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File: 1.69 MB, 2000x1752, Ledger-X-transparent-3837661344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57619738 No.57619738 [Reply] [Original]

You did lock in your BTC @ 52.7k, right anon?

>> No.57619873

locked and loaded on my trezor. fuck ledger

>> No.57619883

i still have mine locked at 63k

>> No.57621581

wtf is this locking shit you retards keep talking about and why would you want such a feature? Do you have so little self control that you need a piece of hardware to keep you from panic selling?

>> No.57621591

on the ledger you can lock your bitcoin at a particular price

>> No.57621603

It locks the price retard

>> No.57621607

Locks the price how? Locks the price at which you can withdraw? What's the fucking point of that?

>> No.57621665

To keep you from losing money when bitcoin dumps?? Tf??

>> No.57621674

Wtf new ledgers let you lock? I thought it was just trezor.

>> No.57621688

That makes no sense. How can specific crypto you you hold the keys to magically retain it's value when the rest of that crypto's price dumps?

>> No.57621710

if you knew that then you could sell your own ledger

>> No.57621735

>he doesn’t lock
lol. LMAO even.

>> No.57621777
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Were you born yesterday? Why do you think everyone on here is making so much? An anon on here recently shared a ledger plugin that autolocks before a dump.

>> No.57621792


>> No.57621816

Idk anon, I'm holding out for 60k before I price lock. I think we'll see it in the next 6 weeks

>> No.57621871
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>Not locking your bitcoin

>> No.57621885
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Faggots on Beoble told me we are heading to 60k in no time

>> No.57621897

thats not how it works

>> No.57621901
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Checked and thanks for the laugh, no-locker.

>> No.57621905
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I can't be the only one who forgot to unlock for the bull run. My coins are stuck at 41k.

>> No.57621911

question: I accidentally locked all my BTC at $22k. when it unlocks, will they go to regular market price or do they stay at $22k? im sort of freaking out cause it's all i have

>> No.57621920

ngmi newfag

>> No.57622000

It will stay at 22k. There is a workaround using coin mixing but it’s a bit complicated to go into here

>> No.57622049

>It will stay at 22k
>digits ends in 22k
Basically, you're fucked, >>57621911

>> No.57622108

He's not fucked. Solution only works on some devices though: basically if you drain the ledger battery completely it can do a full price reset, and synchronize with current market value. They patched this with newer firmware updates but some have done this successfully. Lifesaver when there has been a major pump youve been locked out of.

>> No.57622110

that sucks. i missed out on so many gains. i guess ill just sell it when i can and move on

>> No.57622155

Wait, be for real …. all this time I could have locked in the price? Wtf there’s no way that’s real, why would the Bitcoin company let you do that?

>> No.57622195

Can confirm this works.

>> No.57622196

There's a new feature on the Ledger that not only allows you to lock the price, but also double it.

>> No.57622220

based thanks. im gonna leave it on for a week and see if it works

>> No.57622291

lmao, newfags didn't know you can lock the price. What was the last 2 years like for you faggots?

>> No.57622304

the best ledger feature is that they now store your pass phrase and the government can subpoena ledger and get your pass phrase
>yfw im not joking

>> No.57622340 [DELETED] 
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I did lock lolis

>> No.57622643

Everyone trying to shill you a workaround is just fucking with you, there’s upsides and downsides to everything. You’ll have to unlock and sell your crypto for its locked value then re purchase live crypto at market prices. You could wait for it to come back down but that’s another risk you’ll have to take. It could just keep going up.

>> No.57622767

just unlock it before you sell. if you sell while its locked it will stay at $22k

>> No.57622774

Locks the price via smartcontract

>> No.57622850

Yikes. Why would you not lock your BTC? Literally no downside. If price goes up you can just unlock it.

>> No.57622862
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Based knower

>> No.57623239

Locked at 46k fml

>> No.57623321

>people refused to give up their spot in the staking pool because this fact is just le fud bro

>> No.57623361

>Ledger CEO says 'sharded' wallet keys could be shared if subpoenaed. The private seed phrases of Ledger users could be shared with governments if their custodians were ordered to do so, but this is “not a real concern,” according to CEO Paul Gauthier.

>> No.57623487

Im not disagreeing with you. I'm stating the fact that a large number of linkmarines have had their tokens stored on an address generated with a Ledger, and that this "new" info about Ledger devices is apparently not enough for anons to pull everything from the staking contract, into their Ledger, then send it into an actual secure wallet.

I seriously feel like this is Bancor/Celsius 2.0 in the making and anons refuse to recognize it as such because they don't want to forfiet their spot in the staking pool.

Here's some news for you brainlets: 4% APY is not worth the risk of 100% seizure of funds. Seriously, where is the old biz that I once knew? There was like 1 week of discussion about the Ledger sharting service and then it was all forgotten.

>> No.57623522

It is only on new ledgers, nano s chads funds are safu

>> No.57623554

>he doesn't know

>> No.57623573

you are supposed to sync it with your cock cage whenever you turn it on

>> No.57623686

It's closed source code you imbecile. It was faulty from day 1, updates be dammed. The only thing this most recent fiasco did is to remind everyone that Ledgers were never safe to begin with and the only reason nothing bad has happend yet is that Ledger company is either keeping everyone's funds secure out of the goodness of their heart or that they are waiting for enough people to load crypto into their backdoored product and then steal everything. Why take the chance? Unironically storing your crypto on Coinbase is safer than Ledger.

>> No.57623699

Agreed. There's literally no reason to still use these except for the price lock feature

>> No.57623705

this. /thread

>> No.57623843

Are you restarted? It's all in the code

>> No.57624084

I remember dumbasses locking their shit at 10k bet they don't feel very smart now

>> No.57624109

I bought bitcoin at $1.34.

I have 1,700 of those worthless things and now the fuckers are 50k a pop and mine are a dollar.
Fuck this ponzi.

>> No.57624436
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Bruh... come on. It locks the price, so even if it goes to zero you could still sell it for said locked price

>> No.57624527

True, but fuck.. my linkies are staked :/

>> No.57624556

ur mom authenticated my balls in her mouth just a few seconds ago beep boop nigga

>> No.57624562
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>> No.57625167
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i cannot at all imagine what life is like being this absolutely fucking braindead retarded

>> No.57625176

what hardware wallet do i buy

>> No.57625194
File: 236 KB, 1080x1080, sw3xq4CU8P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coe3l you are like a dog with down syndrome your brain is so tiny it doesn't even know it exists oh sure you understand basic vocabulary words but there's no way your retarded mind can even process them i'll tell the boys at your local retard farm to go easy on you they may be retarded themselves but at least they're not coe3l retarded