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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 310x611, Millenial Manbaby Scum123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57621698 No.57621698 [Reply] [Original]

There LITERALLY aren't any jobs left

>> No.57621708
File: 74 KB, 323x611, Millenial Manbaby Scum12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard working white men are left unemployed and penniless by the greedy jewish financial system

>> No.57621712

too small, retard

>> No.57621723

Boo hoo, hit the oil fields nigga.

>> No.57621731
File: 60 KB, 302x611, Millenial Manbaby Scum1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will give this hardworking aryan GOD a chance???

>> No.57621758
File: 34 KB, 750x749, 1620323004796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plety of jobs in construction and the oil patch, nigger.

This is some leftist tard with blue hair and a lesbian haircut.

>> No.57621760

Learn to weld faggots

>> No.57621783

Hey redditor can you go private message that redditor this

>> No.57621788

Just get in finance and as long as you are not retarded you'll make good money. It's literally that easy.

>> No.57621789
File: 3.95 MB, 408x744, Wrong Libtard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading your libtard meme commie

>> No.57621810

get good, don't hate the player hate the game. You only have yourself to blame for getting out played by us. we are superior

>> No.57621828

>book on business has not sold one copy

>> No.57621843

Lmao keep getting useless degrees and die

>> No.57621855

Can confirm make $100k from home and only barely not retarded.

>t. Accountant

>> No.57621856

Our society is in a real bad place if people like the guy in OP cannot be placated. Meanwhile foreigners get free passes into white countries and gifted tens of thousands simple for not being white. This is white replacement in real time.

>> No.57621861

>fired me because of no good reason

Given that the redditor felt compelled to add this unsolicited I'm guessing he was fired because he was insufferable and arguementative.

>> No.57621925
File: 111 KB, 494x626, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard working white men are left unemployed and penniless by the greedy jewish financial system

>> No.57621951

Post foreskin

>> No.57622008

It's not white replacement, it's lazy moron replacement. Just so happens in a white country lazy morons are white.

>> No.57622010

Why doesn't he just go back to being a bike mechanic? That seems to be the only valuable skill he actually has.

>> No.57622022

Master's degree in what?
Also cannot fathom that you can be 50k in debt from school

>> No.57622031

kek this cucks girlfriend is probably a slant eyed asian

>> No.57622043

>Master's degree in what?
being a yappy faggot attention whore

>> No.57622055

>I have skills in sales
so does any non-retarded 19 year old

>> No.57622115

incidentally, it takes nigger level iq to believe the logical fallacy in your picture at face value
>chicken A to chicken B: sheep control us!
>chicken B to chicken A: no they don't dummy
>sheep A to sheep B: dogs control us!
>niggerbrained you: HA, dumb sheep. since sheep don't control chickens, obviously dogs don't control sheep
then again i now realise even the above doesn't make sense to your urbanite ass who freaks out whenever you're not in range of concrete

>> No.57622130

This is what happens when you allow parasites in.
Though again, parasite won’t infest healthy bodies. We have a lot of diseased anti white white people that letting this happens. As if they are under a binding like the one in AOT.
Oh wait a minute, our politicians are under a binding. Being shabbos goys inflicted with “white” guilt
Every step of a way you kikes prevent us from literally have a group.
You kikes literally wanted to sue ANY company that doesn’t have minority or women in their board of directors
Meanwhile, you kikes have been free to monopolize any industry with the excuse of Holocaust.
If it wasn’t for kikes meddling and fracturing white companies we wouldn’t be in this mess
But it’s ok. Kikes have only one supporter in this whole world
And that’s whites
You keep doing this and one day, when we lose our power, (whatever left of it) you will be left for the rest of the world to turn you into minced meat
>muh lazy replacement
Funny that chinks aren’t doing that to their own
Japs not doing it
Middle easterne not doing it
Indians not doing it
But only whites replacing “lazy”
Also nigger, the royal Air Force was caught literally discriminating against whites
How do you excuse that now?

>> No.57622161

you can complain about a useless degree that everyone warned you about every step of the way or you can create jobs, but FUCK plebbitards screencapping their garbage to bring here

>> No.57622207

Buddy is half assing 100 things instead of whole assing one and that’s his problem. Probably has ADHD or something

>> No.57622226

>Probably has ADHD or something
there's no such thing you dysgenic retard

>> No.57622229

He may be a retarded blue pilled redditor but he isn't lazy.

>> No.57622237

He is wondering aimlessly because the societal contract he entered was torn up and thrown out.

>> No.57622243

or maybe he's just an oversocialized talentless moron

>> No.57622263

Is it normal for people to have like 30 different ideas they try to monetize like this? Bro needs to pick something and stick with it, he's too old to be doing this.

>> No.57622284

he also too ugly and retarded
fuck em

>> No.57622298

Yeh it looks like he actually is. So fuck him? His family? Children? Our race? Society? Fuck everything huh? Let the Jews have it all.

>> No.57622308

Nice. I see people following the idea. But here is a thing, at least he has a gf. So society obliged “some”, but then taken away another which is job security.
Why a man needs to work for an ungrateful society that despises him? For a chance to be replaced by some shitskin that is happy with pennies?
People talking about not paying taxes etc
But the easiest way, is to just don’t put money in bank.
Take 90% of your paycheck , and put it in crypto or physical assets or literally under your pillow, not in banks.
Starve the ungrateful society from our money
>inbf they don’t need your money
So why do they tax it?

>> No.57622314

He did you fucking moron, he has a masters in a specific field.
And here we are as a society. Fuck you too loser.

>> No.57622332

>And here we are as a society. Fuck you too loser.
not my problem you ugly poor sack of shit

>> No.57622335

They'll tax you via inflation.

>> No.57622354

Let them be. They are either shitskins or wrapped around by the kikery of “hussle culture”
Aim to starve them from your reosueces

>> No.57622371

Your money is already “taxed” by letting it fester in the Jewish bowls (banks)
Take it and put into land, business or simply your blanket
Not feeding the people who hate you and stimulating thier (((economy))) is surely better than nothing

>> No.57622383

Yeah I know. But if they are just mislead whites, they need to realise where this ends up. Either we work together and build a strong society that is resilient to outside enemies or we scrap, every man for himself and are easily conquered. Pretty obvious which is happening.

>> No.57622402

True anon

>> No.57622417

>I got a degree in a field that specifically involves working for the government
>But I don't want to work for the government

Yep, he's retarded

>> No.57622460

He picked a retarded master, should have gone for a mechanical engineering if he really was this passionate about bikes.

>> No.57622481

Anon most people are weak mentally.
They are swayed by freaking advertising. They waste money on alcohol and drugs, fuck up their bodies and then wonder why they need so much drugs.
They follow celebrities and “idols”
They comment on people account and pay OF
You can’t fix them
Hell, Canada until 2000 was pretty alright and suddenly it shitfted 180
Why? Policy makers shifted
Why didn’t people stay and demanded things to stay the same? Becuase majority of people have no solid ground in reality . They don’t have any control.
It’s as if they are in a dream, swayed by every occurrence.
German people in Nazi germany and now are almost the same, only policy changed and they changed with it.
And it’s not only whites, it’s all people all over the world.
Best you can do, is to starve the institutions that caused this shit and one day, maybe the instructions change (or you get in power) and change the view of people too

>> No.57622487
File: 2.63 MB, 1080x826, girls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. It is "Master' not pluralized as you typed.
2. If you read his screed, you would not have axed that question as it is in it
3. Many people graduate with 100k+ in debt...it's routinely seen now

>> No.57622533

>I'm doing EVs and there is no demand for these inferior products. Why am I out of a job?

>> No.57622549

I worked in a warehouse during and after the 2008 financial crisis. We'd have like 200 applicants every week and most of them would be people with masters degrees and years of professional experience. This went on for like 3 whole years. Shit was grim

>> No.57622569

Job cuts are getting bigger this Q1 according to Truflation
Thanks Biden

>> No.57622936

Did you even read the post?

The guy from Oregon did several entrepreneurial/hustling attempts.

None of them take off.

You can that man


But you cannot call him lazy.
He actually did honest business attempts and all of them failed.

Truth is that
>Even with skills, a proper financial environment and the will behind you failure is not only possible but likely

Have a drop of sincerity and honesty or fuck off here.

>> No.57622989

the guy you're replying to is almost certainly a shitskin, probably asian of the tiny penis variety. For some reason they get all uppity whenever someone rightfully complains about how shit the job market is. (because they got in through nepotism and DEI but don't want to admit it)
The truth for OP pic is that "good" jobs have been increasingly disappearing as companies outsource, layoff and push the few who remain into even more work. The "record" jobs reports have nearly all been various healthcare, teaching, government and food industry jobs. This trend will ultimately increase, and trade jobs also will not be safe. Immigrant will keep pouring in willing to work for pennies, while the contracts dry up due to demand dropping off a cliff.

>> No.57624664

Hey, an ESL post! “Master’s” isn’t plural. The plural form of “master” would be “masters.” The possessive noun is used because it’s a degree belonging to a master, so a “master’s degree.” Hope that helps!

This man should have been networking and trying to get a job while he was in his graduate program. I have a degree in a similar field to his and that’s what I did; so did other people in my program. He also shouldn’t be so blithely writing off government employment despite getting an MPA. That’s like saying you don’t want to work in a law firm while having a JD. Then he’s going on about fixing bikes and playing music or whatever, which shouldn’t be things he’s wasting his time with while he’s unemployed.

>> No.57624737

I think our best bet is to be a good Sheppard to the lost.

>> No.57624765


He is not fit for Judeocapitalism, but it doesn't mean we should ridicule him. I would like to help him see the light of National Capitalism (or National Socialism, if he's already starting from leftism). Otherwise, they will swiftly turn into communist femboy söyditters. The truth is, most normal people don't browse Business & Finance 24/7. They just want a job, a house, a girlfriend, and to play some music. Strange how these things which were obtainable for white men in the 90s are now a fantasy.

You Jeets, Chinks, and Jews don't understand. The West isn't weak. You're only here because we're being NICE to you. You only stand to gain due to our generosity. You haven't won a thing. Sorry for being nice and letting you ruin an altruistic society.

>> No.57624795

Only good post in this thread. Malding morons think "it's muh race" like they aren't the same fags in other threads bragging about doing nothing at WFH jobs or being a neet on crypto gains. This entire board is nothing but lazy fucks.

>> No.57624801

more layoffs still coming. enjoy the vacation wagie

>> No.57624842

My suggestion, get into the grocery business. I’m a butcher, with good job security because I’m not retarded and people will always have to eat. Don’t stay in “grocery” though, learn the side departments, more money, better schedules and more opportunity for promotions. There’s also plenty of qt’s who are in college as well. I’m happily married so that last point is only if it matters to you.

>> No.57624844

Why do you keep making this thread?

>> No.57624877

Don't worry chud. I will get your gf pregnant.

>> No.57624908

A combination of such industriousness and naivete is incredibly rare.
But the part about writing a business book when you have zero experience is just idiotic.

>> No.57624937
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>> No.57624965
File: 122 KB, 870x577, americans lose 2 million jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee I wonder why.

>> No.57625083

fake news
also deserved
whitoids get out, your "prosperity" is ours now

>> No.57625111

>>inbf they don’t need your money
>So why do they tax it?
Two main reasons.
1. to keep you poor
2. to reduce the inflation caused by the money they print and give themselves

>> No.57625220

Thats I know
They also use the money you leave in bank to do counter inflation too
So, don’t.
Let them starve

>> No.57625273

A picture truly is worth a thousand words, because seeing his photograph slid my feel from sympathy-adjacent to absolute-antipathy; I hope his girlfriend *does* get pregnant (with another man's child, preferably a noble negroid).

>> No.57626328
File: 31 KB, 500x376, everyone is stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend years training for something the market doesn't want
>Make and sell products nobody wants
>Shocked when nobody hires you
>Shocked when you get no sales

>> No.57626333

He should try doing blackface at interview and changing his name to Tyrone Laquanda.

>> No.57627891

masters degree from stanford in comp sci
literally cant find a job unless i move to california
its been months
this is painful
im stuck on the east coast because of family.
moving to boston in ~4 months, hopefully can find work there.
im going to be putting hispanic on EVERY application
i encourage all of you to do the same

>> No.57627947

this is a goldmine.
>failure writes book on how to succeed in an area he's never done
>Got a $65000 piece if paper with Public Administration written on it but didn't think ahead to the local government bureaucrats he'd have to face in the actual job.

>> No.57627958

I put trans on mine. I always get call backs. No one is brave enough to call it out.

>> No.57628002

See you in the Freight Warehouse. Put those skills to the test unloading 20 trailers a day…

>> No.57628077


>> No.57628103

I was the guy with a degree and applied and went to a warehouse for a job interview
There was 12 of us in that meeting, all from the same el engineering college class. Interviewer asked us why the f are we here for a stupid warehouse job
Depressing, 50% unemployment for people under 30 for 5 years

>> No.57628209

Does this guy sleep 20 minutes a day

>> No.57628227

You're a gay boomer. Nobody respectable works in construction

>> No.57628272

Yes. Seethe wagie.

>> No.57628285

Not guy you're replying to, but this toxic mindset towards people worse off than you is why things will never improve
You're a boomer saying 'fuck him I've got mine'
You are no better

>> No.57628490

Based actual grammar guy

>> No.57628669

Bull-fucking-shit. I bet the faggot's music sucks and his book isn't even useful. Just because you try to hustle doesn't mean you deserve anything good.

>> No.57628804

we're in a recession. hiring has dried up for any job that isn't nigger bullshit wageslavery.

>> No.57629070

Kek, white guys are finished.

>> No.57629082


>> No.57629134

He should look around outside. Did any of those blacks have the money for all them kids?

>> No.57629643

Lmao, yeah it costs a business so much money to replace someone with a new employee. He didn't even say he was laid off. Everything that has happened to him is his own fault.

>> No.57629671


The meme shared isn't a logical fallacy, it is a comparison. Niggers blame all of their problems and their inability to thrive on "the white man" in the exact same way that you blame all of your problems and your inability to thrive on "the jew." The nigger lumps the jew in with white people so either way, you're just a nigger for choosing to blame your inability to thrive on anything external to you.

A true Son of God recognizes obstacles that exist in the world, adapts to them, and provides for himself and his loved ones regardless of those obstacles. Funnily, in your own analogy, you view yourself as either a "chicken" or a "sheep" which is very telling. The truth is that no one cares about you and you are responsible for your own path forward and you probably have far fewer obstacles in your way than most people yet you still complain like a chicken or a sheep about the Jewish dogs preventing you from succeeding.

>> No.57630442

the jews are not to blame for him being unable to settle for something within his capabilities. Sorry, anon

>> No.57630527

>You're only here because we're being NICE to you.
your post isn't very nice so you're not being nice

>> No.57630589

stop whining maggot

>> No.57630616

His girlfriend wants to get pregnant just not with his loser bald jobless seed lmao

>> No.57630629

Fucking retard values "respect" from a job more than the money. NGMI

>> No.57630659

In 2009, I applied for a job washing dishes and they turned me away, saying they wouldn't even consider someone with less than 12 years of experience as a dish washer lmao.

>> No.57630676

>our best bet is to start a war in Taiwan and finish the war in Ukraine and Israel.
Send millions of angry superior white soldiers to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan and kill all the Russians, Arabs and mainland chinks.
Then we win and everyone realizes how violent and powerful the white race is

right? war in nonwhite countries to subjugate them like colonialism is the answer right?

>> No.57631075

>The West isn't weak

>> No.57631162

No. you go kill them and scare them enough so they don’t come and shit inside Europe anymore
No one need to “subjugate” via violence anymore
You can do a better job using money
We don’t blame Jews for our “inability”
We blame Jews because they constantly Sabotage whites
They enjoy nepotism, while making laws to disallow collaboration with white folks
Hell, wasn’t California tried to push a law to be able to sue any company who doesn’t have diversity in board of directors?
These Jews do all they can to “diversify” white groups and whites only.
How come Jews doing this?
That’s why we hate them
Incidentally we are the only allies they have
Let’s see what will Muslims do to them when we finally stop protecting them

>> No.57631166

The level of anger and angst in this thread is really sad. Nothing but responses of vitriol and judgment. It's very life-denying seeing people in such a state judging another man's misery and misfortune.

>> No.57631186


hes a faggot trying to get positive signals at his first atempt at anything, thats not how it works for 99,99% of people

pick one thing, one business model, one goal, and give 60h of work at it for 6 months, if by them you find no luck, them you are either cursed or a literal retard

God doesn't help lazy fucks

>> No.57631272

The best part is when you point out this is Bidenomics, and these NPCs have a meltdown they're like:
>this market is bad
>orange man is bad
it's hilarious

>> No.57631294

>i should have become a plumber
so go be a plumber. not everyone can be a pop start

>> No.57631300


imagine when you discover there are taxes and opportunity costs on those things, too.

>> No.57631388

No offense Anon, but it looks like you're pointing to a bunch of information that likely has no effect on you whatsoever.

>California tried to push a law...
From the way you said "wasn't it.." it seems like you're unfamiliar with any of the details relating to this and likely not from California. How do proposed bills in California sabotage you? Or what laws in particular have disallowed you from collaborating with whites? FWIW I work for two compapnies: one is nearly entirely white mormons and it is the most retarded and poorly run company imaginable and one is an international company with people from all around the world of every ethnicity and operates quite phenomenally.

>These Jews do all they can to "diversify" white groups
And many whites accept this with open arms. I'm very 1990s American and really don't care what ethnicity someone is as long as they can effectively contribute. I would rather work with 5 other hardworking mexicans than 5 other whiney, useless white faggots. Also, I've never once felt/allowed this "diversity" to negatively effect my life and I've lived in 7 very different states in the US: Florida, New York, New Jersey, Arkansas, Utah, Illinois, Colorado.

It is easy to get wrapped up in all of the "bad news" online if that is what you spend a majority of your focus on. But if you instead spend your time focusing on working, hobbies, learning new skills, and other things you quickly realize that none of that shit matters and it is all noise. Especially if you're lucky enough to live in the US where economic mobility is very possible with effort.

Five years ago I was broke and addicted to drugs. I went back to school and now I have two high paying jobs, a GF, and a very comfy life. It. just took effort and focus. I could have complained that colleges are "jewish institutions of indoctrination" or that "I'm just contributing to a jewish society that is the antithesis to my dream utopia". TLDR: Arbeit Macht Frei.

>> No.57631416

You say that, but I'm guessing you hate the conservative Jews like Ben Shapiro or Mark Levin too that argue against diversity requirements and things like that. I've heard you retards claim Jews that don't do the things you hate are examples of "Jews playing both sides," as if they're somehow not individuals with different opinions and they're all collaborating on a plot together. The thing is you just hate Jews in general. I don't think you'd dispute that either.

>> No.57631515

He deleted the post. Lol
Pretty dumb to post your state and a picture of yourself on Reddit of all places.

>> No.57631647

fuck this world and all things in it

>> No.57631652

I said “wasn’t it” but I am quite familiar with it
It was struck down
But tell me, isn’t it forcing diveristy?
What about diversity based university acceptance?
Why do Jews do this again?
Oh and what about the diveristy push shit that happened in military?
>whites accepted it by open arms
For the promise of cheap shit and “tasty food” and now their own children struggle to find a job
Oh that ben “I don’t care about browning of America” shepiro?
Ye I don’t like him
Why should I again?
You know how many Syrians Israel accepted? ZERO
Why did we have to?
Actually, desu, I like bibi.
He is the only jew who warned europe to don’t take Syrian refugees.

>> No.57631669

>My girlfriend wants to be pregnant and I have no income

>> No.57631774

Also if you read about Jews you realize that they will backstab you eventually.
>persians freed Jews from Babylon, gave them funds to rebuild their temple
>in two generations Persian hated Jews SOOOOO much that they wanted to kill them all
>selecuids accepted Jews so much that they were even Hellenized Jews among them
>jews started killing selecuids
>jewish soldiers in Spain opened the door to Muslims and backstab Visigoth
And a hundred something more times backstabbing across Europe
Know some say it was because Christian prejudice agaisnt Jews
Ok, what did selecuids or Persians had agaisnt Jews
I mean look at America and Britain.
They saved Jews and in two generations we are growing to hate them thanks to their conducts.
Why do they start to backstab their saviors so much? Again, as literally their only ally, they sure behave like scorpions on the top of a frog

>> No.57631841

jews are naturally paranoid and trained to despise anyone not jewish

>> No.57632034

Anon, sorry, I thought you were American, but I can see you are an ESL European. I can't comment on wherever you live, but I hope things aren't too shitty where you live. Despite what you see on the internet, America is still a place where you can /makeit/

>> No.57632158

Issue is that whatever woke shit america spews euro will folllow
I mean look at freaking Sweden
In a bid to show that they are more “tolerant” than “Americans” they figuratively shat on their nation, and went from a safe nation to a Somali shithole with daily bombing and gang wars

>> No.57632175

Oil fields do not hire like they used to, the industry has consolidated a great deal.

>> No.57632192

we are incels, bro

>> No.57632208

Oil fields kek

>> No.57632757

Woman tier thinking. "Is this the right thing to do" vs "are other people okay with me doing thing". Perfectly valid to slave away on the oil patch for a few years to wipe out all debts and build savings.

>> No.57632899

Guys what am I doing wrong? For starters I have an MBA with a focus on finance, but after I graduated I realized I despise business and no city will hire me to design bike lanes. They keep saying something about "you are not qualified" what did they mean by this? I'm an adult and can't figure out my problems.

>> No.57633099

Ad hominen.

>We don’t blame Jews for our “inability”
>proceeds to blame jews for exactly that, exactly what a black person would say about white people

Jeez, I thought you /pol/acks would have more ammo than this.

>> No.57633136

Nigger did we made preventing blacks from getting into university?

>> No.57633146

*Did we make laws

>> No.57633149
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They take advantage of white people's mislead good nature.

>> No.57633186

>They take advantage of white people's retardation

Fixed that for you champ

>> No.57633203

Good luck when we stop caring about you guys

>> No.57633223

Enjoy being the first race to be bred out of existence.

>> No.57633235

There are more whites in existence today than ever in human history, and we are the only race capable of sustaining ourselves. We'll be fine.

>> No.57633251

lol Jews will be turn into lamp shade and niggers will turn into literal cattle the moment we stop caring about them
Pray that day doesn’t come

>> No.57633258
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>masters in public admin
>surprised about it

>> No.57633275

>pray that day doesn't come
>unsheathes katana

>> No.57633334

lol actually forget that
That is coming fast.
Horde of brown shits (they ones that Jews pandered, the ones that Jews brought in, the ones that Jews propped up to hate white people) hate Jewish guts
And thanks to the “white people racist so they shouldn’t oppose poc” liberals just watch as these nigger hordes harass and attack Jews in freaking Europe and USA.
It’s delightful desu.
Imagine you raise your pitbull to attack people and it bites your face off
That’s Jews and their pet shitskins

>> No.57633368

Lol damn
Ya all need jesus

>> No.57633376

>We are seeking a values-driven, dynamic, tech-savvy and detail-oriented assistant to support the “Make Wakanda Real” project and leadership team. This role is crucial for managing day-to-day administrative tasks, conducting research, and aiding in project management to ensure the smooth operation and meaningful impact of our work. The assistant will be an integral part of a small team.
Sorry faggots, I'm rolling with black panther now. WE WUZ.

>> No.57634719

Just get a job in the government coast on it and apply to bike R&D jobs on the side

Is he fucking retarded

>> No.57634746

whities fault for feeling white guilt

>> No.57634924
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>Ad hominen

>> No.57634942

Calm down seething faggot are you also 35 and broke and trying to start a band and selling bike shorts? Lmao skill issue

>> No.57635546
File: 82 KB, 938x1500, crossroads of a dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music:

>> No.57635567

Wish I could
Wish I could try harder
But my motivation stopped
Wish I could see through the woodgrain
Wish you could make my heart soft
I Wish I could, I Wish I could
I Wish I could, I Wish I could
I Wish I could, I Wish I could
Sitting down on brass tacks
Bring me down to earth
All the bars that we'd be hopping
Employees paid
For what their worth
I wanna make your day better
Cause I know it's been a little rough
So come just a little bit closer
So I can give you some

>> No.57635574

Its so crazy that other people have to work for a living. Can't even comprehend it anymore

>> No.57635603

trash song.

>> No.57635607

Hot tip: Leave your faggot degree off and people won't think you're overqualified.

>> No.57635702

but then wont they think hes underqualified and pass him over?

>> No.57635901

how do i get a job in the oilfield? must be steady, no sleep deprivation and with nice people

>> No.57635994
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He came from an upper middle class family. I came from a low income family in the middle of diversity. I always worked and had 1-2 jobs since 14. When you never experienced hunger, rarely had heat in winter and ac in summer, used clothing for school.. you never have that passionate hunger lingering for a better life

More people now are experiencing hardships

Employers don’t see a hard worker in his eyes and trust me people see through you

White Boy

>> No.57636067

>implying the employer is some kind of hard worker

fucking kek

>> No.57636125

>Appeal to Aesop: Scorpions never change their nature.
That wasn't written by aesop.

>> No.57636151

Both construction and the oil fields have slowed down. where are you getting this information.

>> No.57636573

no one is pointing out that he literally got his degree in public administration & wanted to make bike lanes for cities and then after all that decides he doesn't want to work for the govt? lollll. this guy reminds me of certain types of type i know, always kinda hustling and labeling themselves to make them look cool butt theyre doing nothing

>> No.57636718

You rly think only you struggled?
I was working since school days also

> White Boy
Mutt nigger, at least i have a house on the way that im starting construction on, and a perspective future

>> No.57636752

Swarthoids are in for a hard wake up call when they find out their prosperity was just white charity.

>> No.57636767

I saw a feller on youtube from Kentucky that had an oil well in his back yard and put one in in his front yard and he was making millions a year.

>> No.57636778

Stopped reading there

>> No.57636848

>been a bike mechanic for the past decade
>master of public administration degree
>i have a feeling employers think i am overqualified

>> No.57636921

>56k dollars in debt to assist to lectures that are freely available on youtube just to have a piece of paper saying you did assist to those lectures
People are retarded though, I have a masters don't get me wrong but I'm a eurofag and it's free here, and I only enrolled in CS after my linkies mooned in 2020 and I didn't have to wagecuck anymore.
If I was a mutt I'd just do community college or no college, and if I want a job I'd just lie and say I have a masters from some uni, no one ever checks ever, sure some companies do background checks but then you don't get the job and if you don't lie you won't get it anyways, it's just midwit reddit tier morality of muh don't lie meanwhile they're ok cutting kids' dicks off

>> No.57636954

This guy's problem is actually very, very simple.
>He's not focusing
In just this one Reddit post he is describing a bazillion things he's "trying" that (surprise) aren't working.... Pick one thing. Focus on it. Do it until you make enough money to live. He's just vomiting everywhere and yelling it's not working.
>I've been a bike mechanic for the past decade
... and yet nowhere in the article does he talk about going back to being... wait for a it.... a fucking bike mechanic.
>innertube and tire company
>applying to unnamed but "countless" jobs
>refuses to work for the city
>writing books
>buys recording equipment and makes a music album
>has a patent for some unnamed shit pending
>spends hours looking for a cofounder
>posting property to Facebook
What in the actual fuck? (He can't hear me) BRO. Have you thought about I DUNNO maybe becoming a fucking BIKE MECHANIC and posting your services on Facebook and every other avenue of free advertising you can think of? What the fuck?

>> No.57636956

Exactly what I'm sayin~ Jesus Christ Almighty. ... But you're actually talking sense instead of the other weird shit in this thread about:
>"White replacement theory"
>(insert retard vomit here)
So I'll be your (You) sweetheart.

>> No.57636966

The thing is you can copy paste this scenario for millions of people his age, he just bothered to bitch on Reddit about it whilst most are suffering quietly. It's not any one mistep he made, it's that many are staring down a similar scenario. Western Civilization is crumbling and this is a pretty clear example of what is going wrong.

>> No.57637035

> Western Civilization is crumbling and this is a pretty clear example of what is going wrong.
OK so there are discussions to be had about broader issues .. but in this specific scenario.... what the hell are you even talking about? This guy's experience is working as a bike mechanic but nowhere does he even mention going back to be a bike mechanic.

That's not a "society" problem; that's a "him" problem.

>> No.57637038

I think the assumption most including me made was that he did, but couldn't find a job hence the long list of failed ideas

>> No.57637108

>I think the assumption most including me
I didn't make any assumptions; I read the facts of what he wrote. This is what he wrote:
>I had a job
>They fired me
>I did a bunch of stuff but didn't list bike mechanic
He mentions selling personal property on Facebook but does not mention advertising bike mechanic services. At no point in any of the posts does he mention the job he did for 10 years.

Now it's possible that he just didn't mention it at all, but given that he talks about literally everything else without mentioning working on bikes... I have to conclude that he isn't attempting to go back to his vocation of 10 years.

That's his personal choice not society's failure. Society fails a lot.... but this is not one of those times. He be spending every minute of his time trying to work on bikes, advertising his skills working on bikes, soliciting business to work on bike's, standing outside bike shops and telling people he works on bike's, going into bike shops and telling the owners he works on bikes, etc. *Instead* he's making music albums with expensive recording equipment.

Peter Pan has to grow up sometime.

>> No.57637119

>the above doesn't make sense to your urbanite ass who freaks out whenever you're not in range of concrete
kek city slicker btfo

>> No.57637149

Not the guy you're responding to but your bullshit has a flaw
>Sheep and dogs and chickens are all different species
>Blacks and whites and jews are all homo sapiens
False equivalence. Next time don't use metaphors just write plainly.

>> No.57637336

>one race human race
Ye sure bro

>> No.57637340

Yeh true if it's the case that he can't suck it up he work on bikes, then he needs to re-evaluate wtf he is doing.

>> No.57637817
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1363026593268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 2018
>family member passes away, leaves me a decent amount of money
>sit around on it for a few years, but in the end buy a bunch of BTC and a few alts
>price balloons, cash out a portion to buy a single family house in a new state, I want a fresh start
>"hehehe I'm on easy street now, I'll just keep hodling, I can just relax now, I'm retried xD xD"
>6 years later, I spend all my time alone in my house on the computer, I haven't made a single friend let alone talked to a single person since moving
>realize that this will be the rest of my life unless I change something quickly

I have over 1.5 million in combined assets, cash, and crypto, but I'm now convinced I need to reenter the job market after 6 years of not working because I need to come back to human society. I tried the hermit/shut in/recluse thing for half a decade, and at first I deluded myself into thinking this was what I always wanted. Humans are social creatures, and nobody should live the degree of loneliness I've felt in the last few years. It's soul crushing.

I'm looking through some job postings online, and I'm thinking of getting a part time job. I have a bachelors in History (I know, I know, fucking waste of time/money, I'm still kicking myself), but besides a short stint as an underwriter for a Title Loan company, I don't have any job experience.

What kind of job should I apply for? Again I don't need the money, I need something to occupy my day and force me to get out there and meet and talk to people. But I'm 31, I haven't worked in 6 years, my degree is worthless, I have like 3 things in my resume, and I haven't made eye contact with another human being in years. Am I fucked? Do i just lie and say I was dealing with medical shit for the last few years?

>> No.57637822

friend did this
got several job offers within a year
>t. nothern europe

>> No.57638163

What do you guys mean by ON your app? Like on your resume or just the answer to the question like "are you a veteran?"

>> No.57639376

Get a wife dude. Otherwise I'm glad for your financial success, I did Eng/History and I'm writing my 2nd book now on something I'm really passionate about, though its probably mostly to organize my own thoughts for now.

>> No.57639389

You have to go back

>> No.57639395

Quit your kvetching goy and get back to unemployment

>> No.57640917

do know that half the board would give up their left nut to be in your situation and your are complaining
you dont last 1 month back in a low tier wagecagie before you come to your senses on how stupid you were about ever thinking about it

>> No.57641115

almost the exact same story here, 30 years old and I've basically been a neet hermit for years. I have experience being a wagie though and it is in no way better than my current situation. I've been thinking of getting a part time job in a gym or some shit but I'm in no rush.

tell a woman you're a crypto rich neet and watch how her face immediately distorts into disgust.

>> No.57641185

>tell a woman you're a crypto rich neet and watch how her face immediately distorts into disgust.

only if what she hears is "I got lucky and now do literally nothing with my time". How you can be a neet without going to the gym or at least picking up interesting hobbies is beyond me. I would fitnessmax, learn piano, get better at guitar, work on programming projects. Maybe hire some third world devs and start a company. There are so many cool things you could do when you aren't forced to be a wagie.

>> No.57641823

Why not just join clubs for whatever hobbies you have instead? If you just want to interact with people, that seems like a better option compared to spending half your day doing pointless shit surrounded by people who are only willing to interact with you because they're being paid.

>> No.57643098

I can get her pregnant for you

>> No.57643277

In an utterly worthless field