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File: 26 KB, 1200x700, icpee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57617453 No.57617453 [Reply] [Original]

Slow and steady on this one it seems to have consolidated in the 11-13 range and will start moving into the 20+ range next week

>> No.57617488

I wanna believe

>> No.57617528

I have all my coins locked for january 2025 and july 2025 top KEK

I might not be able to sell the top to redditfags if it pumps this early

>> No.57617658

wake me uip when 100

>> No.57617669

The market is going to top around September 2025 so you are in good shape. ICP should be high 3 figures by then.

>> No.57617700
File: 750 KB, 1111x1169, IMG_2875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m planning to stake 1100 of my pees for 8 years and keep 100 to sell at the top am I dumb or smart for doing this?

>> No.57617767

Pee ages like wine, it will only get better with time

>> No.57617786


Stake only 30% of your holdings


High 3 figs for ICP is like a dream... I will obviously sell everything at this price.
I wont regret.

>> No.57617991

that would be like a 2 year bull market, sounds too good to be true.

1100 is a good amount to stake, gets you about half a pee per day. but i'd try to have more than 100 to trade with.

>> No.57618157

Its a good plan for your holdings. The return on your 1100 over time will be totally worth it as you get age bonus to stack with the dissolve delay bonus. I'm holding a lot more liquid but I've got 1500 locked to ensure I don't fuck myself long term. Never in my life have I thought of locking funds like this long term was a good bet until ICP.

>> No.57618467

Your right

Why only 30%?

I’d love to but I’m out of cash, I threw all my savings at it in the $5 range when I realized it was mooning, all the rest I bought as my Christmas bonus checks hit.

I’d like to have enough that when next bull run hits I can stop working and live of the staking rewards

>> No.57618491

What's the yield like if you're locking for a year or so?

>> No.57618508

>I’d like to have enough that when next bull run hits I can stop working and live of the staking rewards
If we're right about ICP that's definitely a likely outcome.

>> No.57618557

Stake 1k, that's about 0.5 per day which will be more than enough to live comfortably once it hits high 3 digits or low 4 digits this bull run. Even if it dumps back down to, say, $200 you've still got rent money taken care of during the bear (unless you live in California or NYC or some shit). Keep the rest liquid and dump on reddit at the top.

>> No.57618734

This is stupid af

You take 1k, max delay max voting ur making your 0.5 per day, that's 180 in a year. You're down 820 this year.

OR, you don't stake it, instead you hold and dump it all at 1-2k within the same year and buy back in 2026 at 200... you've 10xed you icp... THEN stake your shit lol

Then again none of us will care due to millionaire status but still, efficiency efficiency efficiency

>> No.57618771

that's like 9%
Which is pretty decent desu if you have lots of pees.
30% because you better sell euphoria and buy back the dip.

>> No.57618788


People think that it's hard to sell the top or near the top but the only thing that you have to do is see biz/reddit euphoria.

The moment redditors tells you that it is the new internet, you better get out.

>> No.57618811

I have 1300 ICP, but is it bad if I don't stake it? I just want ICP to hit at least $800 so I can sell and live easy. Is that even realistic?

>> No.57618836

>Just perfectly time the top and bottom bro, easy 10x!
Another way to look at it is in less than 3 years you've made back your initial stake in rewards. Then you have free passive income for life. Without risking missing timing on the top/bottom or FOMOing it into some dumb shit and losing it all. If you're the most stoic man in the world and never make dumb decisions then go for it. Otherwise, staking is much less risky.

>> No.57619094

Alright let's say you're wrong and this is the golden bull run all along. You sell at $1k because reddit is talking about it and buying seems to be slowing down.

Uh oh! Now things are picking back up. The price keeps steadily increasing, redditors and normies are using services like OpenChat and bitfinity by the millions to send BTC to their friends and trade ERC-20 shitters.

It just broke $5000. Still not buying back in? Now it's $7k. Finally it tops out and you're still holding USD looking for a re-entry.

The bear is in full swing but it's a minor one this time. ICP still hasn't broken below $2k. 2027 rolls around and the mainstream is beginning to talk about crypto again. Still holding hoping for a gigadump? Nope, you missed it. Now it's climbing to $3k.

Meanwhile, 8 year chads have made millions in rewards doing nothing.

>> No.57619272

Staking it ensures constant ICP inflow and forces you to be patient and ride extreme price fluctuations without selling in a panic. It only would backfire if ICP exploded in price within a few months then crashed without recovery before you had much rewards to dump. If there's constant growth and the price really goes to say $1000 or whatever then it'll be the best way to profit off your stack. If you didn't have it locked there's virtually nobody that's going to hold to that price point. Most would be selling at $50 or $100. Those with it locked will sell the whole way up and still be earning for years at those insane prices (provided ICP held a high price long term).

>> No.57619339


Even if it's the golden bull run we will still see -60/-80% dump if btc do a 5x from here.

Check the numbers of nodes and data centers/subnets. ICP is very far from being capable to run the entire earth by itself. It's the best tech but still on going.

Remember when only 3k people broke the NNS last year with SNS1 release ? It will happen again if we see millions of people coming. What dom want to build will take years, hence that is why ICP has a 20 yo roadmap. Also don't forget that the team will run low in cash around 2025, that's what Jan told on dfinity forum last year, so even the team will sell.

The golden bull run for ICP is not this one but during the next decade.

>> No.57619909

I must agree, icp is so primed to pump.
Now to business... What the hell is the suicide and make it stacks? No one will give me a proper answer!?!

>> No.57619918

10000 sui
100000 make it
Remember ICP supply is infinite

>> No.57619921


>> No.57619934

Absolute horse shit. My data shows that $1000 per icp 2025 is set in stone newfag.

>> No.57619943

Lmao check the infinite supply cunt

>> No.57619944

wake me up when btc 150$. while waiting that, im just going to jump into bitcoin ecosystem with satoshisync lmao.

>> No.57619977

Just like ETH then. I guess I'd best just sell my pees

>> No.57619989

is this a joke or something ? what's ur entry price

>> No.57620099

Are you guys unironically retarded? ICP? Seriously?

>> No.57620163

I've been all in icp since just under $3. I have 5700 icp and I won't sell a single pee until $1000 next year.
Surely you understand why icp will be number 2 or 3 by next year, right?!

>> No.57620388

Always was, always will be.

>> No.57620403
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, F45YLr5XoAAMNBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw BTC get rejected again

>> No.57620419

You should actually get into BtcFi ain't even joking

>> No.57620422

BTC isn't going to 150k

>> No.57620682

>I’m planning to stake 1100
this is actually the exact amount that i have in my 8YG. its only 1/3 of my stack though so im not taking as much risk as you.

>> No.57620791

>the team will run low in cash around 2025, that's what Jan told on dfinity forum last year
source on this? i thought i remembered dom saying they had like 10 years of runway.

>> No.57620814

I have 6k locked in an 8 year non dissolving neuron. I have over 20 DKP though but will not even think about selling until a 5x

>> No.57620823

FP BP checked!!
Based stake king Chad!
>green text you're so based!!
Downtrodden fuddies, BULLISH!
Chek stake king giga Chad!!
gets the rope, lmfao!
Based and redpilled!
Basic analysis anon!!
$200 is FUD! BULLISH!
>inflation F0D
Go back!
Checked 88!!
kek wills you to stake be a based Chad!
Seller FUD bullish!
Giga based giga Chad take!
>-80% FUD
So hecking primed to pump!!
>Le super high amounts to make it fud
Heckin CHECKED!!
>green text you're so based!

>> No.57620824

also if you want to actually lock yourself in stake with your ledger as your controlling wallet not your NNS, that way you cant sell it and are absolutely locked in no matter what.

>> No.57620849

>e infinite supply FUD
you're supposed to burn your ICP, lmfao!
>BTC $150
probably right!!
FUD, no checked not based anon!
Lmao always do the opposite of what biz says, bullish!!
Mega based giga Chad!
>Checked and based!!
Lmao Bobo is a great meme anon!
This is a ICP thread, go back not based anon!
Heck yeah anon that's gonna be ICP at $150k!
Fucking based stake king Chad! You deserve a gold you're so based for staking!!

We're all about to make it ICP chads!!! Based and blesed thread!

>> No.57620866

iCP 2349 dollars EOY!! Kek wills it!

>> No.57620875

FUCKIN CHECKED kek wills it!
Captcha 100XICP omg kek wills it!

>> No.57620914
File: 61 KB, 1013x326, Capture d'écran 2024-02-15 223530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you think dom and the foundation won't sell heavily at 3-4 figs you are absolutely never gonna make it.

0.12% of the holders own 78% of the supply.
45% of the supply is not trackable meaning that it is sitting liquid or inside shitcoins to dump.

>> No.57620939

FUD, bullish!
>go back to the ICP forums to look for more fud fudder!

*Leonidas voice*

>> No.57620956

Reminder that ETH went from <10 in 2016 to over 1k in Jan 2018. And ICP has way better tech. Even Vitalik was impressed by what Dfinity is building. We are early.

>> No.57620963


And it dumped 90% afterwards.

Don't be the last one to sell anon.

>> No.57620973

Best tech checked kek!
BtW it's pronounced gif not jif, the g stands for graphics you dumbasses

>> No.57620977

You realize they won't have to sell as much to fund their org as the price keeps going up and up. You think they're going to dump more than they need for operation? Why would they?

>> No.57620987

First checked you!
Y u no checked me?? ICP bro??

>> No.57621014


Because you really think that only 200 people working for Dfinity are enough to fulfill the world computer dream of dom ?

They need lots of documentations for motokos, more engineers and researchers.

If we see a huge spike of 100x+ they will sell lots of coins to counter a potential second crypto winter.

>> No.57621112

>If you think dom and the foundation won't sell heavily at 3-4 figs
thats not what i said nigger, obviously everyone is looking to sell at a high price.

>> No.57621165

This anon understands. ICP isn't some ponzi where we giga dump on retail. Retail is more oil for the fire. Mass adoption is what will drive ICP higher.