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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57622768 No.57622768 [Reply] [Original]

Uh oh...

>> No.57622849

There is literally no such thing as a "soft landing". It has never happened before and it will never happen in the future.

>> No.57622857

OH NO!!!!
oh wait...it's an election year...guess what that means?
We put the dirt under the rug okay?
That's next year problem.

>> No.57622874

What has typically happened to the prices of cars/food/housing/stocks/assets during “recessions” ?

>> No.57622876

They'll just print money and pretend like nothing with zero interest to anyone.

money supply * 1.25, pay down debt
oh inflation? whatever

Stocks to up 15% and soft landing is done. No more debt payments. Food goes up 50%. Everyone is happy.

>> No.57622885

Mostly crabbing, not the -75% people hope for.
Most countries just go sideways for a few decades.

>> No.57622921

Just looked up nasdaq and housing during those years.
Nasdaq crashes each time but housing only went down in 2008

>> No.57622926

Want some signs you’re headed for recession? Look for toys going up for sale, such as RVs, boats, and quads. People sell off their adult toys first when things start to get tough.

>> No.57622958

I don't think stocks can crab at 500 p/e in a recession. Shit like $ARM will get demolished

>> No.57623003

Its literally happening now as we speak. You can't be THAT stupid?

>> No.57623017
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IMO the best and most clownworld outcome will be that crypto moons while absolutely everything else tanks and burns. We get a crypto bullrun during a recession.

>> No.57623061

Wait so when is the downturn
Any dates and time frames predictions? I can't really tell from the chart (also I'm mostly retarded)

>> No.57623063

for a few years it's been just delaying the inevitable

>> No.57623204

It's not the "soft" that causes the problem. It's the "landing".

>> No.57623376


>> No.57623393

until 2025 where it will dump so hard that it will seem like a nuke was dropped in the white house

>> No.57623425
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B-but muh AI revolution!

>> No.57623445

>t. Zoomer

>> No.57623454
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Wasn't 2007/2008 also an election year?

>> No.57623486
File: 94 KB, 807x716, IMF Soft Landing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>August 2008
>GFC was in September 2008
The nose knows

>> No.57623497

2007* derp. Still heckin' valid.

>> No.57623513
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>> No.57623711

it was designed so obama becomes first black president [change]. right now they want to prevent trump so its a different situation.

>> No.57623741

Obama was the most Kike-hostile president in the last few decades.
Your narrative sucks ass.

>> No.57623745

it's unironically a new paradigm (clown world)
also, crypto didn't exist in 2000 or 2008

>> No.57623748


>> No.57623767

>another fancy graph to demonstrate why you should sell everything and buy gold and beans

>> No.57624549

What the fuck is a "landing?"

>> No.57624612 [DELETED] 

Its even worse than that, the chart ends when 2023 begins
so we had this "peak optimism" during the 2022 bear market. Midwits who took this advice last year got brutally sidelined during one of the best year long rallies of the last 20 years. As they should: they need to work until they die

>> No.57624734

Its even worse than that, the chart ends when 2023 begins
so we had this "peak optimism" during the 2022 bear market. Midwits who took this advice last year got brutally sidelined during one of the best year long rallies of the last 20 years. Even if the market crashes (it won't) it wont go as low as it was when this chart was created