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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 1091x1155, andrew_tate_jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57618946 No.57618946 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys given any thought about where to invest all your money in 2026?
>Crypto and stocks will both be in a bear market
>Bitcoin cycles will have such diminished returns at that point it will hardly be worth investing in it at all
So what do you plan to do? Everything else seems to require a lot of social cohesion or illiquidity.
>Start a business
You need to work a lot, have an amazing network of people, and still maybe get 10% per year in profit, assuming your business doesn't fail.
>Real estate
Need to be a completely social normie, and finding tenants is fucking awful
>Open a franchise location
Enjoy making 5-10% profit per year at most

Seriously what do you plan to do?

>> No.57618967

How about you go kys you fucking nigger

>> No.57618983

making 10% a year while most people are losing money and wagies are living in the streets sounds like a good deal to me

>> No.57619061

Maybe, but in what way?
I'm genuinely not sure what I should do at that point.

>> No.57619116

Depends, what amount do you have?
T. 7 figs

>> No.57619163

$2.3 million just sitting in Bitcoin and an S&P500 ETF right now.

>> No.57619373
File: 51 KB, 739x415, 1699715449788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you OP. Whats the smart move to keep growning post-bull run. I plan to buy a lot of land and physical Gold, but I'm also looking into who profits during recessions and position accordingly. May just spread a lot of cash over multiple "high yield " savings accounts and get like 5 percent.

Probably should find an accountant who focuses on helping rich folks minimize taxes and preserve weath... assuming we do well of course.

>> No.57619385

>Need to be a completely social normie, and finding tenants is fucking awful
if you have enough money you can pay someone to do that

>> No.57619428

i bet his cock smells like cocoa butter

>> No.57619440
File: 192 KB, 1633x1125, Inflation_adjusted_price_of_gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physical gold
The screenshot I just took shows the price of gold adjusted for inflation since 1915. I can't imagine buying that and calling it an investment. It might keep up with inflation, maybe.

I can understand the drive to buy land though, but as you said we probably just need to get accountants.

>> No.57619457

I think most goldbugs think the main bull case for gold is widespread civil collapse (like a civil war or massive economic disaster)
Whether or not thats true IDK but i have a few ounces just in case.

>> No.57619499
File: 12 KB, 194x259, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le hecking andrew tate! so sigma! What color is your bugatti!!!

>> No.57619502

>In 1961, eight central banks, including the United States and several European countries, agreed to form the London Gold Pool. The pool's goal was to maintain the Bretton Woods system, which has a fixed exchange rate of $35 per ounce for US dollars. The pool's representatives tried to fix the price of gold at $35 per ounce between 1961 and 1968, but were unsuccessful.
Interesting. That explains the dip in the 1960s right before the explosion in price right around 1970.

>> No.57619510
File: 47 KB, 554x554, astros_playroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ I picked a random picture on my hard drive. Here's another one. Calm down faggot.

>> No.57619597

Real estate, anon. Owned by a company so I can pass it on to my kids. Managed by a letting agent so I do literally nothing except check the payment came through, and file a company tax return once a year
gfy edgelord

>> No.57620429

I'm wondering what to expect. It's going to potentially be very ugly. I guess I should look over how the markets looked during the great depression and prepare.

>> No.57620462


>> No.57621166

Real estate sounds the least bad of those options

>> No.57621210


This time supercycle is going to happen, No panic/years of hard time until 2032 according to the meme chart

>> No.57621231
File: 81 KB, 1240x891, plebbit code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As authoritarian censorship increases, the next narrative may be SocialFi or decentralized social medias.
Plebbit could potentially x100 as plebbit is a decentralized p2p social media protocol that is opensource, free to use and scalable.
PLEBBIT has 2 working demos (web client and downloable client) with a reddit and 4chan styled front end but this can be adapted to any other style like discourse.
As plebbit has no https endpoints and instead used ENS for sub or board/usernames, it is more decentralized than federated alternatives which are more complicated.
The plebbit token will only be for tipping and voting on a DAO on development issues so the protocol itself will be 100% free to use.
100% of the token was airdropped on avax in 2022. the mid 2023 it chainswapped to eth where its been in accumulation since june last year.
3.4m mcap
Type plebbit into coingecko.
You wont listen though nor will many of this board. See you in 2026 when plebbit gets mass adopted.

>> No.57621872
File: 310 KB, 1024x1024, 1670893791042965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I'll become very granular in the tradfi side of trading. I'll keep an eye out for interesting alts for sure but I'll still use most of my trade time post waggie to check Truflation and the news (yikes) to know what market I should get into next and stuff like that.
Hope I make it this year though, somehow. I went big on BTC at 49k as well as ETH and some others, let's see if 70k is not a meme.