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File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, logo-Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57623313 No.57623313 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> 30+ year old beta male
> applied for a 40k loan yesterday
> was approved and money was in my account this morning
> dumped it all into bitcoin and transferred to cold storage
> stored keys
> will revisit in 3 halvings time
> mean time will keep up repayment terms for next 5 years @ 6% APY
> have a decent job and employable

Am I fucked anon? Or brave?

>> No.57623328

>> dumped it all into bitcoin and transferred to cold storage
> stored keys
> will revisit in 3 halvings time

pretty dumb
we are in a bullrun or about to be in a bullrun
you can make a lot of money this year in alt coins and make it NOW instead of in 12 years

>> No.57623333

Brave but retarded
Why now and not in 2022?
Top signal

>> No.57623349

I did the same with 30K into LINK to finish off 15k LINK staking wallet. I pay back 600 a month which is a good chunk of my pay but so far it has been worth it.

>> No.57623363

>> will revisit in 3 halvings time
Missing a bull run with a "LE DIAMOND HANDS UNTIL I CAN RETIRE" is peak retard behavior. If you go through an entire bullrun with 0 profit, you are an imbecile. BTC will mint new ATHs during the coming run and then it will drop ~70% of its value, just like each run before it. At some point after ATH you should sell, and then set some buy orders at -50% from whatever the peak was down to -70%. You can move the percents how you like, but if you earn 0 profit in a bull run you are in the wrong market and should go invest in boomer rocks or something.

>> No.57623483
File: 531 KB, 1000x1000, 1677151853840314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too early, ill get a 50k loan on the retracement to 34k.

>> No.57623514

This. Plus apparently in OPs faggot world banks give out 10 year loans that aren't applied towards mortgages

>> No.57623552

If and when it doubles, pay off the loan and get a better rate.

also where did you get a 6% uncollateralized loan?

>> No.57623569
File: 52 KB, 512x512, gEr7KzF4MS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro i got a 60% loan from the bank with no collateral the bank didn't care they just saw me walking down the street saw my dick print through my pants and they offered me money on the spot

>> No.57623614

con, meds, now.

>> No.57623620

You are going to WAGMI

>> No.57623698

Nonsense. If I own 1 bitcoin, and I sell half of it, that means I lost half my money. There's never a good time to sell bitcoin if your goal is to make as much money as possible, unless your dumb idea has an average annual ROI better than 100% (which it doesn't).

You're trading the stress of not being able to leave your job for more Bitcoin than you would otherwise. You're being rewarded with extra bitcoin in exchange for a psychological and mental strain that you may or may not be equipped to handle. If you understand that it would be retarded to immediately sell all of your Bitcoin if the price goes down, and you can hold onto your job, then you're fine. But everything in Bitcoin is balanced to the work that you put in. You've taken on a job, and the job is to wait for a higher price before selling any of that Bitcoin.

>> No.57623868

>Nonsense. If I own 1 bitcoin, and I sell half of it, that means I lost half my money.
No if you sell past ATH you have guaranteed profit and then can rebuy when bull run ends. You're clearly a newfag, I'm done trying to help you. Try not to pink wojak when you're down 70% and have lost 6 figs in unrealized gains. Enjoy your permahold btw.

>> No.57623894

>Nonsense. If I own 1 bitcoin, and I sell half of it, that means I lost half my money.
Holy shit if I saw some faggot on Twitter post this it would be giga top signal

>> No.57623905

i have income but 580 credit what are my odds of getting a loan?

>> No.57625293 [DELETED] 

The Lego dev ? Whaaaaa? Oh my THOR that’s it fuck it I’m buting a BSPee