of /b/



I fell for it, cost me most of my 20s, thousands and thousands of dollars, and a FUCKTON of opportunity cost with other interested women.

Don't do it. The odds of regret far outweigh the odds of success. I thought I could beat the odds, too. I was wrong.

Don't be like me, anon.

>> No.57624618

That depends, would you be ok with a whore as the mother of your children?

>> No.57624652

I went through a similar situation about 8 months ago. I fell way too hard for an internet whore. but she was an autistic NEET type and we got along really well. she was mostly interested in becoming a stay at home mom and I had to end it.

>> No.57624703

>looking past a literal whore
Demoralization kike bot thread.

>> No.57624729

Why are guys in they’re 20s such fags?

>> No.57624959

Have fun with her and move on
Do not marry.

>> No.57626127


>> No.57626223
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>> No.57626292

Avoid at all costs. Not wanting to work is one thing, but not being able to work and leeching off man after man points to a parasitic lifestyle (hinting at bpd or similar personality). Check for scars, (bi)color hair, tatoos, piercings. If any of these apply, run forest run. You will be love bombed and then exploited. And it will all be your fault.

>> No.57626301
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what is this beta bullshit this idiot is talking about women with scars and colored hair and tattoos like he isn't going to get pegged and abused by them this dude is a tiny dicked loser scars colored hair tattoos that means the girl has been through some serious trauma this beta needs to realize that girls like that are all crazy and he needs to find one and then marry her without a prenuptial agreement so she can ruin his entire life he needs his balls stomped on by a beautiful crazy woman who is covered in tattoos and scar's

>> No.57626318

Anon? You must be retarded not autistic.

But if you want ex hoe with mental issues be my guest. Id bet if you looked into her exes youd see how fucked they all were like losers, tattoos and all that good stuff;)

>> No.57626320

none of that applies

think it might just be tism

she is obsessed with running away into the woods and living a survivalist lifestyle off the grid

>> No.57626326

shes never had a bf before

>> No.57626330


>> No.57626488

As the others here have said, get out of it OP. I’ve dated girls with similar situations that were far less serious than an onlyfans and they always ended up being insane. I know you’re going to do what you want to do regardless but just realize you can leave at anytime before a marriage or kids and if you are in an insane argument remember this exact moment and realize your freedom.

>> No.57626734

She's a whole, tainted now and forever. Neither of you will be able to forget this and you will never be happy.

>> No.57626758

Wow, frienderino, you are so lucky! She is the one! Marry her, bump manny kidderinos in her and start a family, and don't forget to make bull happy by sucking his dick every evening, way to go!
What a disgusting faggot you are.

>> No.57626780

Shes a lazy bitch mate

>> No.57626815

How is she supporting herself now that the wall is fast approaching? If she has a real plan, then it's worth seeing where this ends up. You're just getting to know her, not marrying her.

>> No.57627132

I tried to make a hoe my wife, she was only 18 so I was like yeah, whatever, you're being smart now and you're still young, it lasted 5 years, she digressed into being a dumb hoe again. No hymen no diamond

>> No.57627425

>So I have been seeing this girl
Stopped reading right there. You don't "see girls", you talk to their father and then get married.
>Anon but, how will the dad like me if I have nothing to offer
Well, that's a good start

>> No.57627452

>ITT people commenting on the girl, while it's obvious from the OP that he should fix himself first.
OP get your shit together or say hello to a life full of conflict, strife and disappointment. Gl&hf

>> No.57627745

Get the fuck out ASAP. You will waste your time, money, and precious energy trying to fix her and you'll be worse off for it.

>> No.57627941

>post nudes on Reddit because she was broke and didn’t want to work
I know we buy internet coins and don't want to work either but this is a bad signal that she doesn't put in effort and will always take the easy way out.

>> No.57628339
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>> No.57628654

hit it then quit it

>> No.57629015

she's obviously a whore, you should sleep with her and use her for sex but keep her at arms length. dont meet her family, no expensive gifts, ect.

>> No.57629448

Based. You're going to make it.
>no homo

>> No.57629825

Yeah I fell for the "I've changed" lie from my ex wife. From what I've observed since then, genuinely submissive women have a chance to change since they're essentially NPCs, but if there's *any* genuine hint of feminism they're gone and its a lost cause
Whenever there is any downturn in your relationship, they've already been brainwashed that men have something nebulous to do with their misfortune and they will, in subtle and subconscious ways, blame you. Over time that resentment will grow and eventually they snap and take your life with them
Most people can't be fixed, anon

>> No.57629834

We're all living the same life, aren't we?

>> No.57629879

The thing you have to remember, fren

Is that you don't own women

Not at all

You may think you do

But you don't.

If she's going to cheat,

She's going to get that pussy battered by a big black dick until she's leaking so much cum she can't stand up

And that can be a good thing.

Your waifu has sold n00ds. Big deal

Get over it

>> No.57629929

Came here to say this. Fuck and chuck all the way. Realistically that's the only value she has, and it's been shared with many others. Op needs to get his turn and find a woman worthy of marriage. Onlyfans is am automatic disqualifier from commitment

>> No.57631563

>at 26
that's more of a concern than her having an onlyfans. why date a 26 year old and not a 18-20 year old?

>> No.57631663

If she's depressed and autistic, she probably doesn't have much, if any, sex drive, and saw OF as an easy way to get money with the same emotional detachment as pretending to be warm and welcoming as a wagie Walmart greeter (except it's easier because she doesn't have to mask and figure out social cues all day and spending her weekends recharging from burnout instead of enjoying them). The only difference is she didn't have to add an unpaid hour to her day, losing sleep, by getting dressed and driving, spending $ on car, insurance, and gas + dealing with raging shit skins that break products and steal. I completely understand her and thought about doing it for a time too since men still oogle you as if you were naked while your clothes are still on anyway. Might as well get paid. Hopefully she didn't show her face.

>> No.57631704

exactly . humanity doesnt care about what a girl does.

humanity has women wired to pro create. anything else is trash

im glad a women can love one guy one week and then toss him in the trash and get pregnant by another guy next week

we are all alive at this very moment becaseue there was a ho doing ho shit...

im alive becasue of hoes...

youre alive becasue of hoes...

we are all alive because of hoes...

this is why i have been busting nuts in women and dont care about her getting pregnant....

something black men are good at doing. not caring abour the consequneces of thier actions... i admire that.

>> No.57631715

>only fans
>mentally ill
Run for the fucking hills brother, that pussy will ruin your whole life

>> No.57631723
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Nah man, once an OF girl, always an OF girl. You should take that as an advantage tho, get her to stake you and start streaming on Kick while playing checkers on Dplay. You’ll game the system

>> No.57631752

The fact that you're asking means you're already stupid enough that you might as well go for it.
Yeah it'll only last two years tops and you'll eventually break up and it'll probably be very boring, but you might have fun on the way.
Most importantly it doesn't sound like you actually have anything to lose besides your virginity.

>> No.57631779
